Sui ribassisti / catastrofisti e la situazione attuale


  By: Bardamu on Venerdì 18 Giugno 2004 17:46

Zibordi se la affascina le consiglio di leggere "Il santo Graal" di Baigent Michael; Leigh Richard; Lincoln Henry ed Mondadori. Io ho dato una sbirciata a questo libro, non l'ho letto e per questo poi non sono stato tanto stimolato a leggere il codice da vinci (conto infatti di leggere per bene il libro). Se qualcuno vuole invece imparare "giocando" gli consiglio il gioco "Gabriel Knight 3", un adventure (insomma giochi poco devi solo risolvere misteri e rompicapi) tutto sul mito del sacro graal. E' il migliore che abbia mai risolto. E siamo a 2 videogame suggeriti!


  By: rael on Venerdì 18 Giugno 2004 16:53

C'è un errore di spelling nel pezzo sotto, la clearing non è la Gelbel, ma la Gelber. I encourage anyone who disagrees with my assessment to talk to any of the many traders in the S&P pits. Specifically, talk to the emini traders on the floor, since they see the counter party reference numbers all frickin day every day. Qualcun'altro conferma: it's invaluable info and i've checked with my buddy here who used to work on the merc, he spoke to his former firm and what i heard was an exact echo word for damn near word. Never in doubt, but when putting these "conspiracy's" out there it pays to have more than one source.


  By: bandy on Venerdì 18 Giugno 2004 14:14

Allora anche se non c'entra molto con la Borsa ma abbiamo aperto un minisiparietto del libro io consiglio la lettura di "bringing down the house" consigliato anche recentemente da un fund manager a Wall Street su CNBC che non e' altro che la storia VERA di come alcuni giovani laureati ad Harvard hanno sbancato Las Vegas al Black Jack per milioni di dollari. Altro che cospiracy questi prima di farsi beccare sono diventati milionari. La tecnica e' spiegata in dettaglio. Si richiedono buone doti matematiche per leggerlo e un'ottima conoscenza dell'inglese (se qualcuno l'ha letto in italiano per favore me lo indichi).


  By: rael on Venerdì 18 Giugno 2004 14:05

Io non l'ho letto, in fondo a me delle teorie cospirative interessa tanto quanto delle opinioni convenzionali che si leggono o ascoltano tutti i giorni, né più né meno. Se è scritto bene e qualcuno qui ne è rimasto soddisfatto può interessare. Certo che 12mln di copie vendute sono la rovina di qualsiasi disegno cospirativo (o anche la sua fortuna).


  By: GZ on Venerdì 18 Giugno 2004 13:56

Volevo solo segnalare e chiedere se qualcuno aveva letto il "Codice da Vinci" di Dan Brown ha venduto 12 milioni di copie in un anno, è la teoria della cospirazione più interessante che abbia mai visto


  By: rael on Venerdì 18 Giugno 2004 13:43

Ho riportato quel post apposta su questo thread, destinato al vilipendio dei catastrofisti/cospirazionisti. Appunto per il suo divertimento quindi, Zibordi. Liberi di crederci o no. Io ci credo? boh Sono short da 1137,5 e ci rimango finché mi stoppano. Che poi a stopparmi sia la Spectre o Zibordi che va lungo mi interessa poco.

Il conto 990 controlla l'S&P ed è controllato dalla Confraternita dei Priori di Sion - gz  

