By: defilstrok on Giovedì 01 Febbraio 2007 16:10
Credo che la sostanza, senza parlare di macroeconomia, analisi tecnica e tassi, stia in queste parole di Russell:
"He went on: "China is in a stock-buying super-frenzy with people mortgaging their homes, taking out loans, doing anything and everything to get in on that wild ride on the Shanghai Exchange. From below 1,000 in June of 2005, the Shanghai Composite has tripled to a current 3,000. The Composite has gone parabolic ... The price of the composite is an astounding 36% above its 40-week moving average.
"If you're looking for international trouble, you might start looking here. The Shanghai Exchange is on fire, and it's hard to know what to expect next. What would a stock crash in China mean? It would have worldwide implications, and it would be deflationary, particularly for commodities. By the way, the Chinese authorities are now actively warning the populace about over-speculating ("irrational exuberance"?)"
Tuttavia, quando l'esuberanza è irrazionale:
"(Stock) market continues to plow higher with no semblance yet of a correction. This is a very unusual market, and it's senseless and dangerous to try to outguess it. When the inevitable correction comes, I think it will be fast and scary ... Trying to catch the turn can be expensive and nerve-wracking. I don't recommend it."