Re: Corona Virus ¶
By: Tuco on Venerdì 30 Ottobre 2020 15:18
E te?
Xtolt, come stai messo?
Oppure stai nel polmone d’acciaio e non ti vedi?
By: antitrader on Venerdì 30 Ottobre 2020 15:11
lo avevo visto quell'alticolo e l'ho derubricato a spazatura senza nemmeno leggerlo.
Ma cosa minghia dice quella? Ma secondo te? E' piu' competitivo sul mercato del lavoro un carpentiere
o un comunicatore e/o psicologo (sparacazzate)?
By: lutrom on Venerdì 30 Ottobre 2020 15:08
Bull, sulla dieta che faccio ma anche stile di vita, ecc., ne ho parlato in altri interventi in maniera abbastanza ma non totalmente esaustiva: quindi ricerca questi miei interventi e leggili per ora, perc, però considera che non è completo quel che ho scritto; poi se hai domande specifiche puoi farmele qui. Quando e se avrò tempo a sufficienza illustrerò qui il mio "metodo" che non è solo dieta ma anche stile di vita, ecc.
Cerco di diffondere queste notizie per aprire gli occhi alla gente ma il 95% delle persone preferisce evitare sacrifici e ricorrere alle pillole ( loro danno!! Io ho avuto famiglie distrutte per stile di vita e dieta errate!): comunque quelli che mi hanno effettivamente seguito hanno avuto benefici grossi, ma la maggior parte delle persone neanche vuol provare per un breve periodo . attaccata come è ai vecchi pregiudizi e comodità e vizi.
Diciamo che su questi argomenti ho letto studiato e provato sulla mia pelle tantissimo e da anni: in pratica io sul 20% circa delle conoscenze di un medico e nutrizinista ne so MOLTO più di loro, più aggiornato, non soggetto al politicamente corretto, prove e controprove sulla mia pelle e su quella di tante persone con cui sto in contatto ecc.; per il restante 80% naturalmente so ben poco rispetto a loro.
By: Bullfin on Venerdì 30 Ottobre 2020 15:06
Tuco i cardini sono questi
a) La natura dell'uomo è opportunista, millenni lo insegnano
b) e segnatelo bene in testa questo passaggio perchè tra qualche anno è matematico che mi darai ragione, non in questo forum ma dentro la tua testa: vi è da diffidare da qualsiasi grande cambiamento che non sia frutto di una trattativa democratica e in buona sostanza non venga dal popolo molto meglio una Rivoluzione Francese, etc che quello che sta accadendo a mio avviso.
E' molto piu' affidabile una rivoluzione dove scorrorono morti e feriti che una cosa calata dall'alto anche senza tanti spargimenti di sangue. Non si vede perchè chi ha dominato il mondo fin ad ora arricchendosi a piacimento sfruttando il lavoro della povera gente tutt'un tratto diventi compassionevole (questo è cruciale per capire quanto stupide sono le aspettative di chi crede che questo reset porti a un nuovo mondo dorato).
Questa è VITA. Il resto è sognatori di mondi fantastici e utopistici.
Cio' detto io non ho da convincere nessuno.
cio' detto mi comportero' di conseguenza è abbastanza ovvio come detto che se le forze sono sovverchianti, non mi mettero' certo a fare l'eroe a fare il martire. Osservero' lo status quo e prendero' decisioni mano a mano. Ho gia' ipotizzato degli scenari con azioni e reazioni. Vedremo. Vale il detto fare un passo alla volta.
Gia' pubblicare una propria opinione anche se anonima su un forum o su un social è un grave errore perchè in tempo zero sanno chi sei.
Ad ogni modo con questo intervento denoto solo la mia COMPRENSIONE DELLE COSE (chiaramente penso di essere nel giusto) tutti gli interventi miei sono fatti per riportare accadimenti non per indicare alle persone cosa fare. Ognuno agisce come meglio crede.
FULTRA 10 MARZO 2020: Qui sotto la fotocopia dal vero "cialtrone medio italico" : Antitrader. Fatene una copia del pensiero per i posteri e quando tra 50 anni vorranno capire perchè l' talia sia finita miseramente
By: Tuco on Venerdì 30 Ottobre 2020 15:05
C’è tanta terra incolta, tante castagne su per i monti lasciate ai cinghiali...
Tanti cinghiali allo stato brado,.. ehhhhh!
In Italia, se hai un minimo di inventiva, di fame non si muore.
Allego questa bella storia per riportare la mente ai bei tempi che furono:
Vanno in Maremma
Questa me la raccontò nel canto del fòco l'amico Raffaello, quella sera che m'invitò a cena a mangiare le pappardelle sulla lepre.
Il sei di dicembre dell'anno passato, te ne ricorderai e se non te ne ricordi non importa, fece un tempo da diavoli. A guardare la montagna poi, era uno spavento; e anche di quaggiù si sentiva la romba della bufera che mugolava fra i castagni, mandando fino a noi qualche foglia secca insieme col sinibbio che strepitava sui vetri delle finestre come la grandine. Io son fatto peggio delle gru: più cattivo è il tempo, e più sento il bisogno d'essere in giro. E volli uscire con lo schioppo in cerca di qualche animale.
