i) se Usama Bin Ladin non è morto a Bora Bora riapparirà da qualche parte e la sua ricomparsa sarà un evento clamoroso ii) in Febbraio due milioni di musulmani arrivano alla Mecca per la preghiera annuale del Haj, la più grande concentrazione di fedeli musulmani del mondo e nel cuore dell'Arabia Saudita. iii) l'obiettivo di Usama è sempre stato attaccare l'america e israele come mezzo per diventare un altro Khomenini, un altro leader fondamentalista di un paese arabo e in particolare come mezzo per rovesciare la casa reale saudita. Usama odia i sauditi che lo hanno cacciato a suo tempo e ha sempre dichiarato che il suo obiettivo è liberare l'arabia, il centro dell'Islam (nonchè del petrolio). iii) l'arabia saudita è il centro del potere nel medio oriente, il paese più ricco di petrolio, il più corrotto e doppiogiochista, quello che finanzia i fondamentalisti e i terroristi da una parte e mantiene le basi usa dall'altra. L'arabia sauditi è l'unico che finora ha evitato colpi di stato o rivoluzioni come è accaduto in egitto, iran, iraq, libia, pachistan. iv) Usama è ora il personaggio musulmano PIU' POPOLARE in assoluto tra le masse arabe. E ha mantenuto una rete di AlQaeda in arabia saudita. Se riesce ad apparire nel mezzo di due milioni di fedeli musulmani, alla Mecca, durante la preghiera mondiali dei musulmani, per i molti musulmani sarà un evento miracoloso, apparirà come un profeta, un eroe che nessuno può scaflire e scatenerà l'entusiasmo delle masse arabe. La sua apparizione alla Mecca può essere in grado di far cadere (se non viene subito ucciso subito) Re Feisal e Usama può diventare padrone dell'arabia con una rivoluzione come quella di Khomeini in Iran. Decine di migliaia di musulmani stanno arrivando ora a la Mecca. Se è vivo farà ora il tentativo ------------------ Dr. Jack Wheeler ---------------------------------------------- Osama Bin Ladin is still out there. He had the brains to evade capture, so I am worried what his evil mind is planning next – especially for February. What scares me about February is that, this year, it is the time of the Haj – the annual Moslem pilgrimage to Mecca. It has already begun. Tens of thousands of Moslems are now in Mecca, with their numbers soon to swell to over 2 million. Try that on. Two million Moslems from all over the world at the holy site of their religion's founding, deep in the heart of Saudi Arabia. Talk about Opportunity City for the world's greatest Moslem terrorist. Remember that Osama is from Saudi but he isn't a blood Saudi. His father is from Yemen, and moved to Saudi in 1924. His mother is from Syria. So he has no Saudi blood, and has that resentful hatred of the outsider. Osama doesn't hate America as an end in itself. His root hate is for the Saudi royal family. He hates America for the same reason as did the Ayatollah Khomeini, for its propping up a corrupt regime ruling his country. His ultimate goal is not to destroy America, but to become the Ayatollah Khomeini of Saudi Arabia. There would be no better opportunity to achieve it than during the Haj in Mecca this February. The Haj will continue for the next three weeks, culminating at the Mount Arafat pilgrimage site outside Mecca on Feb. 22. Osama's most-entrenched network is in Saudi, deeply embedded throughout Saudi society. Most of his Sept. 11 hijackers were Saudis. He remains a hero to countless Saudis, and a hero as well to vast throngs of the Haj pilgrims. If he were to appear in Mecca, in a brilliant demonstration of American impotence by his eluding capture, and call for the overthrow of the corrupt Saudi royals, to be replaced by a government of "pure Islam" and Sharia (Islamic) law – the volcanic eruption of support by pilgrims and native Saudis would obliterate any effort of the royals to quench it. America's greatest enemy would be swept into power and gain control of the world's greatest supply of oil. Maybe this won't happen. Maybe Osama did die of failed kidneys, as Pakistan President Musharraf believes. Maybe fragments of his blown-up corpse are in a bombed-out Tora Bora cave. Maybe, if he is alive, the CIA and Saudi intelligence will capture him before he gets to Mecca. But for all these maybes – maybe not. So just as I have not yet put my winter clothes in storage, and will not cease being prepared for a February blizzard even though it's 70 degress outside, I will not stop worrying about Osama in Saudi until the February Haj is over. I've got this bad feeling that he's still out there. We can't stop worrying until we know for sure that he – along with his "ticking time-bomb" henchmen (as the president called them) – are captured or killed dead. Edited by - gzibordi on 2/2/2002 12:30:15