Psichiatri Per i Marines A Guantanamo


  By: BERNARD on Sabato 06 Aprile 2002 02:45

Sarebbe interessante se qualcuno che si occupa di questi temi inerenti la psicologia militare magari postasse qualcosa sulla preparazione mentale dei "Top Gun". Dovrebbe essere utile anche ai traders... Qualcuno ha del materiale?

Psichiatri Per i Marines A Guantanamo - gzibordi  

  By: GZ on Sabato 06 Aprile 2002 00:57

I marines a Guantanamo ricevono ora assistenza psichiatrica Per ragioni politiche si da un trattamento preferenziale ai terroristi di alqeda detenuti (pasti caldi mentre i marines mangiano le razioni regolari, docce mentre i marines in attesa di costruirne altre usano idranti ecc...) Allo stesso tempo ricevono insulti e sputi a cui non possono reagire per paura di quello che possono dire i media. La soluzione ? Degli psichiatri per evitare che qualcuno dei marines faccia qualche gesto inconsulto --------------------------------------------------------- Thursday, April 4, 2002 Servicemen Furious at Coddling of Terrorists American servicemen at Guantanamo Bay are so angry about the superior treatment given to the terrorist detainees that the military is sending in shrinks to try to prevent explosions of "inexplicable rage." In fact, the Miami Herald reported today, the Muslim detainees: "had two hot meals a day plus a cold lunch while the Marines and Army Military Police were eating field rations" from plastic packages. enjoyed showers weeks earlier than the Americans, who had to make do with a garden hose. scream at, spit on and hurl water at the servicemen, who are "working nearly nonstop." "They did those atrocities to us, and we're treating them like royalty," fumed Marine Lance Cpl. Nathan Howell. "This has been a tough thing for some people to swallow emotionally," said Navy Cmdr. Jamie Carroll, the head nurse treating the captives. The Pentagon is suddenly concerned that the servicemen might "later explode with seemingly inexplicable rage - at their work or their families," the Herald reported. The attempt at a solution: A special Navy psychiatric team is counseling and debriefing each of the estimated 1,000 Marines, soldiers and sailors at the compound. "Many of them feel the detainees are being treated better than they are," said Cmdr. Karen Daly, a Navy psychiatrist and officer in charge of the Special Psychiatric Rapid Intervention Team, which has begun making rounds.