Corona Virus

Re: Corona Virus  

  By: Bullfin on Sabato 10 Ottobre 2020 10:35

Gano penso non solo pscichiatrico ma anche di maleducazione. 

Un forum di persone adulte di eta' ridotto peggio di una bettola di ubriaconi.

Men male che non ci perdo piu' tanto tempo..solo per leggere Xtol e Gano...

Gli altri...merdacce..

FULTRA 10 MARZO 2020: Qui sotto la fotocopia dal vero "cialtrone medio italico" : Antitrader. Fatene una copia del pensiero per i posteri e quando tra 50 anni vorranno capire perchè l' talia sia finita miseramente

Re: Corona Virus  

  By: antitrader on Sabato 10 Ottobre 2020 10:28


adesso l'ha smessa con "i falsi positivi" e si e' dato alla psichiatria, proprio come gli avvinazzati da osteria.

Vacci da uno psichiatra, quello ti fa diventare ancora piu' scemo.

Ciao ragazzi !

Re: Corona Virus  

  By: antitrader on Sabato 10 Ottobre 2020 10:19

Gli amici? Se tu ne avessi solo uno appena appena serio ti piglierebbe a calci in cul.

Ormai son tutti in letargo a "Sesto Fiorentino".


Re: Corona Virus  

  By: antitrader on Sabato 10 Ottobre 2020 10:11

Ma come?

Le 7 capre ammaestrate son qui invece di andare a manifestare a Roma?

Dove andremo a finire sig.ra mia, non ci son piu' le capre di una volta.

Il noto virologo Enrico Montesano dice che la mascherina fa male (pero'

alla manifestazione non ci va), gli fa eco Gabrielli: se fate troppo gli idioti

vi metto tutti al fresco, pero' anche lui sbaglia, bisogna metterli in risaia.

Intanto l'Australia chiude ingressi e uscite dalla nazione a tutto il 2021,

mentre johnson, macron e il trmpanaro sono in totale confusione mentale,




Re: Corona Virus  

  By: lmwillys1 on Sabato 10 Ottobre 2020 10:10

una domanda meno cretina ?

Re: Corona Virus  

  By: lmwillys1 on Sabato 10 Ottobre 2020 10:00

covid pure al Giro d'Italia, Simon Yates si ritira


sono curioso per la serie a ...  se cr7 piglia il covid che succede ?

Re: Corona Virus  

  By: Pestilenza on Sabato 10 Ottobre 2020 09:49

 "...quanti avevano ricevuto il marchio della bestia e ne avevano adorato la statua furono uccisi e tutti gli uccelli si saziarono delle loro carni..."

Re: Corona Virus  

  By: Tuco on Sabato 10 Ottobre 2020 09:36

Ma facci il piacere pure te: sotterrati.

Se stato smentito su tutte le puttanate che spari da Febbraio in avanti (come minimo),

ancora stai a parlare? 
Non hai la minima dignità.


Re: Corona Virus  

  By: Tuco on Sabato 10 Ottobre 2020 09:26

Ma se sei Stolto e ti vai a cercare la spazzatura del panorama scientifico mondiale, mica è colpa mia?!

Praticamente tutti scappati di casa.


 Last edited by: Tuco on Sabato 10 Ottobre 2020 09:29, edited 2 times in total.

Re: Corona Virus  

  By: XTOL on Sabato 10 Ottobre 2020 08:56

ecco, bravo, i politici hanno ragione, gli epidemiologi sono stolti.

ma non eravate voi che eravate dalla parte degli scienziati, verme ciuco?


Dichiarazione Di Great Barrington

Questa dichiarazione è stata redatta e firmata a Great Barrington, negli Stati Uniti d’America il 4 ottobre 2020, da parte di:

Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, physician and professor emeritus of medical microbiology, University of Mainz, Germany

Dr. Rajiv Bhatia, physician, epidemiologist and public policy expert at the Veterans Administration, USA

Dr. Stephen Bremner,professor of medical statistics, University of Sussex, England

Dr. Anthony J Brookes, professor of genetics, University of Leicester, England

Dr. Helen Colhoun, ,professor of medical informatics and epidemiology, and public health physician, University of Edinburgh, Scotland

Dr. Angus Dalgleish, oncologist, infectious disease expert and professor, St. George’s Hospital Medical School, University of London, England

