

  By: beppe on Giovedì 29 Novembre 2001 19:03

Però....quasi quasi a 4,1$ sembra ok. Ormai non ci sono più venditori ... Ora il rischio mi sembra accettabile. Beppe


  By: Bergman on Giovedì 29 Novembre 2001 18:27

Enron e' pure fuori da tutti gli indici da domani...


  By: Condor on Giovedì 29 Novembre 2001 18:19

oggi ENron cessera l'attivita' nella maggior parte delle sue sussidiarie e filiali..anche estere


  By: fabrizio maiocco on Giovedì 29 Novembre 2001 18:05

a dire la verità ne ho comprate ancora. vedremo. La storia mi sembra avvincente. Forse gli interessi in ballo sono troppo grandi per mandare tutto a put..... Eppure ieri qualcuno (solo 350.000.000 di azioni) ha comprato. Oppure sono tutte state ammassate in parcheggio presso la montetitoli americana? DYN non è interessata a ene ma è interessata alla pipeline, che starno. e quei poveretti delle banche che hanno già imprestato solo 1500 mln di dollari tutti cornuti e mazziati. Può essere senz'altro può essere......


  By: pana on Mercoledì 28 Novembre 2001 23:51

sul www.enron.com non trovo le trimestrali 2001 vorrei sapere debiti , fatturaati.. ETC..ETC..avete qualche dato recente?

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  By: Bergman on Mercoledì 28 Novembre 2001 23:39

E' il solito maledetto discorso: se e' cheap una ragione ci dovra' essere. Visto che (magari) 6 volte su 10 si fa l'affare si tende a dimenticare cosa succede nelle altre 4 volte. Io mi auguro per Maiocco che abbia messo poche lirette su Enron... una sorta di acquisto di opzioni alla vivaddio... Se ha preso il titolo non c'e' stato spazio per gli stop - il titolo e' "saltato" a meno che abbia chiuso IERI. In bocca al lupo!


  By: MEC on Mercoledì 28 Novembre 2001 23:18

In tutta questa (SPIACEVOLE) faccenda si nota la grande professionalità di Zibordi perchè se andate a vedere le 5 (5 !!!!) pagine di forum che il titolo ENE ha raccolto si capisce che Zibo aveva detto di starne alla larga almeno fino al setup dei nove giorni: a quel punto egli avrebbe deciso il dafarsi.... E non con il "senno del poi" perchè quello che si legge ha una data ben precisa, anzi diverse date perchè in ogni suo intervento ,oltretutto corredati di articoli in inglese, si leggono i dubbi sui possibili sviluppi futuri della società e disastri finanziari. Detto ciò spero che Fabrizio abbia messo lo stop che diceva per cui può dormire tranquillo. Ciao


  By: Bergman on Mercoledì 28 Novembre 2001 22:41

Alfred guarda che e' stata detta una verita' profonda di mercato! Infatti maiocco ha comprato. A detta sua.


  By: Missing5 on Mercoledì 28 Novembre 2001 20:14

> se qualcuno vende qualcun'altro compra. E bravo Maiocco! Per la serie "le ultime parole famose".