  By: GZ on Venerdì 18 Giugno 2004 13:23

Sì il mercato dell'S&P 500 e le borse sono tutte controllato da questo misterioso conto No. 990 di cui parla Rael qui sotto E aggiungo che sembra che questo conto No. 990 ora sia controllato dalla Confraternita dei "Priori di Sion". A proposito di teoria del complotto fatta veramente bene, nessuno ha letto infatti il bestseller da 12 milioni di copie di Dan Brown uscito l'anno scorso ed ora è anche in traduione italiana: ^il "Da Vinci Code (Il codice Da Vinci) ovvero "THE GREATEST CONSPIRACY OF THE PAST 2000 YEARS." ? ^ La trama è un thriller per risolvere il quale vengono ripercorse le opere di Leonardo da Vinci e altri artisti e geni come Newton che nel corso dei secoli facevano parte della Confraternita dei "Priori di Sion", una associazione ultrasegreta iniziata dai Templari che è depositaria del segreto del Sacro Graal. La chiesa ha cercato per secoli di sopprimerli perchè la confraternita conosceva il segreto originale del cristianesimo, che è stato manipolato e falsificato nel IV secolo e che da allora solo pochi appunto hanno cercato di tramandare in segreto e che è appunto il Graal. In pratica per 2 mila anni il cristianesimo si è basato su una clamorosa falsificazione e censura dei vangeli originali e solo pochi sono a conoscenza del segreto iniziale di Cristo che la chiesa ha nascosto per secoli Leonardo ad esempio ha intessuto i suoi quadri più noti di un codice che fa riferimento a questo segreto e nel corso del libro viene man mano rivelato Ed ora la Confraternita dei "Priori di Sion" oltre al sacro Graal controlla anche questo conto No. 990 con cui manipolano l'S&P 500 e tramite l'S&P 500 il mercato finanziario mondiale (a parte gli scherzi il Codice da Vinci è un ottimo libro) --------------- ^da www.danbrown.com^ ---------------------------------- HOW MUCH OF THIS NOVEL IS TRUE? The Da Vinci Code is a novel and therefore a work of fiction. While the book's characters and their actions are obviously not real, the artwork, architecture, documents, and secret rituals depicted in this novel all exist (for example, Leonardo Da Vinci's paintings, the Louvre pyramid, the Gnostic Gospels, Hieros Gamos, etc.). These real elements are interpretted and debated by fictional characters. While it is my belief that the theories discussed by these characters have merit, each individual reader must explore these characters' viewpoints and come to his or her own interpretations. My hope in writing this novel was that the story would serve as a catalyst and a springboard for people to discuss the important topics of faith, religion, and history. WHAT DO YOU THINK OF CLERICAL SCHOLARS ATTEMPTING TO "DISPROVE" THE DA VINCI CODE? The dialogue is wonderful. These authors and I obviously disagree, but the debate that is being generated is a positive powerful force. The more vigorously we debate these topics, the better our understanding of our own spirituality. Controversy and dialogue are healthy for religion as a whole. Religion has only one true enemy--apathy--and passionate debate is a superb antidote. SOME OF THE HISTORY IN THIS NOVEL CONTRADICTS WHAT I LEARNED IN SCHOOL. WHAT SHOULD I BELIEVE? Since the beginning of recorded time, history has been written by the "winners" (those societies and belief systems that conquered and survived). Despite an obvious bias in this accounting method, we still measure the "historical accuracy" of a given concept by examining how well it concurs with our existing historical record. Many historians now believe (as do I) that in gauging the historical accuracy of a given concept, we should first ask ourselves a far deeper question: How historically accurate is history itself? ARE YOU SURPRISED BY THE BOOK'S SUCCESS? Stunned. I worked very hard on this novel, and I certainly expected people would enjoy it, but I never imagined so many people would be enjoying it this much. I wrote this book essentially as a group of fictional characters exploring ideas that I found personally intriguing. These same themes obviously resonate with a great many people. ARE YOU A CHRISTIAN? Yes. Interestingly, if you ask three people what it means to be Christian, you will get three different answers. Some feel being baptized is sufficient. Others feel you must accept the Bible as immutable historical fact. Still others require a belief that all those who do not accept Christ as their personal savior are doomed to hell. Faith is a continuum, and we each fall on that line where we may. By attempting to rigidly classify ethereal concepts like faith, we end up debating semantics to the point where we entirely miss the obvious--that is, that we are all trying to decipher life's big mysteries, and we're each following our own paths of enlightenment. I consider myself a student of many religions. The more I learn, the more questions I have. For me, the spiritual quest will be a life-long work in progress. THIS NOVEL IS VERY EMPOWERING TO WOMEN. CAN YOU COMMENT? Two thousand years ago, we lived in a world of Gods and Goddesses. Today, we live in a world solely of Gods. Women in most cultures have been stripped of their spiritual power. The novel touches on questions of how and why this shift occurred…and on what lessons we might learn from it regarding our future. PARTS OF THE DA VINCI CODE DESCRIBE THE ACTIVITIES OF THE RELIGIOUS GROUP OPUS DEI. HOW DOES OPUS DEI FEEL ABOUT YOUR NOVEL? I worked very hard to create a fair and balanced depiction of Opus Dei. Even so, there may be those who are offended by the portrayal. While Opus Dei is a very positive force in the lives of many people, for others, affiliation with Opus Dei has been a profoundly negative experience. Their portrayal in the novel is based on more than a dozen books written about Opus Dei as well as on my own personal interviews with current and former members. THE COVER OF YOUR BOOK MENTIONS "THE GREATEST CONSPIRACY OF THE PAST 2000 YEARS." WHAT IS THIS CONSPIRACY? Revealing that secret would rob readers of all the fun, but I