Corona Virus

Re: Corona Virus  

  By: antitrader on Martedì 14 Settembre 2021 11:00

Sto vecchio rimbambito si fa infinocchiare come un ragazzino deficiente.

Alla tua veneranda eta' non hai ancora preso coscienza che quando leggi "informazione

alternativa" finisci annegato dentro un mare di cazzate e di cazzari.

Ma scemi si nasce o si diventa? Ah, saperlo ! Guarda cosa va a pigliare sto coglione.

Re: Corona Virus  

  By: XTOL on Martedì 14 Settembre 2021 10:48

uh! oh!


The Covid Lie Grows Like Pinocchio’s Nose

Take 15 minutes and listen to this interview with a hospital nurse —

She says that what are called “breakthrough cases” and Delta variant cases are affecting mainly the vaccinated and are in fact adverse reactions to the vaccinations. She says hospitals and hospital doctors will not acknowledge the fact of adverse reactions and report adverse reactions to the vaccine as new Covid cases. The more Covid cases and Covid deaths, the more money the hospital makes, so reporting adverse vaccine reactions as new Covid cases is the way hospitals are maximizing their profits. Obviously, a hospital doctor who disagrees is out of a job. In other words, the truth about Covid and the vaccine is too costly to the hospital to be acknowledged.


via! via! tutte sciocchezze, non c'è niente da vedere qui!

Re: Corona Virus  

  By: XTOL on Martedì 14 Settembre 2021 10:47

la fogna di telegram



Paul Craig Roberts

Paul Craig Roberts is an American economist and author. He formerly held a sub-cabinet office in the United States federal government as well as teaching positions at several U.S. universities. He is a promoter of supply-side economics and an opponent of recent U.S. foreign policy

 Last edited by: XTOL on Martedì 14 Settembre 2021 10:49, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Corona Virus  

  By: antitrader on Martedì 14 Settembre 2021 10:44

Ecco, lo sapevo !

Adesso ha messo mano anche alla fogna di telegram. Ma e' mai possiible che

un vecchio cretino come te, si mette a ravanare in quella fogna li' a mo' di un ragazzino


Sta attento che ti ritrovi il bilocale conrondato dalle teste di cuoio (e vigili urbani).


Re: Corona Virus  

  By: XTOL on Martedì 14 Settembre 2021 10:42

uh! oh!


The Covid Lie Grows Like Pinocchio’s Nose

Take 15 minutes and listen to this interview with a hospital nurse —

She says that what are called “breakthrough cases” and Delta variant cases are affecting mainly the vaccinated and are in fact adverse reactions to the vaccinations. She says hospitals and hospital doctors will not acknowledge the fact of adverse reactions and report adverse reactions to the vaccine as new Covid cases. The more Covid cases and Covid deaths, the more money the hospital makes, so reporting adverse vaccine reactions as new Covid cases is the way hospitals are maximizing their profits. Obviously, a hospital doctor who disagrees is out of a job. In other words, the truth about Covid and the vaccine is too costly to the hospital to be acknowledged.


via! via! tutte sciocchezze, non c'è niente da vedere qui!

 Last edited by: XTOL on Martedì 14 Settembre 2021 10:45, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Corona Virus  

  By: XTOL on Martedì 14 Settembre 2021 09:36

e qui si spiega il perchè (quelli normali già lo sapevano, ma repetita...)


It's never been about health or a cure...its about big pharma and hospitals scheming for profit. This doctor gets it twisted and calls it "politics." 

If a hospital admits a COVID-19 patient, they get paid $13,000. 

If that COVID-19 patient goes on a ventilator (, the hospital gets paid  $39,000---three times as much.

Re: Corona Virus  

  By: XTOL on Martedì 14 Settembre 2021 09:28

New Study: From mid-January through the end of June 2021, 48% of all hospitalized COVID patients may have been admitted for another reason entirely, or had only a mild presentation of disease. 

Researchers from Harvard Medical School, Tufts Medical Center, and the Veterans Affairs Healthcare System analyzed nearly 50,000 COVID hospital admissions across the country to see whether each patient required supplemental oxygen or had a blood oxygen level below 94 percent (NIH definition of "severe COVID"). 

If either of these conditions was met, the authors classified that patient as having moderate to severe disease; otherwise, the case was considered mild or asymptomatic.