  By: Bergman on Mercoledì 28 Novembre 2001 20:04

Dynegy abandons Enron deal Shares of energy trader fall near $1 as rating cut to junk By Lisa Sanders, CBS.MarketWatch.com Last Update: 12:47 PM ET Nov. 28, 2001 HOUSTON (CBS.MW) -- Enron shares collapsed Wednesday after Dynegy abandoned plans to buy the largest U.S. energy trader and Standard & Poor's and Moody's cut their credit ratings on the company to junk bond status. FRONT PAGE NEWS Buyers shy, U.S. shares decline Alliance rejects outside security; CIA officer killed New York Times enters bidding for Red Sox Intel takes tech spotlight Mobile phone stocks under pressure after Nokia Sign up to receive FREE e-newsletters: Get the latest news 24 hours a day from our 100-person news team. Enron shares (ENE: news, chart, profile) were last trading a little above $1, having lost as much as 75 percent of their value on the day. More than 167 million Enron shares had changed hands by midday. Dynegy shares (DYN: news, chart, profile) were down 10 percent at $36.81. Trading in both companies was halted, pending an announcement. A person familiar with the situation said Enron also turned off its flagship Enron Online trading platform and told employees that Dynegy had walked away from the deal. Through the EnronOnline platform, the company once bought and sold commodities at volumes totaling about $3 billion a day. Analysts said the next step for Enron would likely be a bankruptcy filing. Officials at both companies could not be reached for comment. "Chapter 11 is not the worst of all worlds by any means," said John Olson, a Houston energy analyst. "The key to salvaging the business is the level of debtor-in-possession financing they can get to allow them to trade in some realistic fashion." DIP financing takes precedence over all other claims, he said. "The equity people are now at the very bottom of the barrel, and the only people lower than them are (the people who filed) the stockholder suits," Olson said. In a note to clients, analyst Michael Heim at A.G. Edwards said that Enron, without Dynegy, has "no value." "Enron...will most likely be declared bankrupt shortly," Heim said. "Unlike other bankruptcies in which a stock continues to trade at a low price, there are no hard assets to salvage." Ahead of this news, S&P cut Enron's rating to B-minus, or junk status, from BBB-minus, which is the lowest investment-grade rating. The rating agency said that the move reflects "concerns about the viability of the merger agreement with Dynegy and liquidity implications of the possible failure of that transaction. The ratings are placed on CreditWatch with developing implications." Todd Shipman, the lead Enron analyst at S&P, was not immediately available for comment or were analysts at Moody's Investors Service and Fitch. Dynegy, which had originally offered to buy Enron for $9 billion in stock, confirmed Tuesday that the two companies were discussing a new deal structure, and said ahead of the news Wednesday that discussions were continuing. "I'm not aware of any changes in any status of the merger," Dynegy spokesman John Sousa said before the S&P announcement. The merger agreement, as it now stands, contains a material adverse affect clause that, if triggered, would allow Dynegy to walk away from the deal. The decline in Enron's stock price and information contained in the company's 10-Q filing of Nov. 19 could had activated the clause, but Olson said the S&P downgrade clearly fit the description of a material adverse affect. See story on 10-Q filing. Also Wednesday, UBS Warburg and RBC Capital cut their ratings on Enron to "hold" from "strong buy," and from "strong buy" to "buy-speculative." Lisa Sanders is a Dallas-based reporter for CBS.MarketWatch.com.


  By: gldm on Mercoledì 28 Novembre 2001 20:00

Enron su orlo collasso, scambi sospesi dopo -73% 28/11/2001 18:44 NEW YORK, 28 novembre (Reuters) - Il gruppo per il trading energetico Enron Corp. è sull'orlo del precipizio e potrebbe diventare il più grande gruppo statunitense a fare fallimento, dal momento che il salvataggio ad opera del rivale Dynegy Inc. sembra destinato a morire. Le azioni della società hanno perso la maggior parte del proprio valore, mentre Standard & Poor's e Moody's ha ridotto il ratind dei bond emessi dal gruppo energetico al livello di 'junk bond'. S&P ha motivato la scelta dicendo di aver perso fiducia nella capacità della Enron di completare la fusione con Dynegy e ha aggiunto che la bancarotta è una "chiara possibilità", se il merger fallirà. Le azioni di Enron sono calate di 3,04 dlr, il 73,4%, a 1,10 dollari. Il titolo aveva toccato la vetta di 90,56 nell'agosto 2000. Intonro alle 18,30 il Nyse ha sospeso gli scambi sia su Enron che su Dynegy in attesa di comunicazioni.


