By: blizzard on Giovedì 13 Novembre 2003 15:07
Udite,udite..ecco perchè Bush ha detto ieri l'altro di temere per la propria incolumità!
Bush and Cheney -- Crisis Before the Ides of December, 2003? by Jim Shawvan
On Sunday, Oct. 12, 2003, I took part in a panel discussion titled "Political Future: USA and the World" at the ISAR Conference in Anaheim, California. ISAR is the International Society for Astrological Research, and their web site is -- on which site you can find two highly technical articles by Marguerite Dar Boggia (written in about 2001) regarding the stress that George W. Bush will be under in October and November of 2003. In preparation for the panel, I had reread these articles, and they had aroused my curiosity. I decided to look at Cheney's chart as well as Bush's.
As a panelist, I had just three minutes to show the audience of about four hundred astrologers that there is a serious possibility that Cheney might become president around Dec. 10, 2003, give or take a few days. Of course, there are other possible interpretations of the data, but both Cheney's chart and Bush's chart are lit up like neon signs during that period, most intensely around that date.
After three minutes were up, when I still had an alternate interpretation to offer, the audience demanded to hear it, much to my surprise. I offered as an alternate possibility that "Cheney might die at that time, leaving Bush without anyone to tell him what to do -- for about five minutes, until Wolfowitz comes over and knocks on his door."
Since then, I have become aware of an article on which suggests yet another possibility -- namely that Cheney might be forced to resign, as Agnew was forced to do during the Nixon administration. Michael C. Ruppert, the author, believes that the CIA has already decided to get both Bush and Cheney out of office. Time will tell whether he's right.