Clima, Riscaldamento Globale

Re: Clima, Riscaldamento Globale  

  By: XTOL on Lunedì 20 Novembre 2023 17:54

un'altra bufala gretina sbufalata:

Re: Clima, Riscaldamento Globale  

  By: XTOL on Lunedì 20 Novembre 2023 16:09

la trad in italiano


l'Abstract dello studio

A statistical analysis was applied to Northern Hemisphere land surface temperatures (1850–2018) to try to identify the main drivers of the observed warming since the mid-19th century. Two different temperature estimates were considered—a rural and urban blend (that matches almost exactly with most current estimates) and a rural-only estimate. The rural and urban blend indicates a long-term warming of 0.89 °C/century since 1850, while the rural-only indicates 0.55 °C/century. This contradicts a common assumption that current thermometer-based global temperature indices are relatively unaffected by urban warming biases. Three main climatic drivers were considered, following the approaches adopted by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)’s recent 6th Assessment Report (AR6): two natural forcings (solar and volcanic) and the composite “all anthropogenic forcings combined” time series recommended by IPCC AR6. The volcanic time series was that recommended by IPCC AR6. Two alternative solar forcing datasets were contrasted. One was the Total Solar Irradiance (TSI) time series that was recommended by IPCC AR6. The other TSI time series was apparently overlooked by IPCC AR6. It was found that altering the temperature estimate and/or the choice of solar forcing dataset resulted in very different conclusions as to the primary drivers of the observed warming. Our analysis focused on the Northern Hemispheric land component of global surface temperatures since this is the most data-rich component. It reveals that important challenges remain for the broader detection and attribution problem of global warming: (1) urbanization bias remains a substantial problem for the global land temperature data; (2) it is still unclear which (if any) of the many TSI time series in the literature are accurate estimates of past TSI; (3) the scientific community is not yet in a position to confidently establish whether the warming since 1850 is mostly human-caused, mostly natural, or some combination. Suggestions for how these scientific challenges might be resolved are offered.

Re: Clima, Riscaldamento Globale  

  By: XTOL on Lunedì 20 Novembre 2023 16:09

Re: Clima, Riscaldamento Globale  

  By: pana on Lunedì 20 Novembre 2023 15:48

che dicono i no censura boys sulla rimozione della lettera di bin laden ?



TikTok removes hashtag for Osama bin Laden’s ‘Letter to America’ after viral videos circulate
The Guardian also pulled the text of the Al Qaeda founder’s letter from its website after people cited it on TikTok and X.

The Taliban Patrols Kabul in Roller Blades... This is Real - YouTube

Re: Clima, Riscaldamento Globale  

  By: XTOL on Lunedì 20 Novembre 2023 12:34

la trad in italiano


l'Abstract dello studio

A statistical analysis was applied to Northern Hemisphere land surface temperatures (1850–2018) to try to identify the main drivers of the observed warming since the mid-19th century. Two different temperature estimates were considered—a rural and urban blend (that matches almost exactly with most current estimates) and a rural-only estimate. The rural and urban blend indicates a long-term warming of 0.89 °C/century since 1850, while the rural-only indicates 0.55 °C/century. This contradicts a common assumption that current thermometer-based global temperature indices are relatively unaffected by urban warming biases. Three main climatic drivers were considered, following the approaches adopted by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)’s recent 6th Assessment Report (AR6): two natural forcings (solar and volcanic) and the composite “all anthropogenic forcings combined” time series recommended by IPCC AR6. The volcanic time series was that recommended by IPCC AR6. Two alternative solar forcing datasets were contrasted. One was the Total Solar Irradiance (TSI) time series that was recommended by IPCC AR6. The other TSI time series was apparently overlooked by IPCC AR6. It was found that altering the temperature estimate and/or the choice of solar forcing dataset resulted in very different conclusions as to the primary drivers of the observed warming. Our analysis focused on the Northern Hemispheric land component of global surface temperatures since this is the most data-rich component. It reveals that important challenges remain for the broader detection and attribution problem of global warming: (1) urbanization bias remains a substantial problem for the global land temperature data; (2) it is still unclear which (if any) of the many TSI time series in the literature are accurate estimates of past TSI; (3) the scientific community is not yet in a position to confidently establish whether the warming since 1850 is mostly human-caused, mostly natural, or some combination. Suggestions for how these scientific challenges might be resolved are offered.