Dr. Sylvia Fogel, autism expert and psychiatrist at Massachusetts General Hospital and instructor at Harvard Medical School, USA

Dr. Eitan Friedman, professor of medicine, Tel-Aviv University, Israel

Dr. Uri Gavish, biomedical consultant, Israel

Dr. Motti Gerlic, professor of clinical microbiology and immunology, Tel Aviv University, Israel

Dr. Gabriela Gomes, mathematician studying infectious disease epidemiology, professor, University of Strathclyde, Scotland

Dr. Mike Hulme, professor of human geography, University of Cambridge, England

Dr. Michael Jackson, research fellow, School of Biological Sciences, University of Canterbury, New Zealand

Dr. Annie Janvier, professor of pediatrics and clinical ethics, Université de Montréal and Sainte-Justine University Medical Centre, Canada

Dr. David Katz, physician and president, True Health Initiative, and founder of the Yale University Prevention Research Center, USA

Dr. Andrius Kavaliunas, epidemiologist and assistant professor at Karolinska Institute, Sweden

Dr. Laura Lazzeroni, professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences and of biomedical data science, Stanford University Medical School, USA

Dr. Michael Levitt, biophysicist and professor of structural biology, Stanford University, USA.
Recipient of the 2013 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.

Dr. David Livermore, microbiologist, infectious disease epidemiologist and professor, University of East Anglia, England

Dr. Jonas Ludvigsson, pediatrician, epidemiologist and professor at Karolinska Institute and senior physician at Örebro University Hospital, Sweden

Dr. Paul McKeigue, physician, disease modeler and professor of epidemiology and public health, University of Edinburgh, Scotland

Dr. Cody Meissner, professor of pediatrics, expert on vaccine development, efficacy, and safety. Tufts University School of Medicine, USA

Dr. Ariel Munitz, professor of clinical microbiology and immunology, Tel Aviv University, Israel

Dr. Yaz Gulnur Muradoglu, professor of finance, director of the Behavioural Finance Working Group, Queen Mary University of London, England

Dr. Partha P. Majumder, professor and founder of the National Institute of Biomedical Genomics, Kalyani, India

Dr. Udi Qimron, professor of clinical microbiology and immunology, Tel Aviv University, Israel

Dr. Matthew Ratcliffe, professor of philosophy, specializing in philosophy of mental health, University of York, England

Dr. Mario Recker, malaria researcher and associate professor, University of Exeter, England

Dr. Eyal Shahar, physician, epidemiologist and professor (emeritus) of public health, University of Arizona, USA

Dr. Karol Sikora MA, physician, oncologist, and professor of medicine at the University of Buckingham, England

Dr. Matthew Strauss, critical care physician and assistant professor of medicine, Queen’s University, Canada

Dr. Rodney Sturdivant, infectious disease scientist and associate professor of biostatistics, Baylor University, USA

Dr. Simon Thornley, epidemiologist and biostatistician, University of Auckland, New Zealand

Dr. Ellen Townsend, professor of psychology, head of the Self-Harm Research Group, University of Nottingham, England

Dr. Lisa White, professor of modelling and epidemiology, Oxford University, England

Dr. Simon Wood, biostatistician and professor, University of Edinburgh, Scotland

 Last edited by: XTOL on Sabato 10 Ottobre 2020 08:57, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Corona Virus  

  By: Tuco on Sabato 10 Ottobre 2020 08:52

Tutte stronzate, quando hai UK che chiude i Pubs e/o proibisce la vendita di alcol, vuol dire che butta davvero male.

Ma una percentuale di stolti esiste sempre e, dobbiamo sopportarvi.


Re: Corona Virus  

  By: XTOL on Sabato 10 Ottobre 2020 08:48

commina le tue pene corporali a questi (verme ciuco):


Dichiarazione Di Great Barrington

Questa dichiarazione è stata redatta e firmata a Great Barrington, negli Stati Uniti d’America il 4 ottobre 2020, da parte di:

Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, physician and professor emeritus of medical microbiology, University of Mainz, Germany

Dr. Rajiv Bhatia, physician, epidemiologist and public policy expert at the Veterans Administration, USA

Dr. Stephen Bremner,professor of medical statistics, University of Sussex, England

Dr. Anthony J Brookes, professor of genetics, University of Leicester, England

Dr. Helen Colhoun, ,professor of medical informatics and epidemiology, and public health physician, University of Edinburgh, Scotland