A un mezzo miglio da casa, sulla via maestra, incontrai Maso del Gallo tutto imbacuccato, e lo fermai per sentire se sapeva punti beccaccini.
«Dio signore! sor Raffaello», mi disse soffiandosi nelle mani, «non mi faccia fermare; mi par d'esser diventato un pezzo di marmo.»
«Insegnami un beccaccino.»
«Ce n'ho uno nella madia che l'ammazzai l'altra sera all'aspetto. Se vòl quello, lo vada a pigliare, ma altri non ne so davvero.»
«O come mai?»
«O dove li vòl trovare, benedetto lei, se è tutto una spera di ghiaccio? Torni, torni indietro, ché piglierà un malanno. Ma non lo sente che lavoro è questo?»
Infatti si durava fatica a star ritti, tanta era la forza del vento gelato che, avendogli voltato contro le spalle, ci tormentava sbacchiandoci nel collo un nevischio duro e tagliente come vetro.
Distratto da una truppa di cinque persone che ci passarono accanto, domandai a Maso: «O que' disgraziati?».
«Son montanini; non li vede? Vanno in Maremma... Arrivederlo signorìa, in bocca al lupo; ma torni indietro, dia retta a un ignorante... brèèè!...»
E si allontanò lesto lesto, battendo forte i piedi per riscaldarsi.
Io rimasi un momento a guardare impensierito quei poveri diavoli. Quella era di certo una di quelle famiglie che nell'inverno emigrano dalla montagna, snidate dal rigore della stagione e dalla fame: il babbo, la mamma, due ragazzetti sotto i dodici anni e una bambina che, come seppi dopo, ne aveva otto appena compiti.
Il babbo, un ometto sulla cinquantina, basso, già curvo, con le gambe a roncolo, stava avanti alla piccola brigata, strascicandosi dietro faticosamente i suoi gravi zoccoli con le suola di legno alta tre dita; aveva in capo un berrettaccio intignato di pelle di volpe, calzoni formati di cento toppe di altrettanti colori sudici e sbiaditi, e giacchetta di mezza lana quasi nuova, di sotto alla quale scaturiva la lama d'una roncola e il manico d'una mannaretta raccomandate alla cintola, e teneva per il ferro una scure, servendosene come di mazza. Col bastone si teneva sulla spalla sinistra un sacchetto di castagne.
Dietro a lui subito venivano i due bambini vestiti press'a poco come il babbo; con più una straccio di pezzola passata sopra al berretto e legata sotto la gola per difendersi il collo dalla neve.
Il primo, con un ombrellone a tracolla tenuto da uno spago, se la rideva divertendosi a fare i passi lunghi dietro a quelli del babbo, mentre tirava a stratte misurate il fratello minore che gli andava dietro frignando e zoppicando, forse pei geloni ammaccati dentro un paio di scarponi da uomo sfondati e senza legàcciolo.
Questo piccolo disgraziato, a forza di rasciugarsi il moccio e le lacrime con la manica della giacchetta, se l'era ridotta, fino al gomito, un cartoccio di ghiaccio.
Dieci passi addietro veniva la mamma, pallida, smunta, impettita, con gli occhi a terra, camminando a ondate gravi come tutti gli abitanti delle montagne, la quale, avendo infilato il braccio sinistro nel manico d'un paniere, teneva la mano sotto al grembiule, e con l'altra quasi strascicava la bambina che, inciampando in tutti i sassi, le andava dietro come un orsacchiotto, rinfagottata in un lacero giacchettone da uomo che le toccava terra. Aveva i suoi duri zoccoletti di legno, e le mani rinvoltate dentro a degli stracci fermati al polso con fili di ginestra.
La strada doveva a loro sembrare in quel momento poco faticosa, perché il vento se li portava quasi in collo e li balestrava ora di qua, ora di là dalla via, facendo schioccare come fruste que' po' di cenci che avevano addosso.
«Vanno in Maremma!», aveva detto Maso. «Quando ci arriveranno? Come ci arriveranno?»: questo chiedevo a me stesso, e non sapevo levar gli occhi da dosso a quel compassionevole gruppo che fra pochi minuti non avrei più potuto scorgere attraverso alla nebbia del nevischio.
Volli andargli dietro, volli discorrere col vecchio capofila, e affrettando il passo, in pochi salti gli fui accanto.
«Stagionaccia, galantuomo», dissi per attaccar discorso.
«Bella non è davvero, signor mio.»
«Andate molto lontano?»
«Per le Maremme.»
«In che luogo?»
