Re: Fotovoltaico, auto elettriche e autonome, eolico

Re: Re: Fotovoltaico, auto elettriche e autonome, eolico  

  By: XTOL on Martedì 22 Agosto 2023 15:42

sì sì, il 2029

intanto riciclati queste


Re: Re: Fotovoltaico, auto elettriche e autonome, eolico  

  By: lmwillys1 on Martedì 22 Agosto 2023 13:28

riciclo al 99%, AGI 2025, singolarità tecnologica 2029

volatili per diabetici per voi cari imbecillissimi libertari liberisti liberabili ecc. ecc. in una sola parola coglioni


 Last edited by: lmwillys1 on Martedì 22 Agosto 2023 15:43, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Re: Fotovoltaico, auto elettriche e autonome, eolico  

  By: XTOL on Venerdì 18 Agosto 2023 23:01

"parlando di Cina ...  nessuna nazione al mondo installa tante rinnovabili, sperimenta più sistemi di accumulo innovativi o ha fatto crescere l’industria di turbine eoliche, pannelli FV,  auto elettriche e batterie quanto il colosso asiatico"


famose 'na risata, va, che è meglio:

il capitalismo cinese, quello che piace tanto a u.i.llie e hobi


 Last edited by: XTOL on Venerdì 18 Agosto 2023 23:03, edited 2 times in total.

Re: Re: Fotovoltaico, auto elettriche e autonome, eolico  

  By: lmwillys1 on Venerdì 11 Agosto 2023 10:24

' ... parlando di Cina ...  nessuna nazione al mondo installa tante rinnovabili, sperimenta più sistemi di accumulo innovativi o ha fatto crescere l’industria di turbine eoliche, pannelli FV,  auto elettriche e batterie quanto il colosso asiatico..... utte le fonti elettriche cinesi senza CO2 hanno raggiunto adesso i 1.330 GW, superando l’obbiettivo, fissato per il 2025, di coprire più della metà della potenza del parco generativo ....


nessun umano del pianeta inquina più di uno yankee tipo la stronza dell'articolo qui sotto tradotto dall'imbecille

 Last edited by: lmwillys1 on Venerdì 11 Agosto 2023 10:33, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Re: Fotovoltaico, auto elettriche e autonome, eolico  

  By: gip on Venerdì 11 Agosto 2023 09:40

Pechino ha rigettato "l’impostura Clima"

"La Cina ha ripetutamente affermato di non avere alcuna intenzione di assecondare la spinta occidentale verso lo zero netto."

I veicoli elettrici non sono privi di emissioni, perché hanno bisogno di elettricità per caricarli e la generazione di elettricità crea emissioni.

Tutti questi costi non comporteranno alcuna riduzione delle emissioni globali. L’EPA ha l’America sulla strada di tutto il dolore e nessun guadagno.

È stata una brutta settimana per chiunque pensasse che la Cina avrebbe collaborato alla riduzione delle emissioni. Il presidente Xi Jinping ha ribadito che il suo Paese avrebbe impostato la propria strada sulla questione e non sarebbe stato influenzato da fattori esterni, secondo il Washington Post e Bloomberg . Ciò contraddice l’impegno dell’accordo di Parigi del 2015 di Xi a ridurre le sue emissioni di carbonio al più tardi dopo il 2030.

Re: Re: Fotovoltaico, auto elettriche e autonome, eolico  

  By: lmwillys1 on Giovedì 10 Agosto 2023 14:31

armstrong scrive da 20 anni che pechino nel 2030 sarà la prossima capitale finanziaria 


.... e come al solito non ha capito un cazzo ....





immagazzinare energia elettrica non è un problema pazzesco, bastano un pò de serci cha vanno su e giù


 Last edited by: lmwillys1 on Giovedì 10 Agosto 2023 14:44, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Re: Fotovoltaico, auto elettriche e autonome, eolico  

  By: XTOL on Giovedì 10 Agosto 2023 13:57

la Cina è la guida del pianeta


ma cosa credi di aver scoperto?

armstrong scrive da 20 anni che pechino nel 2030 sarà la prossima capitale finanziaria 

ridimensionato il tuo insensato ego, tutt'altra faccenda è essere la guida... la guida de che? del totalitarismo? allegria! son soddisfazioni!

