Re: Corona Virus ¶
By: XTOL on Martedì 04 Ottobre 2022 09:03
il più cretino sarà l'ultimo a capire
Prominent Physicians’ Bombshell: Does it Make Sense to Vaccinate Healthy Young People Against COVID-19 Anymore?
1) vaccination offers ever limiting protection even after booster from infection and spreading of SARS-CoV-2; 2) the vast majority of young healthy adults develop only mild to no symptoms associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection—especially with the latest mutation Omicron--3) sequential vaccination and booster dose associates with incidence of autoimmune complications (they note complications not associated with natural infections) and 4) the trend toward immunity imprinted via natural infection as well as durable protection against COVID-19 arise from what the authors deem numerous assessments leading to the choice to natural infection for at least some cohorts.
Importantly, the authors represented by Dr. John Nemunaitis and colleagues are by no means anti- vaxxers. In fact, they are very adamant about vaccination of at-risk cohorts from the immunocompromised to the elderly to individuals with comorbidities.
The authors conclude that at least for the cohort including “young healthy adults, some of the risks and disadvantages afforded by vaccination prevail over the medical benefit”