Egli, vedendomi fare un movimento che voleva dire un «perdio!» di quelli che chi li tiene in corpo è bravo, mi guardò, sorrise, e continuò:
«Non c'è mica poi tanto, sapete. Di qui passerà poco le cento miglia. Si va su su, adagio adagio, coll'aiuto di Dio, e quest'altra settimana, alla più lunga sabato, s'arriva. La strada, non dubitare, la conosco bene; sono trentacinque anni che la faccio; la sorte m'ha sempre assistito, e per grazia del cielo eccomi qui. L'anno passato ci menai questo solo», disse, accennandomi con una spallata il bambino che misurava il passo, il quale nel sentirsi rammentare perse il tempo per guardarmi, e dando un inciampicone negli zoccoli di suo padre, andò a battere il naso nel sacchetto delle castagne che il vecchio teneva a spalla. «Ci menai questo solo l'altr'anno. Fino a Grosseto, come Dio volle, ce la fece; lì però gli si sbucciò un piede e mi toccò a portarmelo a cavalluccio... Son poche miglia di lì a Talamone. Ma quest'anno, caro signore, m'è toccato menarli tutti.»
«È la tua famiglia questa?»
«Questi due sono miei, sissignore; e quella bimbetta lì che, se la guardate, ha ott'anni finiti e non gli se ne darebbe sei da' gran patimenti di su' madre che non gli ha mai voluto bene, è d'un mi' fratello che anno di là morì alla macchia d'una perniciosa. Mi si raccomandò tanto che ci pensassi io, che quando la su' mamma quest'agosto riprese marito, non gliela volli lasciare; come che avendo anche l'approvazione del curato, non gliela rendo più. E quella è Zita, la mi' moglie.»
«Buon giorno, sposa», risposi ad un saluto malinconico che mi fece con gli occhi, movendo appena la testa.
«E perché, dovendo condurre questi poveri piccini, non sei andato col vapore o almeno con un po' di barroccio?»
«Ci sarei andato volentieri anch'io, caro signore, con un bel barroccio che ci si va anche con poco», disse guardandomi sgomento, «ma come si fa? Se le cose anderanno bene, state allegri ragazzi», disse volgendosi ai piccini, «si vedrà di farne un po' in barroccio al ritorno.»
«Più volentieri», continuò volgendosi di nuovo a me, «più volentieri li avrei fatti restare tutti a casa; ma non avevo da lasciargli nulla, signore mio, nulla! nemmanco un po' di farina per isvernare.»
«Sta bene; ma per la via come la rimedî?»
«Si fa alla meglio, a dirlo a voi; si va alla carità di questi contadini, e, per dirla giusta, pochi fin qui me l'hanno ricusata la capanna per dormire e un tozzerello di pane. Lì ci abbiamo de' necci,» e mi accennò il paniere della moglie, «e qui dentro ci ho delle castagne, che se non ci segue disgrazie di doverci fermare, ci basta quasi per arrivare al posto.»
Detti un'occhiata al paniere, al sacchetto e a quelle cinque facce sofferenti, e mi sentii correre instintivamente la mano al portafogli. Presi quel poco che mi parve, perché, tu lo sai, disgraziatamente ho da pensare troppo a me, e accostatomi al bambino maggiore gli detti con cautela, perché non vedesse suo padre, un piccolo foglio. Mi guardò spaurito, guardò quel che aveva nella mano, e chiamando suo padre incominciò a gridare:
«O babbo! o babbo! guardate cosa m'ha dato questo signore! O cos'è? o cos'è».
«Digli «Dio vi rimeriti» a questo signore, Tonino; digli «Dio vi rimeriti»...»
«Non importa, non importa. Addio, monello; buon viaggio e buona fortuna, galantuomo.»
«Altrettanto a voi, signore, e state fiero.»
Quando la madre, che aveva mantenuto i suoi dieci passi di distanza, mi passò davanti «Dio vi benedica!» mi disse. E stetti qualche momento a vederli allontanare tra la bufera, che rammulinava la neve sempre più gelata e più folta, fischiando attraverso gli alberi brulli della via.
Qui Raffaello s'interruppe per dire a Gano che buttasse un altro ciocco sul fuoco; poi, dopo esser rimasto qualche momento col capo basso a pensare, lo rialzò per domandarmi: «Che ne sarà stato?».
By: lutrom on Venerdì 30 Ottobre 2020 14:59
-Gianna Fregonara per il “Corriere della Sera”
«Didattica a distanza e scuola in presenza non sono la stessa cosa», ha ammesso la viceministra Anna Ascani nel giorno in cui il governo ha annunciato che almeno il 75% degli studenti delle superiori - più di due milioni di ragazzi e ragazze - deve stare a casa. La ministra Lucia Azzolina ci ha tenuto a ribadire che «anche loro avrebbero diritto di frequentare in presenza».
Sa bene che le lezioni online in molte scuole sono rimaste ferme alla fase sperimentale della primavera scorsa. In questi mesi estivi si è fatto molto per preparare le scuole ad accogliere gli studenti, pochissimo per preparare i professori a quello che avrebbe potuto essere - per dirla con Gino Roncaglia, professore di Digital humanities a Roma Tre - «il miglior alleato della scuola al tempo della pandemia». Invece nella maggior parte dei casi finisce che «i ragazzi collegati da casa partecipano in pigiama, oscurano il video, si nascondono», come racconta Roberto Contessi, insegnante al liceo Giulio Cesare di Roma e scrittore.