Dr. Angus Dalgleish, oncologist, infectious disease expert and professor, St. George’s Hospital Medical School, University of London, England

Dr. Sylvia Fogel, autism expert and psychiatrist at Massachusetts General Hospital and instructor at Harvard Medical School, USA

Dr. Eitan Friedman, professor of medicine, Tel-Aviv University, Israel

Dr. Uri Gavish, biomedical consultant, Israel

Dr. Motti Gerlic, professor of clinical microbiology and immunology, Tel Aviv University, Israel

Dr. Gabriela Gomes, mathematician studying infectious disease epidemiology, professor, University of Strathclyde, Scotland

Dr. Mike Hulme, professor of human geography, University of Cambridge, England

Dr. Michael Jackson, research fellow, School of Biological Sciences, University of Canterbury, New Zealand

Dr. Annie Janvier, professor of pediatrics and clinical ethics, Université de Montréal and Sainte-Justine University Medical Centre, Canada

Dr. David Katz, physician and president, True Health Initiative, and founder of the Yale University Prevention Research Center, USA

Dr. Andrius Kavaliunas, epidemiologist and assistant professor at Karolinska Institute, Sweden

Dr. Laura Lazzeroni, professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences and of biomedical data science, Stanford University Medical School, USA

Dr. Michael Levitt, biophysicist and professor of structural biology, Stanford University, USA.
Recipient of the 2013 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.

Dr. David Livermore, microbiologist, infectious disease epidemiologist and professor, University of East Anglia, England

Dr. Jonas Ludvigsson, pediatrician, epidemiologist and professor at Karolinska Institute and senior physician at Örebro University Hospital, Sweden

Dr. Paul McKeigue, physician, disease modeler and professor of epidemiology and public health, University of Edinburgh, Scotland

Dr. Cody Meissner, professor of pediatrics, expert on vaccine development, efficacy, and safety. Tufts University School of Medicine, USA

Dr. Ariel Munitz, professor of clinical microbiology and immunology, Tel Aviv University, Israel

Dr. Yaz Gulnur Muradoglu, professor of finance, director of the Behavioural Finance Working Group, Queen Mary University of London, England

Dr. Partha P. Majumder, professor and founder of the National Institute of Biomedical Genomics, Kalyani, India

Dr. Udi Qimron, professor of clinical microbiology and immunology, Tel Aviv University, Israel

Dr. Matthew Ratcliffe, professor of philosophy, specializing in philosophy of mental health, University of York, England

Dr. Mario Recker, malaria researcher and associate professor, University of Exeter, England

Dr. Eyal Shahar, physician, epidemiologist and professor (emeritus) of public health, University of Arizona, USA

Dr. Karol Sikora MA, physician, oncologist, and professor of medicine at the University of Buckingham, England

Dr. Matthew Strauss, critical care physician and assistant professor of medicine, Queen’s University, Canada

Dr. Rodney Sturdivant, infectious disease scientist and associate professor of biostatistics, Baylor University, USA

Dr. Simon Thornley, epidemiologist and biostatistician, University of Auckland, New Zealand

Dr. Ellen Townsend, professor of psychology, head of the Self-Harm Research Group, University of Nottingham, England

Dr. Lisa White, professor of modelling and epidemiology, Oxford University, England

Dr. Simon Wood, biostatistician and professor, University of Edinburgh, Scotland



Re: Corona Virus  

  By: Tuco on Sabato 10 Ottobre 2020 08:46

Oscar, son casi “umani” rimangono solo le pene corporali, quelle sono efficaci.

Non ho mai creduto molto nel “recupero” dei delinquenti, e questi sono dei veri delinquenti, irrecuperabili.

Il danno che fanno loro ed i loro caprari, come li chiama Anti, sono enormi.


Re: Corona Virus  

  By: lmwillys1 on Sabato 10 Ottobre 2020 08:46

i forum da frequentare sono quelli in cui la maggioranza la pensa diversamente da te sennò ci si annoia, preferisco sguazzare dove i 'fanculo' che ricevo sono decisamente in soprannumero ai 'mitico'


PS magari leggendo questo qualcuno mi dice che ho preso il covid ...