Re: Clima, Riscaldamento Globale  

  By: XTOL on Lunedì 20 Novembre 2023 12:32

Re: Clima, Riscaldamento Globale  

  By: pana on Lunedì 20 Novembre 2023 11:52

bravi bravi


macome ca@@@o ragionano??

Febbraio 2023, Valsesia. Le autobotti, cariche di acqua, partono dalla pianura e risalgono la valle per rifornire i paesi. Il Sesia è in secca, ha perso l’80% della propria portata e gli amministratori stanno ordinando ai propri cittadini di limitare i consumi idrici, evitando, per esempio, di irrigare orti e giardini e di lavare l’auto. “Dev’essere chiaro a tutti che chi non rispetterà queste indicazioni sarà perseguibile civilmente e penalmente”

The Taliban Patrols Kabul in Roller Blades... This is Real - YouTube

Re: Clima, Riscaldamento Globale  

  By: XTOL on Lunedì 20 Novembre 2023 09:54

la trad in italiano


l'Abstract dello studio

A statistical analysis was applied to Northern Hemisphere land surface temperatures (1850–2018) to try to identify the main drivers of the observed warming since the mid-19th century. Two different temperature estimates were considered—a rural and urban blend (that matches almost exactly with most current estimates) and a rural-only estimate. The rural and urban blend indicates a long-term warming of 0.89 °C/century since 1850, while the rural-only indicates 0.55 °C/century. This contradicts a common assumption that current thermometer-based global temperature indices are relatively unaffected by urban warming biases. Three main climatic drivers were considered, following the approaches adopted by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)’s recent 6th Assessment Report (AR6): two natural forcings (solar and volcanic) and the composite “all anthropogenic forcings combined” time series recommended by IPCC AR6. The volcanic time series was that recommended by IPCC AR6. Two alternative solar forcing datasets were contrasted. One was the Total Solar Irradiance (TSI) time series that was recommended by IPCC AR6. The other TSI time series was apparently overlooked by IPCC AR6. It was found that altering the temperature estimate and/or the choice of solar forcing dataset resulted in very different conclusions as to the primary drivers of the observed warming. Our analysis focused on the Northern Hemispheric land component of global surface temperatures since this is the most data-rich component. It reveals that important challenges remain for the broader detection and attribution problem of global warming: (1) urbanization bias remains a substantial problem for the global land temperature data; (2) it is still unclear which (if any) of the many TSI time series in the literature are accurate estimates of past TSI; (3) the scientific community is not yet in a position to confidently establish whether the warming since 1850 is mostly human-caused, mostly natural, or some combination. Suggestions for how these scientific challenges might be resolved are offered.


Re: Clima, Riscaldamento Globale  

  By: XTOL on Lunedì 06 Novembre 2023 11:55

poveri gretini, come giustificheranno quantità di neve record in entrambi gli emisferi?

riusciranno a incollarsi alla neve? 





Re: Clima, Riscaldamento Globale  

  By: XTOL on Lunedì 06 Novembre 2023 11:55

Re: Clima, Riscaldamento Globale  

  By: pana on Lunedì 06 Novembre 2023 11:50

toni pacati e moderati...

sospeso pero mica cacciato a calcinelsedere

Un ministro israeliano ha evocato oggi la possibilità di sganciare una bomba atomica su Gaza.

Ma ha poi ritrattato le parole dopo un'aspra reazione di Benyamin Netanyahu, che lo ha sospeso dall'incarico.

The Taliban Patrols Kabul in Roller Blades... This is Real - YouTube

Re: Clima, Riscaldamento Globale  

  By: XTOL on Domenica 05 Novembre 2023 15:56

poveri gretini, come giustificheranno quantità di neve record in entrambi gli emisferi?

riusciranno a incollarsi alla neve? 





 Last edited by: XTOL on Domenica 05 Novembre 2023 15:57, edited 2 times in total.

Re: Clima, Riscaldamento Globale  

  By: XTOL on Domenica 22 Ottobre 2023 19:49

brutte notizie per i gretini (e anche per i normali: prepariamoci al freddo)


Se è vero che la calotta glaciale ha perso massa tra il 1996 e il 2012, i dati mostrano che la tendenza è cambiata, e questo si vede molto chiaramente

Re: Clima, Riscaldamento Globale  

  By: XTOL on Venerdì 06 Ottobre 2023 07:31

morti per caldo/freddo, la tabella taroccata per la stupefazione dei semplici (aka gretini) e quella vera:



l'estate più calda di sta minchia


pronti per il prossimo disastro annunciato?