efficienza asiatica - gz
By: GZ on Giovedì 17 Maggio 2007 03:14
Tra i tanti vantaggi di efficienza che gli asiatici hanno c'è anche questo: in Giappone ad esempio, paese democratico con parlamento e diritti civili, ^nei casi criminali si confessa colpevole il 99.8% degli accusati#http://www.nytimes.com/2007/05/11/world/asia/11japan.html?ex=1336622400&en=e42dbd7d0c328912&ei=5124&partner=permalink&exprod=permalink^, cioè tutti confessano. Nella loro cultura non è bello che uno venga condannato se non confessa e non è bello che ti portino in tribunale se poi non sei condannato.
Quindi in pratica se ti accusano poi ti fanno sempre confessare. Il che è un fattore di efficienza, non sprechi i soldi pubblici a fare decine di processi in cui poi si scopre che uno era innocente
Chissà nei paesi asiatici non democratici, saranno al 99.99%
Traditionally in Japan, confessions have been known as the king of evidence,” said Kenzo Akiyama, a lawyer who is a former judge. “Especially if it’s a big case, even if the accused hasn’t done anything, the authorities will seek a confession through psychological torture.”
The law allows the police to detain suspects for up to 23 days without an indictment. Suspects have almost no contact with the outside world and are subject to constant interrogation, a practice that has long drawn criticism from organizations like the United Nations Human Rights Committee and Amnesty International.
Suspects are strongly pressed to plead guilty, on the premise that confession is the first step toward rehabilitation.
The conviction rate in Japanese criminal cases — 99.8 percent — cannot be compared directly with that of the United States, because there is no plea bargaining in Japan and prosecutors bring only those cases they are confident of winning. But experts say that in court, where acquittals are considered harmful to the careers of prosecutors and judges alike, ^there is a presumption of guilt...#http://www.nytimes.com/2007/05/11/world/asia/11japan.html?ex=1336622400&en=e42dbd7d0c328912&ei=5124&partner=permalink&exprod=permalink^