Medio Oriente e intrighi


  By: GZ on Mercoledì 29 Agosto 2007 02:54

Dalle ^corrispondenze di Michael Totten dall'Iraq#^ --------- ..He introduced me to the man in charge of the station, Captain J. Dow Covey from New York City. ... “He’s like me,” he said. “He’s a Harvard Law grad who joined the Army after 9/11. I’m an attorney.” “You’re an attorney?” I said. “What are you doing out here in Iraq?” “I practiced law for three years,” he said, “then got into investment banking. When 9/11 happened I just had to sign up with the Army. ^Investment banking is a lot more stressful than this.” “You’re kidding, right?” I said. “No,” he said and laughed. “I am totally serious”#^


  By: pana on Sabato 21 Luglio 2007 21:14

-------------------- il nome corretto dell' autore e Tom Ricks e non Hicks Reuters U.S. should stop arming Sunni militias: PM Maliki BAGHDAD (Reuters) - The United States runs the risk of creating new militias in Iraq if it arms Sunni Arab tribesmen indiscriminately to battle al Qaeda, Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki said. In an interview with Newsweek magazine, Maliki gave the first indication his government disagrees with the U.S. military policy of arming and equipping Sunni Arab tribes to fight al Qaeda militants under a model first used in Anbar province. "We want to arm some tribes that want to side with us but on condition that we should be well aware of the tribe's background and sure that it is not connected with terror," Maliki said. "Some (U.S.) field commanders make mistakes since they do not know the facts about people they deal with. I believe the Coalition forces do not know the background of the tribes," he told Newsweek on Friday. "They make mistakes by arming tribes sometimes, and this is dangerous because this will create new militias," he said. --------------------- strano modo di combattereil terrorismo,finanziare e armare milizie che hanno sventrato migliaia di soldati usa e civili iraqeni, ecco poi perche Maliki agli Usa dice"ve ne potete andare anche subito"

Russian Forces Storm U.S. Military Base In Niger; Pentagon Confirms Big Move Of Putin's Men - YouTube


  By: pana on Lunedì 19 Febbraio 2007 13:19

In iraq la situazione e disperata,ogni giorno bombe, le milizie sciite hanno infiltrato la polizia e uccidono sunniti a raffica, tonnellate di soldi che gli Usa avevano spedito in Iraq sono spariti e finiti alla guerriglia ( ecco perche nonrapiscono + occidentali) 2 milioni di sfollati, gas luce acqua che non ci sono piu'... migliaiaia di soldati hanno disertato per non tornare in Iraq pure in america le comunita iraqene iniziano a litigare tra di loro sciiti e sunniti divisi... ora Bush ammette che la situazione destabilizza il Medio Oriente e fa aumentare il rischio attentati pure in peggio di cosi puo andare? mi leggero' "Il grande fiasco "di Tom Hicks...2 premi Pulitzer

Russian Forces Storm U.S. Military Base In Niger; Pentagon Confirms Big Move Of Putin's Men - YouTube


  By: GZ on Lunedì 29 Gennaio 2007 18:07

Dopo otto mesi di assenza oggi un attentato palestinese in Israele (avevano smesso dal 17 aprile 2006) Sento in sottofondo CNBC che cita il comunicato di Hamas il quale spiega che è stato "...necessario per fare cessare le violenze tra OLP e Hamas.." Non so come facciano in TV a leggere con la faccia seria cose del genere: ..abbiamo dovuto fare una strage in una spiaggia in israele per ricordare agli altri palestinesi che si stanno ammazzando tra loro a Gaza che devono smetterla e pensare agli ebrei invece...". Come dire, ogni popolo ha il suo modo per cercare di fare cessare la violenza -------------------------------- ...L'esplosione è avvenuta nel panificio "Lechamin" in una zona residenziale lontana dall'area degli hotel sulla spiaggia. Resti umani sono disseminati per il panificio, mentre fette di pane appena sfornato sono sparse sul pavimento insanguinato all'uscita del locale. "Ho visto un uomo con un cappotto nero e una borsa. Per Eilat, dove fa caldo, è strano vedere qualcuno che cammina con un cappotto. Mi sono detto: 'Perché quest'idiota è vestito in quel modo?'. Pochi secondi dopo ho sentito una forte esplosione....

