Nello, le capacità espressive e dialettiche di Gano gli permettono di presentare sempre scenari verosimili e compatibili con la sua view.
Però,,,,se uno cerca con più accuratezza fra le notizie scopre ad esempio che Trump non parla solo di arsenale nucleare (così meno costoso dell'apparato convenzionale) ma anche di più navi, più uomini, più presenza sugli scenari di tensione:
curiosamente, anche il cronista australiano nota che:
While the South China Sea remains one of the world’s most tense geopolitical regions, the celebrity billionaire was careful to keep his remarks on it to a minimum in the lead-up to the US election.
In realtà già a settembre Trump diceva che:
Trump unveils plan to boost US military
Published September 07, 2016
Donald Trump unveiled his plan Wednesday for boosting defense spending and rebuilding the military, while calling for a new strategy to defeat the Islamic State, as part of a renewed focus by his campaign on national security.
For his own military policy, he outlined a number of proposals, including:
- Asking military generals to present a plan within 30 days to defeat and destroy ISIS, immediately after taking office
- Asking Congress to eliminate the defense sequester
- Building an active Army of about 540,000
- Building a Marine Corps based on 36 battalions
- Building a Navy nearing 350 surface ships and submarines
- Building an Air Force of at least 1,200 fighter aircraft
- A new "state-of-the-art" missile defense system
Trump said that the increase in spending would come from cuts in waste and streamlining bureaucracy.