 Last edited by: XTOL on Giovedì 10 Agosto 2023 13:58, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Re: Fotovoltaico, auto elettriche e autonome, eolico  

  By: Pestilenza on Giovedì 10 Agosto 2023 13:46

Povero uilli sai che non so chi compatire di piu fra te e pana?

 "...quanti avevano ricevuto il marchio della bestia e ne avevano adorato la statua furono uccisi e tutti gli uccelli si saziarono delle loro carni..."

Re: Re: Fotovoltaico, auto elettriche e autonome, eolico  

  By: lmwillys1 on Giovedì 10 Agosto 2023 12:12

certo che ... come dire ... io scrivo 

la Cina è la guida del pianeta, nel mondo decide la Cina, si fa quello che vuole la Cina

non è un concetto complicatissimo'


il primo genio pestilenza commenta

'Se credessi anche solo per un secondo a questa affermazione andrei immediatamente a tirarmi giù da un ponte.'


il secondo genio XTOLT

'è la solita vecchia, noiosa, stupida storia: prima l'urss era la stella di riferimento dei coglioni, adesso la cina... poveretti, hanno sempre bisogno di credere a qualche favoletta...'


non so ... tanto per dire  ...


chi cazzo produce più o meno 3/4 di tutti i pannelli solari nel mondo ?

la Cina


chi cazzo produce più o meno 3/4 di tutte le batterie nel mondo ?

la Cina


chi cazzo produce più o meno 3/4 di tutte le auto elettriche nel mondo ?

la Cina


chi cazzo gestisce più o meno 3/4 delle risorse necessarie a questa rivoluzione green attualmente disponibili nel mondo ?

la Cina


chi cazzo è il massimo produttore ed esportatore di fossili del pianeta e lo è diventato investendoci fantastiliardi di dollari ?

gli usa


ora è evidente che gli usa stanno invertendo ad U la loro strategia economica rinnegando tutto quanto imposto con la violenza da un secolo e fatto a casa propria da un ventennio e l'intero pianeta corre dietro a quanto la Cina ha imposto a se stessa e di conseguenza agli altri , l'intero pianeta in ginocchio a pregare i cinesi 'te supplico investite da noi'  (vabbé tutto il pianeta yankees e decerebrate nane del cazzo esclusi)....  però voi due coglioni che nella vita al massimo avrete trattato il prezzo di un etto di mortadella dal salumiere venite a fare dello spirito non capendo assolutamente una minchia di un enormissimo cazzo di nulla


che altro dire ... gnente .... un comprensivo silenzio per la vostra drammatica patetica realtà

 Last edited by: lmwillys1 on Giovedì 10 Agosto 2023 12:18, edited 3 times in total.

Re: Re: Fotovoltaico, auto elettriche e autonome, eolico  

  By: Pestilenza on Giovedì 10 Agosto 2023 11:05

Secondo me non solo il forum...


 "...quanti avevano ricevuto il marchio della bestia e ne avevano adorato la statua furono uccisi e tutti gli uccelli si saziarono delle loro carni..."

Re: Re: Fotovoltaico, auto elettriche e autonome, eolico  

  By: XTOL on Giovedì 10 Agosto 2023 07:56

tanto ormai il forum è defunto


su questo concordo, a me preme solo cancellare l'imbecillità della spampina

Re: Re: Fotovoltaico, auto elettriche e autonome, eolico  

  By: XTOL on Giovedì 10 Agosto 2023 07:55

It’s not primarily because green laws got on ‘our side’ either.