will say that it relates to one of the most famous histories of all time…a legend familiar to all of us. Rumors of this conspiracy have been whispered for centuries in countless languages, including the languages of art, music, and literature. Some of the most dramatic evidence can be found in the paintings of Leonardo Da Vinci, which seem to overflow with mystifying symbolism, anomalies, and codes. Art historians agree that Da Vinci's paintings contain hidden levels of meaning that go well beneath the surface of the paint. Many scholars believe his work intentionally provides clues to a powerful secret…a secret that remains protected to this day by a clandestine brotherhood of which Da Vinci was a member. WHERE DID YOU GET THE IDEA FOR THE DA VINCI CODE? This particular story kept knocking on my door until I answered. I first learned of the mysteries hidden in Da Vinci's paintings while I was studying art history at the University of Seville in Spain. Years later, while researching Angels & Demons and the Vatican Secret Archives, I encountered the Da Vinci enigma yet again. I arranged a trip to the Louvre Museum where I was fortunate enough to view the originals of some of Da Vinci's most famous works as well as discuss them with an art historian who helped me better understand the mystery behind their surprising anomalies. From then on, I was captivated. I spent a year doing research before writing The Da Vinci Code. HOW DID YOU GET ALL THE INSIDE INFORMATION FOR THIS BOOK? Most of the information is not as "inside" as it seems. The secret described in the novel has been chronicled for centuries, so there are thousands of sources to draw from. In addition, I was surprised how eager historians were to share their expertise with me. One academic told me her enthusiasm for The Da Vinci Code was based in part on her hope that "this ancient mystery would be unveiled to a wider audience." YOU SEEM TO HAVE A FASCINATION WITH SECRET SOCIETIES? CAN YOU COMMENT? My interest in secret societies is the product of many experiences, some I can discuss, others I cannot. Certainly my research of organizations like NSA, the Vatican, NRO, and Opus Dei continues to fuel my intrigue. At a more fundamental level, though, my interest sparks from growing up in New England, surrounded by the clandestine clubs of Ivy League universities, the Masonic lodges of our Founding Fathers, and the hidden hallways of early government power. New England has a long tradition of elite private clubs, fraternities, and secrecy. On that theme, the next Robert Langdon novel (already in progress) is set deep within the oldest fraternity in history…the enigmatic brotherhood of the Masons. THE TOPIC OF THIS NOVEL MIGHT BE CONSIDERED CONTROVERSIAL. DO YOU FEAR REPERCUSSIONS? I can't imagine why. As I mentioned earlier, the theory I reveal is one that has been whispered for centuries. It is not my own. Admittedly, this may be the first time the theory has been unveiled within the format of a popular thriller, but the information is anything but new. My sincere hope is that The Da Vinci Code, in addition to entertaining people, will serve as an open door for readers to begin their own explorations. HAS ANYONE IN ORGANIZED RELIGION COME OUT IN SUPPORT OF YOUR NOVEL? Yes, many people in organized religion have come out in support of this novel, and, of course, many have come out in opposition as well. The opposition generally comes from the strictest Christian thinkers who feel the idea of a "married Jesus" serves to undermine His divinity. While I don't agree with this interpretation, this is immaterial because the dialogue itself is a deeply empowering and positive force for everyone involved. Suddenly, enormous numbers of people are passionately debating important philosophical topics, and regardless of the personal conclusions that each of us draws, the debate can only help to strengthen our understanding of our own faith. Much of the positive response I get from within organized religion comes from nuns (who write to thank me for pointing out that they have sacrificed their entire lives to the Church and are still considered "unfit" to serve behind the altar). I have also heard from hundreds of enthusiastic priests. While many of them disagree with some of the ideas in the novel, they are thrilled that their parishioners are eager to discuss religion. Father John Sewell of St. John's Episcopal Church in Memphis stated it particularly eloquently in the press recently, saying: "This [novel] is not a threat. This is an opportunity. We are called to creatively engage the culture and this is what I want to do. I think Dan Brown has done me a favor. He's letting me talk about things that matter." WOULD YOU CONSIDER YOURSELF A CONSPIRACY THEORIST? Hardly. I'm quite the opposite, in fact--more of a skeptic. I see no truth whatsoever in stories of extraterrestrial visitors, crop circles, the Bermuda Triangle, or many of the other "mysteries" that permeate pop culture. However, the secret behind The Da Vinci Code was too well documented and significant for me to dismiss. HOW DO YOU WEAVE SO MUCH INFORMATION INTO YOUR STORIES AND YET KEEP THEM SO FAST-PACED? Writing an informative yet compact thriller is a lot like making maple sugar candy. You have to tap hundreds of trees…boil vats and vats of raw sap…evaporate the water…and keep boiling until you've distilled a tiny nugget that encapsulates the essence. Of course, this requires liberal use of the DELETE key. In many ways, editing yourself is the most important part of being a novelist…carving away superfluous text until your story stands crystal clear before your reader. For every page in The Da Vinci Code, I wrote ten that ended up in the trash. CAN YOU SYNOPSIZE THE PLOT FOR US? Sure. A renowned Harvard symbologist is summoned to the Louvre Museum to examine a series of cryptic symbols relating to Da Vinci's artwork. In decrypting the code, he uncovers the key to one of the greatest mysteries of all time…and he becomes a hunted man.