altre buone notizie - gz  

  By: GZ on Martedì 25 Ottobre 2005 03:34

Il puzzle continua a prendere forma. Senza che nessuno se ne accorgesse in settembre le esportazioni di greggio dell'Iraq hanno toccato un record storico, per la prima volta da quando viene trivellato petrolio nel paese l'Iraq ^ha raggiunto i 2.6 milioni al giorno di barili#^ L'estate scorsa nel mezzo dei video delle decapitazioni e con i terroristi che controllavano città come Fallujia o Mosul si pompavano solo 1.4 milioni di barili al giorno. Chi fosse curioso del perchè di questa svolta può leggere ad esempio i ^report sul campo di Michael Yon#^


  By: GZ on Venerdì 21 Ottobre 2005 14:04

In effetti bisogna ammettere che sotto Saddam non sono mai apparse in Iraq notizie di ruberie o inchieste di corruzione Se ci pensi appaiono più notizie di corruzione in Italia o Francia che in Libia o Iran Mani Pulite ha rivelato miliardi di tangenti a Milano e non a Reggio Calabria


  By: gianlini on Venerdì 21 Ottobre 2005 11:21

dimenticavi che oltre ad essere ministri erano anche arabi?


  By: DOTT JOSE on Giovedì 20 Ottobre 2005 20:53

beh, pero i ministri del primo governo Allawi si sono dati da fare.. in pochi mesi si sono ciucciati 1 miliardi di dollari..e Bremer che fa ? chi li controllava ? e tutto un magna magna .. Iraq has issued an arrest warrant for former defense minister Hazem al-Shaalan, who is suspected of involvement in the alleged disappearance of more than one billion dollars from the ministry during his term, a newspaper reported Oct. 7. According to the Saudi-owned London daily Al-Hayat, Shalaan’s name appears on a list of about 20 people accused of administrative corruption in the defense ministry. He is no longer living in Iraq and is reported to be in Jordan.


Come previsto le elezioni sono state funestate da violenza - gz  

  By: GZ on Lunedì 17 Ottobre 2005 03:56

Come previsto le elezioni sono state funestate da violenza e fatti di sangue. Non quelle in Iraq, dove non c'è stato nessun attentato ai seggi, nemmeno un morto e tutto si è svolto secondo il capo della missione dell'Onu in modo ^"incredibilmente pacifico"#^ con affluenza del 61% (maggiore di quella per la costituzione europea) Nelle primarie dell'Unione invece a Reggio Calabria, "...Francesco Fortugno, esponente della Margherita e vicepresidente del Consiglio regionale della Calabria, è stato ucciso con alcuni colpi di arma da fuoco a Locri. Fortugno si era recato a votare ^per le primarie dell'Unione quando è stato freddato dai killer...#^ I titoli nella stampa e in TV saranno sulle fazioni sunnite calabresi dell'Unione o sul fatto che hanno votato due milioni e ha vinto Prodi? I titoli per l'Iraq saranno sempre "violenza e spari..." o sugli Undici Milioni di Irakeni che per la seconda volta vanno a votare in modo pacifico sfidando i terroristi e approvano una ^costituzione federale e democratica#^ (la prima nella storia approvata in una elezione libera nel mondo musulmano) (in cui tra l'altro l'Islam è stato definito solo "...una delle fonti della legislazione" e non "LA FONTE" della legislazione, il che per un paese musulmano è proprio il minimo) ?


  By: XTOL on Mercoledì 24 Agosto 2005 11:53

Article (2): First, Islam is the official religion of the state and is a basic source of legislation: a) No law can be passed that contradicts the undisputed rules of Islam. b) No law can be passed that contradicts the principles of democracy. -------------------------------------------------- che c'azzecca repubblica? certo, un paese che lascia a piede libero personaggini come questo robertson, non può fare esami di democrazia a nessuno. se poi ha un presidente che non capisce la differenza tra scienza e religione, bene che vada una costituzione come quella gli "sembrerà buona" ^Robertson Calls for Chavez Assassination#^ Tue Aug 23 VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. - Religious broadcaster Pat Robertson has suggested that American agents assassinate Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez to stop his country from becoming "a launching pad for communist infiltration and Muslim extremism." ma negli usa non c'è l'espulsione per chi incita al terrorismo?