ICE vehicles are virtually banned from 2035 in numerous jurisdictions

It’s almost as if legacy auto have been pretending that we’re not globally trying to solve climate change.

nobody will be buying ICEs five years before they are virtually banned

Re: Re: Fotovoltaico, auto elettriche e autonome, eolico  

  By: lmwillys1 on Giovedì 10 Agosto 2023 07:50

lo so che vuoi l'esclusiva di ogni thread, vuoi continuare a lordare ogni thread con le tue immonde sesquipedali cazzate possibilmente senza fastidi


fai pure, tanto ormai il forum è defunto

Re: Re: Fotovoltaico, auto elettriche e autonome, eolico  

  By: XTOL on Giovedì 10 Agosto 2023 07:39

se non occupi l'intera pagina va bene lo stesso, eh

Re: Re: Fotovoltaico, auto elettriche e autonome, eolico  

  By: lmwillys1 on Giovedì 10 Agosto 2023 07:31

Legacy auto are now locked into near bankruptcy. ‘Naïve green dreamers’? We were right all along.


Written by Paul Pallaghy, PhD


PhD physicist / AI engineer into GPT, startups, EVs, green energy, space, physics, biomed, global good, futurism | Founder Pretzel Technologies, Melbourne AU


·Aug 1


It’s all starting to happen exactly as Tesla and ReThinkX’s Tony Seba have predicted for . . a full decade.

It’s not primarily because green laws got on ‘our side’ either.

It’s because, as we predicted, EVs actually became cheaper than ICE cars, and were demonstrably better, in numerous ways . . from day one.

It actually happened. It’s why the Model Y is the world’s best selling car presently.

Will consumers really still be buying significant quantities of ICE vehicles in the early 2030s as companies like GM imply in their attempts to evade green taxes?


In airing these business as usual-style requests, GM has revealed its hand.

In fact it’s a recipe for disaster and indicative of the non-tech non-green non-smart legacy auto mindset.

These guys are marketers and stylists. Not true innovators. They’re making stuff that’s been around for 100 years using almost the same technology as the 1980s.

Companies like Ford and GMMazda and Toyota, VW and Jaguar . . are beginning to admit they can’t make EVs at a profit and are already beginning to give up or begging for special consideration on green taxes designed to hurry the transition.

Mazda and Jaguar have admitted they’re giving up on making mainstream EVs. VW is pulling out of China because it’s EVs aren’t selling there.

GM is begging for less penalties for making too many forecast ICE sales in 2027–2030.

Ford is cutting production rates of EVs because they’re losing too much on . . every, single sale.

Not because there’s a downturn in EV demand.

Evil delusion

And do you all know the Toyota story?

It’s old news.

How they’ve been actively attacking and fighting against the EV industry? Their CEO was sacked last year but their new one is not much better vision-wise. And wasting efforts on doomed hydrogen approaches and still ‘innovating’ on ICE cars (LOL).

Despite being the so-called leader of the auto industry they’ve been caught napping and are utterly doomed.

If you don’t create an EV platform from scratch you’ll never make a good or affordable EV. Plain and simple.

You won’t make any money. A car company that makes no money is of no use to anyone.

And that’s Toyota’s and most of legacy auto’s predicament.

Despite making good profits this quarter, Toyota has no roadmap to a good future.

When the mainstream hallucinated

It’s almost as if legacy auto have been pretending that we’re not globally trying to solve climate change.

Or that Tesla isn’t really light years ahead.

They believed their own propaganda.

Despite everyone globally knowing that ICE vehicles are virtually banned from 2035 in numerous jurisdictions, these ICE manufacturers are acting as if it’s not true.

The sad joke

The joke is that companies like GM won’t be fined for making too many ICEs in 2030.


Because they, and Toyota, and most other legacy autos, will be almost bankrupt by then.


Because nobody will be buying ICEs five years before they are virtually banned.

Not in volume.


That’s obvious surely.

But the real reason will be that EVs by then will be half the cost of ICEs.

EVs still are being optimised for cheap, efficient manufacture. Because they are new.

Battery tech still has a long way to go.

EVs are fundamentally easier to make anyway. Way less moving parts.

It’s just that legacy auto is 5–10 years behind and have missed the boat. They can’t make good EVs cheaply. Not perhaps for another 5 years. But by then their sales of any sort will have collapsed.

The idea that legacy auto have the manufacturing expertise?

