Re: Corona Virus ¶
By: hobi50 on Venerdì 17 Giugno 2022 11:14
By: pana on Venerdì 17 Giugno 2022 06:47
oramail l r0 del covid e' pari a quello del morbillo??
The basic reproduction value — a number meant to represent how many people could be infected from a single case — for these subvariants may be approaching 15, an astonishingly high score that would put the coronavirus on par with measle
COVID variants push coronavirus to be almost as contagious as measles (
By: XTOL on Giovedì 16 Giugno 2022 17:57
Lo dimostra uno studio pubblicato su Science Immunology da un team internazionale
"La presenza di auto-anticorpi anti-Ifn è quindi alla base di un difetto di risposta nell'immunità intrinseca che ha di fatto superato la normale immunità adattativa indotta dalla vaccinazione - sottolinea Novelli -. Questi dati, uniti a quelli delle ricerche precedenti, suggeriscono dunque la necessità di studiare la presenza di auto-anticorpi anti-Ifn per individuare i soggetti ad alto rischio di malattia grave da Covid"
By: antitrader on Martedì 14 Giugno 2022 17:20
E quella sarebbe una prova ? Quella e' una prova solo di quanto sia vuota la tua zucca (e di chi ha fatta quella roba li).
In realta' dimostra anche un'altra cosa, la densita' di stupidi che si lasciano inwebbetire dal webbe.
Infine dimostra la diffusione delle cazzate che rimbalzando da cazzaro a cazzaro arrivano fino al cazzone finale.
By: XTOL on Martedì 14 Giugno 2022 14:53
uno studio demolisce la narrativa dei covidioti (che naturalmente si guarderanno bene dal vergognarsi).
Il covid ha colpito i vecchi, i lockdown hanno ammazzato gli altri (la mia firma dovrebbero scriverla sulle lapidi di speranza, fauci, gates e compagnia psicopatica)
From April 2020 through at least the end of 2021, Americans died from non-Covid causes at an average annual rate 97,000 in excess of previous trends. Hypertension and heart disease deaths combined were elevated 32,000. Diabetes or obesity, drug-induced causes, and alcohol-induced causes were each elevated 12,000 to 15,000 above previous (upward) trends.
National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER): Covid-19 deaths overwhelmingly affect elderly people, but non-Covid deaths during the pandemic spiked in all adult age groups.
Per-capita rates of excess non-Covid deaths have been similar in European Union countries. One exception was Sweden, where non-Covid deaths have fallen below baseline levels. “We suspect that some of the international differences are due to the standard used to designate a death as Covid, but perhaps also, Sweden’s result is related to minimizing the disruption of its citizens’ normal lifestyles,” NBER said.
A study by John Hopkins University released earlier this year suggested that Covid-19 lockdowns around the world prevented few, if any, deaths from the virus. “While this meta-analysis concludes that lockdowns have had little to no public health effects, they have imposed enormous economic and social costs where they have been adopted,” the study’s authors said. “In consequence, lockdown policies are ill-founded and should be rejected as a pandemic policy instrument.”
Chiedere scusa in effetti sarebbe stato molto più difficile.
By: XTOL on Martedì 14 Giugno 2022 08:48
primo studio in israele che controlla i danni da covid sui non vaccinati: niente problemi al cuore... ma va?!
Abstract: ...We did not observe an increased incidence of neither pericarditis nor myocarditis in adult patients recovering from COVID-19 infection
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