  By: Bergman on Mercoledì 28 Novembre 2001 19:18

CONFERMATE ENRON last 1.26 17:06 28Nov2001 UPDATE 2-Enron hovers on brink of collapse (Recasts first paragraph, adds trading on EnronOnline halted) By Carolyn Koo NEW YORK, Nov 28 (Reuters) - Enron Corp. <ENE.N> hovered on the brink of one of the biggest corporate collapses in U.S. history on Wednesday, as its rescue by rival energy trader Dynegy Inc. <DYN.N> appeared to be on the rocks. Shares of the company, recently ranked among the top 10 by revenues, lost most of their value and the Standard & Poor's credit rating agency slashed its bonds to junk status. Energy traders said operations had stopped at Enron's once highly lucrative online trading system, EnronOnline. The unit accounted for up to 90 percent of Enron's earnings, and was considered the jewel Dynegy sought in its planned $9.3 billion all-stock takeover. Enron shares plunged $3.04, or 73.4 percent, to $1.10. They had traded as high as $84.875 in the past year. The New York Stock Exchange briefly halted trading shortly after 11 a.m. because "sell" orders far outstripped "buy" orders. The stock peaked at $90.56 in August 2000. Earlier Wednesday, Standard & Poor's cut its rating on the humbled energy trading giant's debt to junk status. S&P said it had lost confidence in Enron's ability to complete the merger with Dynegy, and said bankruptcy was a "distinct possibility" if the merger fails. Dynegy on Nov. 9 said it would take over Enron in a deal valued at about $10.41 per Enron share. ChevronTexaco Corp. <CVX.N>, a major Dynegy shareholder, pledged to immediately pump $1.5 billion into Enron to bolster its withering finances. "Rome is burning as we talk and these people better get off the pot," said analyst John Olson of Sanders Morris Harris. "You have a deal with five banks and ChevronTexaco <CVX.N>, and everyone has a different agenda here. And Enron stockholders are apparently not anywhere in the pecking order on this agenda." Representatives of Dynegy and Enron haggled over new terms for the takeover late Tuesday, including a buyout offer half the original price and fervent efforts to secure new financing to stave off a credit downgrade, sources close to the talks said. Andre Meade, a Commerzbank analyst who has been consistently bearish on Enron and the deal, said apparently Enron's core business deteriorated at an increasing pace in recent weeks, and the ratings agencies were looking for a renegotiated deal that would settle Enron's liquidity position. "The numbers were not enough to soothe them," Meade said. "This company should have been downgraded to junk weeks ago. The ratings agencies had given them several weeks, and they just couldn't hold out anymore." Enron's woes led other analysts to cut their stock recommendation. Ronald Barone, an analyst at UBS Warburg, cut his rating to "hold" from "strong buy" on Wednesday, citing "our growing concern that these companies are not getting together in a timely enough manner to hammer out a revised merger agreement." He estimated that the exchange ratio in a new deal will be lowered so significantly from the existing ratio of 0.2685 "that the potential reward for Enron stockholders would be insignificant when compared to the extreme risk if no deal materializes." "Enron shares are falling on doubt about the merger. No announcement has been made. The longer it takes the more questions arise. If they don't get a deal they won't make it," said Fulcrum Global Partners analyst Michael Barbis. ((David Howard Sinkman, New York Newsdesk 646-223-6094)) For Related News, Double Click on one of these codes: [E] [U] [O] [ELN] [NAT] [D] [T] [RNP] [DNP] [PTD] [PCO] [CRD] [PEN] [PCU] [ENR] [MRG] [NGS] [US] [ELG] [USC] [DBT] [STX] [HOT] [LEN] [RTRS] [ENE.N] [DYN.N] [CVX.N] For Relevant Price Information, Double Click on one of these codes: <ENE.N> <DYN.N> <CVX.N> [NEWSYEAR 2000] ENDS A giocare con il fuoco si finisce scottati... SUPER-FUNES VE LO AVEVA DETTO!


  By: lanci on Mercoledì 28 Novembre 2001 19:12

ho le traveggole o anche voi vedete ENE a 1,24 (oggi meno 70%)? bankruptcy declaration? lanci


  By: fabrizio maiocco on Mercoledì 28 Novembre 2001 18:58

se qualcuno vende qualcun'altro compra.


  By: fabrizio maiocco on Mercoledì 28 Novembre 2001 18:56

se qualcuno vende qualcun'altro compra.