  By: GZ on Mercoledì 24 Agosto 2005 04:04

Sembra buona, ci vuole la gente di Repubblica a fare finta che sia "lo stato islamico sciita". L'Afganistan ha elaborato una costituzione con molta piu' religione dentro e nessuno l'ha nemmeno menzionata sui giornali perche' l'Afganistan era una guerra "giustificabile": sull'Iraq c'e' l'obbligo di dimostrare che deve essere un disastro a tutti i costi per cui se esce la costituzione ecco che e' "islamica" Se uno avesse messo nella costituzione italiana: " non e' permesso di passare leggi che contraddicano i principi del cristianesimo ..." cosa sarebbe cambiato in Italia ? In ogni caso anche il cristianesimo e' stato interpretato diversamente dagli anni '50 ad oggi e per il 90% e' fatto di testi con principi morali universali. L'Islam si presta a interpretazioni pericolose, ma contiene anche quasi tutti i principi morali e comunque sono 1.000 anni che e' alla base dello stato nei paesi musulmani e la stragrande maggioranza e' religiosa da quelle parti. Per il resto invece e' scritta meglio della nostra che in molte parti del testo mette lo stato prima dei diritti del cittadino ............... Article (14): Iraqis are equal before the law without discrimination because of gender, ethnicity, nationality, origin, color, religion, sect, belief, opinion or social or economic status. Article (15): Every individual has the right to life and security and freedom and cannot be deprived of these rights or have them restricted except in accordance to the law and based on a ruling by the appropriate judicial body. .......................... --------------------------------------------------- PREAMBLE We the people of Iraq, newly arisen from our disasters and looking with confidence to the future through a democratic, federal, republican system, are determined -- men and women, old and young -- to respect the rule of law, reject the policy of aggression, pay attention to women and their rights, the elderly and their cares, the children and their affairs, spread the culture of diversity and defuse terrorism. We are the people of Iraq, who in all our forms and groupings undertake to establish our union freely and by choice, to learn yesterday's lessons for tomorrow, and to write down this permanent constitution from the high values and ideals of the heavenly messages and the developments of science and human civilization, and to adhere to this constitution, which shall preserve for Iraq its free union of people, land and sovereignty. .... CHAPTER ONE: Basic Principles Article (1): The Republic of Iraq is an independent, sovereign nation, and the system of rule in it is a democratic, federal, representative (parliamentary) republic. Article (2): First, Islam is the official religion of the state and is a basic source of legislation: a) No law can be passed that contradicts the undisputed rules of Islam. b) No law can be passed that contradicts the principles of democracy. c) No law can be passed that contradicts the rights and basic freedoms outlined in this constitution. Second, this constitution guarantees the Islamic identity of the majority of the Iraqi people, and the full religious rights for all individuals, and the freedom of creed and religious practices. Article (3): Iraq is a multiethnic, multi-religious and multi-sect country. It is part of the Islamic world and its Arab people are part of the Arab nation. Article (4): 1st -- Arabic and Kurdish are the two official languages for Iraq. Iraqis are guaranteed the right to educate their children in their mother tongues, such as Turkoman or Assyrian, in government educational institutions, or any other language in private educational institutions, according to educational regulations. 2nd -- the scope of ''official language'' will be defined by the law. a) issuing the official gazette in both languages b) speaking, addressing and expressing in official domains, like the parliament, Cabinet, courts and official conferences, will be in either of the two languages. .... Article (5): The law is sovereign, the people are the source of authorities and their legitimacy, which they exercise through direct, secret ballot and its constitutional institutions. Article (6): Government should be rotated peacefully through democratic means stipulated in this constitution. Article (7): 1st -- Entities or trends that advocate, instigate, justify or propagate racism, terrorism, ''takfir'' (declaring someone an infidel), sectarian cleansing, are banned, especially the Saddamist Baath Party in Iraq and its symbols, under any name. It will be not be allowed to be part of the multilateral political system in Iraq, which should be defined according to the law. 2nd -- The state will be committed to fighting terrorism in all its forms and will work to prevent its territory from being a base or corridor or an arena for its (terrorism's) activities. .... Article (10): The holy shrines and religious sites in Iraq are religious and cultural entities. The state is committed to maintain and protect their sanctity and ensure the exercising of (religious) rites freely in them. .... CHAPTER TWO: Rights and Freedoms Part One: Rights Article (14): Iraqis are equal before the law without discrimination because of gender, ethnicity, nationality, origin, color, religion, sect, belief, opinion or social or economic status. Article (15): Every individual has the right to life and security and freedom and cannot be deprived of these rights or have them restricted except in accordance to the law and based on a ruling by the appropriate judicial body. Article (16): Equal opportunity is a right guaranteed to all Iraqis, and the state shall take the necessary steps to achieve this. Article (17): 1st -- Each person has the right to personal privacy as long as it does not violate the rights of others or general morality. 2nd -- The sanctity of homes is protected. They cannot be entered or searched or violated except by judicial decision and in accordance with the law. .... Article (19): 1st -- The judiciary is independent, with no power above it other than the law