Da - Mr.Fog  

  By: Mr.Fog on Venerdì 18 Giugno 2004 01:18

Da ....................


  By: rael on Giovedì 17 Giugno 2004 22:59

Questa comincia a circolare da un po' di giorni, chi scrive è uno che al CME ci lavora: The entire S&P price action in the futures is being controlled by one counter party. All the guys frickin hate them: their CME clearing number is 990N and they clear through Gelbel trading. That one account is solely responsible for the current level of the S&P. They are the ones that are throwing the S&P up overnight. Then they are the ones that are sitting on the bid all day long, supporting the market action. The S&P pits have been decimated, absolutely ruined. There is no volatility, so all the traders have left. Now the hot pit is the Eurodollar pit. Go figure, that used to be like watching paint dry. All the traders I have talked to view the market as being rigged. They keep waiting for the price action to break loose, but it never does. They are stunned by the lack of volatility. And furious. "time after time after time 990 just sits there on the bid. Don't they ever go away. They just absorb the entire market and then push the price whereever they want it to go." Gee, I wonder who that counter party is. They are all terrified of shorting, because every time they do, they get drilled. I thought it was just my systems that weren't working that well, but they are far more dispirited than I. Why don't the traders front run 990N? Rest assured they try. But the buying is totally untrustworthy. The volume comes in as a blast, that blows the market in a direction. However, it stops just as quickly. Since no one else is eager to buy at these levels chasing the price action, after a volume blast, is death. You end up getting left holding the bag. And the support will disappear so quickly, that you end up holding a losing trade with nothing but air pockets below. It's like playing with fire. So, 990N blows the price action above resistance, then expects the floor guys to carry the market action through. Then, they try to sell into the carry through, leaving the floor guys holding the bag. Now, the floor guys refuse to chase anything. No dummies they.