That’s wrong for four reasons:

  1. Legacy auto have not innovated on manufacturing for decades. Tesla & BYD have. Hence Tesla’s high margins.
  2. EVs are different. There’s drivetrain, battery & software. Tesla and BYD are on this. Model Y is a 25–49% more efficient user of electricity than its SUV EV competitors. It clearly takes time to catch up. Legacy auto is 5 years behind on EV tech despite releasing (mostly poorly selling) EVs.
  3. Legacy auto is not vertically integrated. Tesla and BYD are. Hence Tesla’s high margins.
  4. And autonomy is slanted towards EVs for good reason. It’s easy to imagine recharging autonomously. Filling up on gas autonomously? Not so much. Besides Tesla is light years ahead on a drive-anywhere, cheap, camera-only approach to FSD. The latest FSD beta 11.4.6 is awesome.

And Tesla is not standing still either.

Anyone who thinks Tesla will stand on its laurels while GM and Toyota catches up? That’s more deluded than a flat earth convention.

EVs are already much cheaper to ‘fill’ and maintain.

And by 2030 they’ll all likely be autonomous as well.

The irony

The joke is that legacy auto does not need to worry about facing large fines in 2030 for making too many ICEs.

Because they won’t exist.

Not in any high level capacity.

Toyota and GM will be gone. Or makers of less than one or two million cars a year.

By 2030 around 80% of car sales will be EVs. Not 30% like ‘experts’ predict.

Only people deluded by anti-green rhetoric, or by legacy auto marketing campaigns will be silly enough to buy ICE vehicles by then.

Truth be told, anyone buying a new ICE now? Not very smart.

We all love a purring Jaguar, and there will be exceptions for hobby use of these forever. (Likely with a crazy huge tax on gas I suspect).

But the idea that ICEs will still be mainstream by say 2033?

That’s a joke.

A lie.

A fiat earth level conspiracy theory.

Tesla killers

Everyone believed the nitwit experts predicting that ‘the competition’ is coming.

The Tesla killers.

There are no Tesla killers coming. And certainly not from legacy auto!

There are instead Tesla copycats that will together with Tesla steal more market from traditional ICE manufacturers.

Blind ‘experts’

What is it called when the mainstream are so wrong that they’re the ones going bankrupt while the impractical dreamers . . power on?

Well, I call it justice for having integrity.

Yet we still have hopelessly misguided ‘experts’ predicting that auto manufacturers will still be manufacturing large quantities of ICE vehicles in the 2030s.

This is laughable.

And I mean ROTFL.

Tears in the eyes.

Alleged ‘experts’ like Morgan ‘moron’ Stanley are stupidly predicting that EV sales will only represent 25% of US sales by 2030.

I almost have tears of laughter in my eyes.

How can they say this with a straight face? They are true morons. Sorry.

Three-quarters of Americans still buying ICEs, five years before they are banned in numerous jurisdictions? I ask you.

Surveys show that over half of Americans are likely to make an EV their very next car purchase. Right now!

What is driving these analysts to clearly stupid conclusions? We’ve all seen the internet and cell phone revolutions. When will they realize we’re in a vehicle platform paradigm shift?

What will it take?

Forget the laughing.

I’m crying for these deluded analysts.

But I shouldn’t care about them. They are pandering to completely evil forces in the media and Wall Street and politics. Quite evil, lying forces.

Adoption to 100%

EV sales are globally already at 18% now and adoption is growing at 40% a year, right now.

The point is that’s now.

What happens when very high quality cheap EVs from TeslaBYD and Korea hit the market in 2026 in quantity? I mean half-price EVs still made at high margins?

It is the end of life as we know it for legacy auto.

They do not have time to catch up to Tesla and BYD’s technological capability at EVs and in manufacturing itself.

While everyone laughed at Tesla’s panel gaps a few years ago, they stealthily became the kings of manufacturing efficiency and excellence. And quality.

They have the highest margins for a large manufacturer in the industry.

And the safest vehicles on the planet.

Truth tellers

Tesla and Rivian, and proponents of EVs like this channel, have been mocked for being impractical dreamers for a full decade.

But everything we said since 2012 was always 100% true and bankable.

We tried to explain it and got sidelined by idiotic mainstream auto and analysts in the media and Wall Street.

I’m a very compassionate person.