  By: XTOL on Martedì 23 Agosto 2005 22:27

se gli irakeni riusciranno a far funzionare la loro nuova costituzione, dimostreranno di essere acrobati straordinari: dai punti principali della bozza di costituzione irakena (fonte ansa): 1. L'Islam è una fonte principale di diritto. a) Nessuna legge può essere contraria agli standard dell'Islam. b) Nessuna legge può essere contraria agli standard democratici. 8-o


  By: GZ on Martedì 23 Agosto 2005 21:14

Hanno trovato a due ufficiali polacchi appena tornati dall'Iraq 232 mila dollari in contanti e li hanno mandati alla corte marziale dove rischiano dagli otto anni in su. E' incoraggiante come indicazione del livello di moralità di un paese come la Polonia. Probabilmente non ci sono mai stati due ufficiali arrestati in tutto l'iraq per cose del genere, ma può essere utile che vedano degli esempi positivi come questo DJ Polish Officers Charged With Taking Bribes In Iraq WARSAW (AP)--Polish military prosecutors have charged nine officers and five civilians with taking bribes while serving as part of the U.S.-led coalition in Iraq, the military said Tuesday. Those in the group were charged with "making illegal profits," and will be tried before the Military Court in Warsaw, the Defense Ministry said in a statement. Prosecutors opened an investigation after two Polish officers were found returning from Iraq in early February with a total of $90,000 between them - a sum that far exceeded what they could have saved on their salaries. Investigators have recovered $232,000 during questioning in Poland and Iraq, the statement said. The suspects could face prison terms of between eight and 12 years if convicted. Poland, a strong U.S. ally, commands a multinational security force in central Iraq that now numbers 4,000 troops, including some 1,000 Poles..


  By: gianlini on Giovedì 05 Agosto 2004 11:12

vede zibordi, come l'opera di colonizzazione degli amerikani sia stata efficace si sono subito messi a copiare le odiose abitudini capitaliste degli occidentali viva il burqa, abbasso il bond! hasta la victoria!