  By: Mr.Fog on Giovedì 10 Giugno 2004 17:50

un 50 miliardi si tornano a spostare...." --------------------------- Grazie Giovanni, messa cosi' l'accetto pure io.


  By: GZ on Giovedì 10 Giugno 2004 12:37

ok, ma qui si cura molto il bon ton e le formalità se uno pensa che il prezzo delle azioni dipenda dal valore intrinseco del business queste considerazioni non servono se uno pensa che sia più una questione di domanda e offerta allora ragiona così: "... la borsa capitalizza in italia 400miliardi e rende in media un 4%.... la liquidità delle famiglie è di 900 miliardi e rende in media meno del 2% (nominale)... ed è anche salita dal livello di 700 miliardi e rotti di quattro anni fa per cui non è che da decenni sia a questo livello... forse se non succedono grossi disastri internazionali un 50 miliardi si tornano a spostare...."


  By: Mr.Fog on Mercoledì 09 Giugno 2004 18:02

Tanto per cominciare: 1) Non Ti permettere mai piu' di darmi del lei. 2) La mia liquidita'sparisce non (solo) per gli stipendi ma per pagare i fornitori (nel mio caso esteri). 3) Era solo una provocazione....(non sempre le cose sono come appaiono). Un Saluto Alex.


  By: GZ on Mercoledì 09 Giugno 2004 17:22

hmmm.... secondo lei a inizio mese nei conti correnti, postali e fondi di liquidità ci sono ad esempio 900 miliardi di euro e a fine mese invece che so 500 miliardi ?... tanto per dare un idea, l'ammontare Mensile degli stipendi pagati a fine mese saranno 50 miliardi


  By: Mr.Fog on Mercoledì 09 Giugno 2004 16:06

Una domanda forse in poco sciocca.... Ma tutta questa liquidita' e' stata misura in che giorno del mese? Anche io ho un "sacco di liquidita'" verso la fine di ogni mese ma per incanto sparisce tra il 5 e il 10 del mese successivo....e quando va bene mi ritrovo vicino allo 0.... accidenti!


  By: GZ on Mercoledì 09 Giugno 2004 15:56

900 miliardi in liquidità (tra l'altro misurati in dollari o yen valgono molto di piu di quanto non valessero 3 o 4 anni fa) sono un sacco di soldi per un paese con un pil di 1.000 miliardi di euro come l'italia sono risparmi che dovrebbero essere remunerati e invece in media non sono non rendono niente, ma in termini reali perdono e non servono a nessuno, non alle famiglie e non alle imprese o anche alle istituzioni finanziarie è una situazione molto anomala, in America tutti si lamentano che non ci sono risparmi e ci si indebita di qua e di la e intanto qui in Italia c'è un eccesso di risparmio liquido inutilizzato che ammuffisce La cosa curiosa è che questo succede mentre le borse mondiali hanno avuto i migliori 12 mesi o quasi come rendimento di borsa del dopoguerra e da un anno persino la borsa italiana non solo paga dividendi medi del 4% cosa mai successa, soprattutto in paragone al rendimento dei Botma è poco volatile e quindi poco rischiosa e persino le nuove emissioni come Hera, Asm B, Isagro, Pirelli RC, Socotherm.... hanno reso molto E la solita storia, le borse non solo hanno reso, ma la volatilità è scesa ai livelli più bassi degli ultimi OTTO ANNI e quindi il rischio è stato anche molto basso Se non accadono altre Parmalat e l'Iraq smette di spaventare comunque è giocoforza che si rimettano in movimento