Quanto può incidere sul domani degli adolescenti italiani una didattica digitale così malintesa? A fare i conti ci hanno pensato il direttore della Fondazione Agnelli Andrea Gavosto e la ricercatrice Barbara Romano. Riprendendo uno studio della Banca Mondiale basato sul postulato che ogni anno di istruzione in più aumenti le prospettive di guadagno future di uno studente del 10% e viceversa, hanno calcolato che il tempo scuola perso durante i tre mesi e mezzo di lockdown della scorsa primavera potrebbe tradursi in una perdita di oltre 21 mila euro nell' arco della vita lavorativa, con una decurtazione annua dello stipendio di quasi 900 euro all' inizio della carriera.
Si tratta di stime approssimative, ma anche chi fa calcoli diversi, come il sito Roars che ha rifatto i conti, non arriva a mettere in dubbio il rischio educativo delle lezioni al computer.
Viene da chiedersi che fine faranno gli impegni presi dal nostro Paese per raggiungere il traguardo del 40% di giovani laureati: avremmo dovuto tagliarlo quest' anno, ma siamo rimasti in coda in Europa, con il 27,6%. Difficile immaginare che in queste condizioni si facciano grandi progressi. Anche la società di consulenza società di consulenza McKinsey ha elaborato un modello statistico che misura l' impatto della chiusura delle scuole superiori in America in termini di mesi di apprendimento persi. Immaginando che le scuole restino chiuse fino a Natale, il danno subito dagli studenti oscillerebbe fra 3-4 mesi nelle scuole migliori e 7-11 mesi se l' insegnamento è di minor qualità, colpendo maggiormente gli studenti di famiglie a basso reddito e più deboli.
Secondo gli ultimi dati Eurostat, nel 2019 in Italia c' erano 561 mila early school leavers , giovani che hanno lasciato la scuola prima di aver raggiunto il diploma. Il rischio, se le lezioni a distanza diventeranno la modalità prevalente, è che questa emorragia aumenti.
E dire che sono passati pochi mesi dall' ultimo allarme lanciato dall' Istat su un altro triste primato italiano, quello dei Neet, giovani anche diplomati che non lavorano né studiano più: hanno raggiunto ormai la cifra record di due milioni di ragazzi e ragazze fra i 15 e i 29 anni, il 22,2% del totale, contro una media europea del 12,5%.
By: Ganzo il Magnifico on Venerdì 30 Ottobre 2020 14:37
La fame arriva di sicuro. Almeno in Italia.
Slava Cocaïnii!
By: Bullfin on Venerdì 30 Ottobre 2020 14:26
By Mark Keenan, 30th October, 2020
For decades there have been false and deceptive narratives disseminated by organisations, including the United Nations (UN) and the World Economic Forum (WEF), by the governments that comply with these narratives and by the corporate-owned media.
These narratives include the deceptive political schemes of sustainable development, Agenda 21/2030, combating climate change, and the WEF ‘reset’ of Society under cover of what has been proven to be a fake pandemic. According to the World Health Organization’s official statistics, up to 650,000 people normally die every year from flu, yet it is never before been called a ‘pandemic’, or regarded as a cause for a world lock-down.
Beyond the attractively designed rhetoric of politically defined sustainable development, deeper analysis shows it is a deceptive narrative that has facilitated ongoing globalisation, a process which has had serious detrimental consequences for the environment and the wellbeing of society. The concept of manmade climate change has been utilised for a political agenda of taxation.
Globalisation, artificially created boom-bust economic cycles, and the debt-money system have been central to the accumulation of immense wealth by the monetocracy, i.e., a small group that owns and controls the privately owned banking system, the money creation process, world finance and associated mega-corporations. These schemes and processes have all been utilised for the purposes of greed, power and authoritarian control to the general detriment of the overwhelming majority of the world population. The United Nation’s Agenda 21/2030, the Paris Climate Agreement, the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the proposed WEF ‘reset’ offer an insight into how a small group of extremely wealthy globalists want to further control and dictate the lives of all people over the course of the next decades as part of a plan for world governance.
An attempt to usher in a reset of society and one world government control under cover of the Coronavirus ‘situation’ and controlled economic demolition
The flawed economic and financial system was already in crash/failure mode prior to the Coronavirus ‘situation’. The flaws of the system were exposed in the banking crisis of 2008, endless quantitative easing occurred from October 2019 onwards and a multi-trillion dollar bailout/wealth transfer to financial asset management corporations was sanctioned in the U.S. in April 2020. This significant bailout event gained little media coverage in comparison to the coverage of the Coronavirus situation.
The truth is a controlled economic demolition is taking place. Over the past decades, a small group have gained and consolidated immense wealth via control of the debt-money creation system, privately owned mega-banks, and mega-corporations. This process was powered by the associated GDP hypergrowth paradigm of globalisation.
Over the decades, the debt-money component of the system has resulted in worldwide debt-slavery with virtually all governments in debt to the international private banking system. This served the immense wealth accumulation plans of those few in control of the system, but the system was ultimately flawed/unsustainable. These people have long planned to dismantle their flawed economic system and collapse society to the detriment of humanity, and clear a path/excuse for the introduction of their nefarious ideal – a technocratic authoritarian ‘reset’ of society and centralized one world government.