The study suggests that almost half of those hospitalized with COVID-19 were admitted for another reason entirely or have mild or asymptomatic cases.

Re: Corona Virus  

  By: XTOL on Martedì 14 Settembre 2021 09:12

cominciano a emergere le ragioni dell'infettività delle varianti e della loro pericolosità


Free SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein S1 Particles May Play a Role in the Pathogenesis of COVID-19 Infection

...promuovendo così la trombosi, l'infiammazione e il danno polmonare. Questa ipotesi suggerisce anche l'associazione tra lo spargimento meno pronunciato delle particelle S1 riportato per la proteina S che porta la mutazione D614G (rispetto alla proteina D614 di tipo selvaggio), e la mancanza di una maggiore gravità dell'infezione COVID-19 causata dal ceppo mutante (D614G) SARS-CoV-2, nonostante la sua maggiore infettività e la più alta carica virale in vivo.

Re: Corona Virus  

  By: pana on Martedì 14 Settembre 2021 09:00


sono morti cosi tanti autisti di scuola bus

che devono chiamare i militari per sostituirli...

excess mortality in pratica


Gov. Baker to activate National Guard to help with school transportation – Boston 25 News

Il DISCORSO di Meloni è TROPPO LUNGO: si spegne il MICROFONO - YouTube

Re: Corona Virus  

  By: pana on Martedì 14 Settembre 2021 07:29

ohh ecco come si fa..

per arginare il focolaio a putian in cina..chiudono le autostrade...

cioe..per 43 tamponi positivi chiudono 20 ingressi dell lo facessero qua da noi...


“Among a total of 20 highway entries and exits in the city, 12 have barred vehicles from entering or leaving,” according to the news agency.

Municipal authorities barred all 3.2 million residents of Putian from leaving the city starting September 12 except for reasons deemed “essential” by local government officials.

“In principle those in Putian should not leave the city and those who must leave must hold a negative nucleic acid certificate taken within 48 hours,” Putian’s anti-epidemic group stated in a September 12 press release.

Putian health officials first detected the city’s latest coronavirus outbreak on September 10 in a few school children who live and study in Xianyou, a county within the municipal region of Putian that is home to 900,000 people.

“Villages in Xianyou where confirmed cases live were sealed off,” China’s state-run Global Times revealed on September 12.

Authorities in Xianyou county have additionally “halted buses and taxi services, closed a long-distance bus station, and barred passengers from boarding or getting off from its train station,” Reuters reported on September 13, citing Chinese state media.

Fujian province reported a total of 43 new, locally transmitted cases of the Chinese coronavirus between September 10 and September 12, including 35 in Putian city, data from China’s National Health Commission shows.

“Another 32 asymptomatic cases, which China does not count as confirmed cases before they show clinical signs such as fever, have been detected in the province [Fujian] since September 10, all in Putian city,” Reuters noted on September 13.

Il DISCORSO di Meloni è TROPPO LUNGO: si spegne il MICROFONO - YouTube

Re: Corona Virus  

  By: XTOL on Lunedì 13 Settembre 2021 22:32

ma lo fanno per il nostro bene!

io di loro mi fido ciecamente (unica modalità possibile)

 Last edited by: XTOL on Lunedì 13 Settembre 2021 22:33, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Corona Virus  

  By: Morphy on Lunedì 13 Settembre 2021 22:25

CHE MERDE. Tutti dei corrotti venditori di medicine. E i pezzealsedere applaudono.


La settimana prossima dovevamo andare a Cremona Musica che è una delle manifestazioni più importanti al mondo della musica classica ma purtroppo OCCORRE IL GREEN-PASS. Spero ci vada almeno mio figlio con la scuola...



– Ho imparato a non fare lotta con i maiali. Ti sporchi tutto e, soprattutto, ai maiali piace...


 Last edited by: Morphy on Lunedì 13 Settembre 2021 22:32, edited 2 times in total.

Re: Corona Virus  

  By: XTOL on Lunedì 13 Settembre 2021 22:16

Il ministro israeliano della salute (a destra) registrato a microfoni spenti mentre dice al ministro degli interni (a sinistra) "non c'è nessuna giustificazione medica o epidemiologica per il passaporto Covid ("green pass"), è solo destinato a fare pressione sui non vaccinati per vaccinarsi".