il nuovo Iraqi Stock Exchange - gz  

  By: GZ on Giovedì 05 Agosto 2004 02:40

E' in funzione ora il mercato obbligazionario iraqeno, i BOT a 3 mesi irakeni in dinari rendono il 5.5% (meno di quelli brasiliani...) e ^funziona ora anche il nuovo Iraqi Stock Exchange con 27 societa' quotate e dei volumi di contrattazione che definiscono "storici" (per il Medio Oriente)#^ "Emad Shaker Abdul Al-Jabar, 41, had a good day after the cop-cum-broker made three time's his monthly salary by selling off shares bought just one week ago on the revamped Iraq Stock Exchange. " 'It's simply fantastic. I sold shares worth five million dinars (3,500 dollars) and made a profit of more than two million dinars (1,600 dollars) in just one session. What a great day,' exclaimed Abdul Al-Jabar. ------------------------------ ^ Da Chrenkoff#^--------------------------------------- .....ECONOMY: As planned, Iraq has opened its bond market, with the issue of the first post-war debt. 150 billion dinars ($104 million) were raised in three-month treasury bills at 5.5% interest rate. "Demand was healthy," according to the central bank's Chief Economist Mudher Kasim. As another report explains, "Iraq's three-week-old government is selling debt to help pay local banks $3 billion of debt that dates from Saddam's rule and to reduce its reliance on international loans and revenue from oil. The government plans to hold twice-monthly auctions to raise as much as $1.2 billion by year-end. 'It shows the sophistication of the Iraqi banking system,' said Richard Segal, research director at Exotix, a London brokerage for emerging market securities, including Iraqi debt." Meanwhile, the Iraqi stock market continues to expand: "The miniature Liberty Bell clanged. Elbows flew. Sweat poured down foreheads. Sales tickets were passed and, with a flick of the wrist, 10,000 shares of the Middle East Bank had more than doubled in value. The frantic pace Sunday of those first 10 minutes of trading typified the enthusiasm behind the Iraq Stock Exchange - a new institution seen as a critical step in building a new Iraqi economy." That's after an already impressive start, when more than 500 million shares were traded on the first day - "more than the Baghdad Stock Exchange ever achieved." At the end of the second session, 560 million shares changed hands and the aggregate share price of companies being traded rose to $2.66m, up from $2.21m at the start - a healthy 20% increase. In fact the Iraqi stock market is proving a success for all involved: "Emad Shaker Abdul Al-Jabar, 41, had a good day after the cop-cum-broker made three time's his monthly salary by selling off shares bought just one week ago on the revamped Iraq Stock Exchange. " 'It's simply fantastic. I sold shares worth five million dinars (3,500 dollars) and made a profit of more than two million dinars (1,600 dollars) in just one session. What a great day,' exclaimed Abdul Al-Jabar. "The bourse, which opened on June 24, enjoyed record trading volumes on its sixth session to date, with more than two billion shares swapping hands. 'The volumes seen Sunday are simply historic,' Taha Ahmed Abdulsalam, chief executive of the exchange, told AFP. 'This is despite the primitive system we have. Imagine what it would be once the electronic trading terminals come,' he said referring to a plan to shift from the old-fashioned paper system to a fully automated trading floor. "Iraq's stock exchange is a product of more than a year's work by 12 brokerage firms and banks that jointly own it. It has 27 listed companies, with about 100 more due to go public in the next six weeks." Not surprisingly, Talib Al Tabatabie, chairman of the stock exchange, is optimistic about his country's future: "Iraq is a very rich country potentially... It needs only efforts to redevelop it again and you will have one of the richest countries in the Middle East... Iraq is by all means a futuristic country. ... I have a strong faith that the economy of Iraq will be one of the healthiest, strongest economies in the Middle East and that of course will be reflected in the stock exchange... If I am to be permitted to dream... Iraq will develop into the Japan of (the Middle East), and it wouldn't take a long time." As the Middle Eastern saying goes, from your mouth to God's ears. As reported earlier, the Iraqi authorities are planning to lease its state-owned factories for the time being, before the first democratically-elected government tackles privatisation early next year: "Eight factories will be up for bid by next week, said [Industry Minister Hajim] al-Hassani, who spent the last 25 years in the United States, where he earned a doctorate in agriculture and research economics from the University of Connecticut. He later ran an investment management firm in Los Angeles." Some of the factories up for lease include the Al-Zawra'a complex of electronics, electrical and mechanical plants..... To facilitate foreign investment, Private Sector Development Department was created within the Ministry of Commerce. Also, the newly formed Iraqi Business Council, based in Abu Dhabi, in United Arab Emirates, is working with the Iraqi government to provide advice, information and support for investors who want to assist in reconstruction. The Iraqi Business Council is planning to organize a conference in Baghdad in January next year to showcase to international investors economic opportunities in Iraq. Meanwhile, the first British-Iraqi chamber of commerce has been formed during a procurement conference in Amman, Jordan. The Iraqi-American businesspeople are also contributing to the revival of economic life in their homeland. To facilitate trade between Jordan and Iraq, the Jordanian government has considerably eased travel restriction placed on the fleet of 5,000 trucks, which before the war carried much of the trade between the two countries