The WEF, an organisation with a corporate agenda known as the Fourth Industrial Revolution and with significant links to privately owned mega-banks, mega-corporations, and the U.N., is at the forefront of this attempted ‘reset’ of society. This ‘reset’ attempts to replace the old system of worldwide debt-money slavery with their new fascist system of technocratic authoritarianism under cover of a fake pandemic and is aligned with their deceptive political narrative of sustainable development. The ‘reset’ is an attempt by the WEF, globalist bankers and their political cohorts to push their fourth industrial revolution agenda of control.
The WEF attempt will fail in my opinion and is failing as millions of people are seeing through the agenda. The real divide in society is not the media fostered left versus right ‘punch and judy show’ – it is fascist authoritarianism versus human freedom. The power seekers versus the freedom lovers. There are those that just want to be left alone and there are those that just won’t leave them alone.
The Event 201 pandemic simulation was a simulation of a Coronavirus pandemic held just two months before the actual Coronavirus ‘situation’ in early 2020. It was held by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the WEF. The scenario explained: “the pandemic will continue at some rate until there is an effective vaccine or until 80-90 % of the global population has been exposed. From that point on, it is likely to be an endemic childhood disease” and suggested solutions to a pandemic, such as the institution of a global centralized economic body that could handle the financial response to the Coronavirus.
Enter the ‘real’ coronavirus situation. Less than a month after the conclusion of Event 201 a worldwide Coronavirus ‘situation’ appeared in accordance with the Event 201 simulation and the ‘reset‘ of the WEF was launched, in what the organisation said was in response to the Coronavirus. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, a direct partner of the WEF, has been a major force behind efforts for a Coronavirus vaccination to be disseminated worldwide.
Many commentators and people worldwide can see that the situation is yet another problem-reaction-solution (Hegelian dialectic manipulation) created by these people to attempt to implement their plans for the so-called ‘reset’ and one-world authoritarian government control.
Government and corporate-media deceptions in relation to the Coronavirus
The overall situation has provided ample political leverage and a wave of fear was instilled amongst the general population, largely due to government propaganda and scare-mongering tactics of corporate-controlled media who utilised nothing less than trauma-based mind control to convince the people that they are all likely to die unless they do exactly what the world government orders. A fearful people are more compliant and accepting of authoritarian change. In 2020, drastic control and lockdown measures were quickly imposed on worldwide society in response the coronavirus situation.
The book ‘Covid19 – The Great Reset’ by WEF Founder Klaus Schwab and Thierry Malleret utilises the Coronavirus situation as a major reason for the ‘reset’ and makes scaremongering statements such as:
“the Corona virus is spreading globally and sparing none”
“If no one power can enforce order, our world will suffer from a global order deficit”
“A Great Reset is necessary to build a new social contract… COVID-19 has accelerated our transition into the age of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.”
The book also states social distancing measures are likely to persist after the pandemic subsides and that ‘fear… will thus speed the relentless march of automation’. Yet Schwab admits in the book that the consequences of Covid 19 in terms of health and mortality are mild compared to previous pandemics and that HIV/AIDS was responsible for 100 times more deaths than Covid 19 (1). Millions of people have, therefore, challenged the mainstream/WEF narrative and posed the valid question ‘if the consequences are relatively mild why are drastic changes of mass societal control and surveillance being proposed and implemented?’.
Furthermore, the health dangers of vaccines are now widely known in society, yet a message from António Guterres, Secretary-General, United Nations, New York shows the U.N. is aligned with this vaccination agenda, he states:
“we need a people’s vaccine… None of us are safe until all of us are safe’
A multitude of deceptive aspects of the Coronavirus situation have been exposed worldwide. For example, in Ireland official data shows Ireland’s overall mortality rate is no different from previous years and previous flu seasons and Europe as a whole shows a similar situation. Ireland’s second wave shows no evidence of concerning difference in respiratory ICU or excess mortality over previous years. Furthermore, in relation to the process of registering the number of Coronavirus deaths, a document from the Northern Ireland Government website (2) stated on page 10:
“The Department of Health count the number of deaths reported by health trusts, where the deceased had a positive test for COVID-19 and died within 28 days, whether or not COVID-19 was the cause of death…and whether or not Covid-19 was the primary underlying cause of death. The figures include cases where the doctor noted that there was suspected or probable corona virus infection involved in the death”
When this issue was exposed by concerned citizens on social media the document was deleted from the government website, but the document has been saved here.
Furthermore, a report from the U.S. Federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in August 2020 showed that the number of actual deaths that occurred has been significantly misrepresented. The report drops a “bombshell” i.e. that in 94 percent of the cases of those who died from Coronavirus, another disease was also at work on the victim and the overwhelming majority of this 6% are aged over 80. The report states:
“For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned,” the CDC stated in its report, under the heading “Comoborbities.” – (3)
The ‘reset’ attempts to replace the system of worldwide debt-money slavery with a new fascist system of technocratic authoritarianism
The debt slavery paradigm has been in place for decades. This paradigm has been controlled by the privately owned worldwide banking system, and is evidenced by the fact that in 2020 virtually all governments of the world are in vast debt to the private international banking/finance system on debt-money the bankers created from nothing.
