Re: Corona Virus ¶
By: XTOL on Martedì 03 Gennaio 2023 12:04
leggetevelo tutto, covidioti, garantisco numeri interessanti...
a new German paper published in Science Immunology should be the headline story this week. Although the subject matter is very dense, the implication of it is that the Pfizer shots (and possibly other mRNA spike protein shots) caused the immune system to misfire, thereby creating an endless feedback loop of viral immune escape, perpetuating the pandemic in the macro, and creating immune suppression for the individuals who received them.
Wherever you turn, the most vaccinated countries are not only experiencing rampant side effects from the shots, but worse outcomes from COVID itself following their endless booster campaigns
Here is a chart of the daily COVID deaths per million in Japan, a country that is super vaccinated (and mask-obsessed).