 Last edited by: lmwillys1 on Sabato 10 Ottobre 2020 08:48, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Corona Virus  

  By: XTOL on Sabato 10 Ottobre 2020 08:45

vai a redimere questi:

(magliedilana, siete dei vermi, potete solo vergognarvi e tacere)

Dichiarazione Di Great Barrington

Questa dichiarazione è stata redatta e firmata a Great Barrington, negli Stati Uniti d’America il 4 ottobre 2020, da parte di:

Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, physician and professor emeritus of medical microbiology, University of Mainz, Germany

Dr. Rajiv Bhatia, physician, epidemiologist and public policy expert at the Veterans Administration, USA

Dr. Stephen Bremner,professor of medical statistics, University of Sussex, England

Dr. Anthony J Brookes, professor of genetics, University of Leicester, England

Dr. Helen Colhoun, ,professor of medical informatics and epidemiology, and public health physician, University of Edinburgh, Scotland

Dr. Angus Dalgleish, oncologist, infectious disease expert and professor, St. George’s Hospital Medical School, University of London, England

Dr. Sylvia Fogel, autism expert and psychiatrist at Massachusetts General Hospital and instructor at Harvard Medical School, USA

Dr. Eitan Friedman, professor of medicine, Tel-Aviv University, Israel

Dr. Uri Gavish, biomedical consultant, Israel

Dr. Motti Gerlic, professor of clinical microbiology and immunology, Tel Aviv University, Israel

Dr. Gabriela Gomes, mathematician studying infectious disease epidemiology, professor, University of Strathclyde, Scotland

Dr. Mike Hulme, professor of human geography, University of Cambridge, England

Dr. Michael Jackson, research fellow, School of Biological Sciences, University of Canterbury, New Zealand

Dr. Annie Janvier, professor of pediatrics and clinical ethics, Université de Montréal and Sainte-Justine University Medical Centre, Canada

Dr. David Katz, physician and president, True Health Initiative, and founder of the Yale University Prevention Research Center, USA

Dr. Andrius Kavaliunas, epidemiologist and assistant professor at Karolinska Institute, Sweden

Dr. Laura Lazzeroni, professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences and of biomedical data science, Stanford University Medical School, USA

Dr. Michael Levitt, biophysicist and professor of structural biology, Stanford University, USA.
Recipient of the 2013 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.

Dr. David Livermore, microbiologist, infectious disease epidemiologist and professor, University of East Anglia, England

Dr. Jonas Ludvigsson, pediatrician, epidemiologist and professor at Karolinska Institute and senior physician at Örebro University Hospital, Sweden

Dr. Paul McKeigue, physician, disease modeler and professor of epidemiology and public health, University of Edinburgh, Scotland

Dr. Cody Meissner, professor of pediatrics, expert on vaccine development, efficacy, and safety. Tufts University School of Medicine, USA

Dr. Ariel Munitz, professor of clinical microbiology and immunology, Tel Aviv University, Israel

Dr. Yaz Gulnur Muradoglu, professor of finance, director of the Behavioural Finance Working Group, Queen Mary University of London, England

Dr. Partha P. Majumder, professor and founder of the National Institute of Biomedical Genomics, Kalyani, India

Dr. Udi Qimron, professor of clinical microbiology and immunology, Tel Aviv University, Israel

Dr. Matthew Ratcliffe, professor of philosophy, specializing in philosophy of mental health, University of York, England

Dr. Mario Recker, malaria researcher and associate professor, University of Exeter, England

Dr. Eyal Shahar, physician, epidemiologist and professor (emeritus) of public health, University of Arizona, USA

Dr. Karol Sikora MA, physician, oncologist, and professor of medicine at the University of Buckingham, England

Dr. Matthew Strauss, critical care physician and assistant professor of medicine, Queen’s University, Canada

Dr. Rodney Sturdivant, infectious disease scientist and associate professor of biostatistics, Baylor University, USA

Dr. Simon Thornley, epidemiologist and biostatistician, University of Auckland, New Zealand

Dr. Ellen Townsend, professor of psychology, head of the Self-Harm Research Group, University of Nottingham, England

Dr. Lisa White, professor of modelling and epidemiology, Oxford University, England

Dr. Simon Wood, biostatistician and professor, University of Edinburgh, Scotland

 Last edited by: XTOL on Sabato 10 Ottobre 2020 08:46, edited 1 time in total.