For decades, the international privately owned banking system has created debt-money from nothing and charged all governments and people often extortionist interest on it (usury). By this and other mechanisms it bled a significant percentage of the profits of the world’s nations. This resulted in immense wealth and political power for a tiny minority that own the private system of worldwide banking, but placed a financial debt burden of control on the nations of the world.
The cruel hoax is that governments could have created this money themselves. The last US President to attempt to take the money creation process out of the hands of the private bankers was John F Kennedy.
The flawed GDP hypergrowth/globalisation system was needed by the banking system, so that it could receive endless interest payments on debt-money loans created from nothing, yet for decades GDP growth caused environmental degradation and it has been a myth that the system “floated all boats”. During this time, the real economic welfare of the 99% of society, as estimated by the Genuine Progress Indicator, has decreased since 1978. The pseudo-science of contemporary economics used by all governments facilitated the process. Furthermore, by controlling the availability of credit the private banking cartel created boom-bust-bailout cycles at will that placed nations in further debt.
Over decades the power of the bankers to create money resulted in the power to own, control and manipulate the assets of the material world, as well media and politics. A small group of people and the private mega-banks and mega- corporations they run, gained and consolidated control of the majority of the world’s financial wealth and assets.
This power grab was achieved not by creating more value, but by fully controlling the source of money and the financial world. A pyramid type system of hierarchical control has existed in society – it has operated via debt slavery. The higher up the pyramid you go the closer you get to the source of money creation. At the bottom level we are all going about our everyday lives.
At the next level up are governments. Governments are given a monopoly on force and use it to tax and control the population whether or not we agree. Who controls the governments? The election of new leaders via the illusion of representative democracy does not alter the vast government bureaucracy, which is ultimately subservient not to the people but to international finance. International banking and mega corporations control governments, i.e., at the next level up are the mega corporations and at the next level beyond the corporations is the privately owned worldwide banking cartel. The corporations have relied on cheap financing from the megabanks. We can conclude that those who control the mega-banks ultimately control the mega-corporations.
The old system of debt slavery may have reached its mathematical endpoint, due to peak oil, the consequent inability to grow economies further and the inability of governments to make ongoing interest payments. Recall that systemic problems in the economic system led to endless quantitative easing in 2019 and a multi-trillion-dollar banking bailout in 2020 that took place under cover of a virus. Regardless of the reason for the timing, it is clear that the 2020 “reset” is part of a long-term plan/agenda of control.
Representative democracy as currently implemented in much of the world is an illusion
Representative democracy under capitalism as currently implemented in much of the world, is an illusion – it is money that controls the world. Financial power translated into political power. Those that control the money creation process wield the power to control the corporate media, steer international political policy and own the material world, regardless of which political party is elected, or which system is utilised (capitalism, socialism, communism, etc). The real divide in society is not the media fostered left versus right ‘punch and judy show’ – it is the fascist authoritarianism of the money masters versus human freedom.
We have been under the impression that we each live in individual and autonomous nation states, but actually the mechanisms of a one world corporate and institutional government have already long been in operation.
Over the decades its controllers have facilitated a perpetual war machine causing death to countless of millions of people; mass abortion; genetically modified foods; thousands of chemical compounds, herbicides and pesticides harmful to human health; toxic pharmaceuticals and vaccines; fluoridated water; and widespread environmental destruction. Now in the midst of what has proven to be a mild virus situation, we are expected to believe that the leaders of the unelected WEF and its corporate partners, such as vaccine-promoting billionaire Bill Gates, are suddenly concerned for the lives of people? Does a vulture wish the cow to be alive or dead? Does a vulture government wish for the health of its citizens? (4)
The real sustainability movement was hijacked decades ago by the deceptive political scheme of sustainable development
Decades ago, the real sustainability movement was hijacked by the deceptive political scheme of sustainable development, which actually endorsed the unjust debt-money banking and flawed GDP hypergrowth economic system. Sustainable development is and has been a false narrative operating under cover of continued environmentally destructive globalisation. Sustainable Development is not real sustainability at all. It is a political scheme that has detracted from what real environmentalism is.
The subject of environmental sustainability and how to create a truly successful ‘sustainable’ society that nurtures human creativity, freedom, and wellbeing and that of the natural world have been central to my research for the past 15 years.
However, over the past decades the orthodox political agenda of ‘sustainable development’ that has been promoted by the UN. and the governments of the world has not worked. It has not addressed the unjust flawed systems of banking and economic control that benefitted an elite wealthy few at the expense of everyone else, nor has it solved the “real” environmental problems of the world. Furthermore, the loosely defined Brundtland definition of sustainable development used by the UN and governments for 30 years actually endorses GDP growth and is not a scientifically robust definition of sustainability.