But I feel little empathy for the highly mean and stupid players in the auto, financial and media industries that tried to use their power to defeat the truth of physics and true economics and business sense.

Not to mention environmental altruism and necessity.




Biden's carbon proposal is unworkable, US power sector warns

By  and 

August 9, 20239:42 AM GMT+2Updated a day ago




This undated handout image shows the carbon sequesterization unit at American Electric Power Company's Mountaineer Plant near New Haven, West Virginia. REUTERS/Tom Dubanowich/Handout /File Photo

Aug 8 (Reuters) - U.S. power plant owners warned the Biden administration on Tuesday that its sweeping plan to slash carbon emissions from the electricity sector is unworkable, relying too heavily on costly technologies that are not yet proven at scale.

Top utility trade group the Edison Electric Institute (EEI) asked the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for revisions of the proposed power plant standards, which hinge on the widespread commercial availability of carbon capture and storage (CCS) and low-emissions green hydrogen, adding the agency's vision was "not legally or technically sound."

"Electric companies are not confident that the new technologies EPA has designated to serve as the basis for proposed standards for new and existing fossil-based generation will satisfy performance and cost requirements on the timelines that EPA projects," EEI said in a public comment released on Tuesday on the agency's deadline for feedback.

Resistance from the EEI and other energy-related groups poses a potentially big challenge to the administration's climate agenda.

U.S. President Joe Biden has a goal to achieve net-zero emissions by 2035 in the power sector, the source of a quarter of the nation's climate-warming gases. That target is a central part of Washington's pledge to halve U.S. greenhouse gas output by 2030 as part of an international agreement to fight global climate change.

Proposed in May, the EPA plan would for the first time limit how much carbon dioxide power plants can emit, after previous efforts were struck down in court.

West Virginia, which led a lawsuit against the Obama-era Clean Power Plan, also said it and 20 other states were opposed to the rule because the standards would leave coal plant operators with no choice but to close.

The proposed limits for both new and existing power plants assume availability of CCS technology that can siphon the CO2 from a plant’s smokestack before it reaches the atmosphere, or the use of hydrogen as a fuel. The EPA said that last year's passage of the Inflation Reduction Act, which subsidizes those technologies, makes them cost-effective and viable.

Environmental groups Clean Air Task Force and Natural Resources Defense Council said the proposal "provides generous lead times for implementation and compliance and will not cause reliability problems if finalized."

Industry is particularly concerned about proposed standards for existing natural gas power plants, saying those facilities would be hard to retrofit with CCS, or hydrogen, due to space constraints and other limitations.

The biggest U.S. power grid operator, PJM Interconnection, and three other operators, serving a total of 154 million customers, raised concern about a scenario where "needed technologies are not widely commercialized in time to balance out large amounts of retirements" of dispatchable generation.

The grid operators, in a joint statement, urged the EPA not to adopt the plan before thoroughly looking into its impact on the reliability of electric grids, flagging its "chilling impact" on investment to maintain existing dispatchable units.

The EPA's plan would require large existing gas-fired plants that run at least 50% of the time to install carbon capture by 2035, or co-fire with 30% hydrogen by 2032. EEI asked the agency to "repropose or significantly supplement" the proposed rules for existing gas plants.

One investor-owned utility, Baltimore-based Constellation (CEG.O), distanced itself from EEI's position and said it supported the EPA's proposed guidelines. The company said, however, that it was seeking improvements to the rule.

The National Rural Electric Cooperative Association, which represents 900 member-owned electric utilities, asked the EPA to withdraw the proposed rule, saying it would compromise reliability and affordability, said CEO Jim Matheson.

Labor unions, the United Mine Workers of America and the International Brotherhood of Electricity Workers, also called on the EPA to redo the rule and criticized its reliance on CCS, saying it puts jobs at risk.

The EPA's proposal had been crafted to reflect constraints the Supreme Court imposed on the agency last year after it ruled that the Obama era's Clean Power Plan went too far by imposing a system-wide shift from fossil fuels to renewable energy.


Reporting by Nichola Groom in Los Angeles and Valerie Volcovici in Washington, additional reporting by Deep Vakil in Bengaluru Editing by Marguerita Choy and Matthew Lewis