There are detrimental environmental and societal effects associated with the debt-money banking and GDP growth economic paradigm (5). The worldwide private banking system has for decades been bleeding a significant percentage of the profit of nations of the world/the productive element of the economy.
For example, in recent years Ireland has been paying between €6 to 10 billion per annum in interest payments on the national debt and as a trading entity the country has been making a profit of around €40 billion per annum. Yet the political agenda of sustainable development does not reform these areas – in fact it has endorsed them for decades. The ‘real’ environmental and ‘real’ sustainability movement was hijacked decades ago by this political scheme known as sustainable development. By 2020, even the word ‘sustainability’ itself has become a dirty word to many people – with its modern political mechanisms far removed from the insightful writings of original sustainability visionaries of the 1970s.
Part of the political sustainable development strategy has been a delusional attempt to “decouple” environmental impacts from GDP growth. This decoupling strategy has failed, was never going work and I doubt it ever was intended to work. This is evidenced by a BIOS Research Institute study that reviewed 179 scientific studies on decoupling published between 1990 and 2019 — a period of nearly 30 years — and found, in short, that:
“the evidence does not suggest that decoupling towards ecological sustainability is happening at a global (or even regional) scale.” – (6)
BIOS Research Institute is an independent multidisciplinary scientific organisation that has previously advised the UN Global Sustainable Development Report on the risks of emerging biophysical limits to endless economic growth. The de-coupling concept has been utilised as a ploy to placate people concerned with the environmental impacts of rampant GDP growth – yet rampant globalisation and environmental degradation continued unabated for decades.
Politically defined ‘sustainable development’ has been an illusory light ‘greenwashing’ of the current flawed system, thereby temporarily perpetuating a system that will ultimately fail due to its unsustainable, ecocidal, and human welfare diminishing effects. Many seemingly worthwhile corporate and governmental sustainable development initiatives are in operation, but all have operated within the unquestioned paradigm (or status quo) of environmentally destructive GDP growth along with the debt-money private worldwide banking system that has placed much of humanity on a treadmill of debt.
In analysing sustainable development, we must expose these flaws and detrimental effects of the banking, economic and monetary system, as well as the undemocratic deceptive ‘reset’ of society that is being attempted in 2020 to replace the old flawed system.
UN sustainable development programs, such as Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, and the Paris Climate Agreement, as well as the economic ‘reset’ being attempted, all operate under the cover of continued globalisation. All are working together to create a new resource-based economic system. This may sound a worthy goal in light of the flaws of the failing growth-based economic paradigm.
However, closer analysis reveals that sustainable development involves an agenda to take control of all resources and all production, leaving all people to be micro-managed by a type of technocracy. This technocratic type society is outlined in Agenda 21/2030 and proposed by the WEF ‘reset’. The political jargon of ‘sustainable development/Agenda 21’ is not true sustainability. Agenda 21 involves a plan to abolish private property rights and get all people off the land and into so-called smart towns and smart cities, where they will be unable to grow much food.
This is the opposite of what is needed – people should be moving back to the land and developing self-sufficient communities. Furthermore, smart cities utilise EMF technologies and thousands of scientific reports exist describing the harmful health effects of these technologies. An undemocratic dictatorship involving the rise of smart cities, surveillance, crypto currencies, and the drive toward a digital cashless society that people have no control over are all part of this globalist plan.
Creating a truly sustainable society involves developing practical locally empowered self-sufficient rural communities of villages and towns with local and regional systems for food, energy, water, goods and services rather than the unsustainable trans-national systems of the so-called globalised economy or the corporation-serving technocratic futures the WEF have planned for us. It also involves living conscious of the needs of others and of the purity of natural environmental resources we all rely on.
Climate Change – 900 scientists have signed a declaration disputing the IPPC carbon emissions narrative
It is my opinion that the narrative of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is incorrect. I have signed a declaration to this effect at along with 900 other scientists and professionals. I have zero commercial interest in stating this position.
I kindly urge the many well-intentioned people working in the environmental and sustainable development sector to please re-evaluate the evidence/data in relation to the IPCC narrative that carbon (CO2) emissions are causing climate change and to be open-minded to the analysis of other scientists.
The concept that CO2 emissions cause climate change is a flawed theory and it has involved a political agenda of taxation that has been incessantly promoted for decades. This agenda has detracted and distracted significantly from peoples understanding of what real environmentalism is and involves.
The geological archive reveals that Earth’s climate has varied as long as the planet has existed, with natural cold and warm phases. The world has warmed significantly less than predicted by IPCC on the basis of modelled anthropogenic forcing. The gap between the real world and the modelled world tells us that we are far from understanding climate change. Climate models have many shortcomings and are not remotely plausible as global policy tools. They blow up the effect of greenhouse gases, such as CO2, and ignore the fact that enriching the atmosphere with CO2 is beneficial. Furthermore, relevant data showing temperatures were higher in the early 1900s than today appears to have been omitted (7).
CO2 is plant food, the basis of all life on Earth. Thousands of actual industrial pollutants exist, but CO2 is not a pollutant. It is essential to all life on Earth. Photosynthesis is a blessing. More CO2 is beneficial for nature, greening the Earth: additional CO2 in the air has promoted growth in global plant biomass. It is also good for agriculture, increasing the yields of crops worldwide (8).
The UN Agenda 2030 plan and the Paris Agreement goal to reduce CO2 emissions by 7% per annum until 2030 is in effect a plan that will disable the resource mechanisms of the industrial economy for the food, energy and goods that enable human life and survival. This is being done before humanity has transitioned away from the flawed trans-national industrial economy toward self-sufficient local economies. Whether you believe the ‘plug is being pulled’ intentionally or not, this inevitably amounts to a de-population outcome. The dependency of humanity was created for decades by an international political corporate hierarchy rampantly promoting and implementing flawed trans-national systems for agriculture, energy and goods. I conclude, that the science and data behind the IPPC CO2 narrative is flawed and the Paris Agreement plan to reduce CO2 emissions so quickly would have a de-population effect. These potentially genocidal narratives must be exposed.
The United Nations, European Union, and most governments are not serving the people, for decades they have been prioritising the interests of private bankers who control the money system; and the interests of institutions, such as the WEF, which prioritises the interests of privately-owned mega-corporations. The privately owned banking/money creation system is the head of the snake.
The current worldwide situation has serious implications for the future of worldwide society and human wellbeing. The ‘reset’ agenda is an imposition against human freedoms is being exposed worldwide.
As sovereign free peoples, we urgently need to start planning, connecting with each other and creating much more self-sufficient local communities, towns, and regions free of the mainstream economy. Whilst respecting ‘real’ environmental principles and the natural world we rely on, we should disavow the fake deceptive narratives of the ‘reset’, sustainable development and combating climate change.
The path for success involves personal freedom and local independence – not centralization, authoritarianism and slavery. If people are not dependent on the system they cannot be controlled by the system. How many people will accept the globalist authoritarian system and how many will fight for freedom and create their own local systems? You are part of the answer.
I have no doubt that the short-term effects of this ‘reset’ are likely to be bad for many people, but that the long-term opposition to these unjust changes will eventually bring an end to the present system of nefarious corporate control and manipulation. These subjects are further described in my book “Globalism Unmasked: The Truth about Banking and Reset of Society”.
God Bless and best wishes in the years ahead.
Mark Keenan from Ireland is author of the book “Globalism Unmasked: The Truth about Banking and the Reset of Society”, which is available on his website He previously worked as an Environmental Affairs Officer at the United Nations Sustainable Development Team in Geneva, as a Science Advisor at the U.K. Government’s Department of Energy and Climate Change and as a Policy Analyst at the Sustainable Development Council, Ireland. His academic background includes postgraduate studies in Strategic Sustainable Development; MSc studies in Sustainable Development and Climate Change and PhD research in Whole-systems scientific sustainability frameworks. In his blog in 2010, he covered the multi-billion bailout/wealth transfer to privately owned banks at the unjust expense of the people of Ireland. He is a former member of the Foundation for the Economics of Sustainability, an organisation he had joined in 2006.
1 Covid 19: The Great Reset’, by Klaus Schwab and Thierry Malleret, page 246.
2 For example, in Northern Ireland Covid 19 registered deaths had fallen from 128 deaths in the week of 24th April 2020 to 1 death in the week of 31st July 2020. Source:
3 Source:
4 This paragraph was inspired by the writings of a good friend.
5 For more information please see the book “Globalism Unmasked: The Truth about Banking and the Reset of Society” at
7 Sources:
8 Please see
Copyright © Mark Keenan, 2020
FULTRA 10 MARZO 2020: Qui sotto la fotocopia dal vero "cialtrone medio italico" : Antitrader. Fatene una copia del pensiero per i posteri e quando tra 50 anni vorranno capire perchè l' talia sia finita miseramente
By: Bullfin on Venerdì 30 Ottobre 2020 14:18
Questa sotto è molto corretta porta le prove che il video è autentico e fatto ieri.
Chiaramente EMERGENZA ZERO!!!!!!
TE Oscar sei il piu' coglione di tutti perchè si sa che anti uillis, e gli altri vogliono il comunismo.... ma da te!!!! non me lo sarei mai aspettato
poi posti foto da non si sa dove bene vengano almeno il video è autentico nelle date.
Essere abietto!. Mascalzone comunista!.
FULTRA 10 MARZO 2020: Qui sotto la fotocopia dal vero "cialtro
FULTRA 10 MARZO 2020: Qui sotto la fotocopia dal vero "cialtrone medio italico" : Antitrader. Fatene una copia del pensiero per i posteri e quando tra 50 anni vorranno capire perchè l' talia sia finita miseramente
By: Bullfin on Venerdì 30 Ottobre 2020 14:13
FULTRA 10 MARZO 2020: Qui sotto la fotocopia dal vero "cialtrone medio italico" : Antitrader. Fatene una copia del pensiero per i posteri e quando tra 50 anni vorranno capire perchè l' talia sia finita miseramente
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