God bless America

Re: God bless America  

  By: gianlini on Lunedì 18 Ottobre 2021 22:29

Nessuno fa una guerra nucleare .



Re: God bless America  

  By: gip on Lunedì 18 Ottobre 2021 21:42

dopo le tante procazioni  alla fine si sono rotti i c..

La Russia sospenderà i legami diplomatici con la NATO dal 1° novembre - Lavrov

Re: God bless America  

  By: shera on Lunedì 18 Ottobre 2021 21:33

Nemmeno per Hong Kong si fa una guerra però è passata di mano

La guerra è improbabile ma anche Taiwan diventerà una provincia cinese

Il 5 maggio 2023 ho chiesto all'AI il miglior titolo da comprare a Piazza Affari: Banca Profilo, oggi scende dello 0,46% a 0.2180 Euro
Lo sbarco sulla Luna, la più grande truffa della storia del mondo, dopo il Covid.

Re: God bless America  

  By: Ganzo il Magnifico on Lunedì 18 Ottobre 2021 21:24

Nessuno fa una guerra nucleare per Taiwan.

Slava Cocaïnii!

Re: God bless America  

  By: pana on Lunedì 18 Ottobre 2021 20:23

chissa se sara taiwan il casus belli ?

IIs it merely coincidence that John described the effects of nuclear warfare in sequence?

  1. Sky rolls apart like a scroll (mushroom cloud) - Rev. 6:14
  2. Earth trembles and shakes, moving mountains and islands (nuclear shock waves) - Rev. 6:14
  3. Men hide in caves and rocks of the mountains (nuclear bunkers) - Rev. 6:15
  4. Stars fall to the earth (ICBMs landing) - Rev. 8:10
  5. One third of the earth is burned (nuclear firestorms) - Rev. 8:7
  6. One third of the oceans become like blood (black rain) - Rev. 8:8
  7. One third of the earth’s drinking water is contaminated (radiation poisoning) - Rev. 8:11
  8. Sun is darkened and moon becomes like blood (nuclear winter) - Rev. 8:12
  9. Horrible sores break out on Antichrist’s followers (petechiae sores/melanomas) - Rev. 16:2,11
  10. Men are scorched by the sun (ozone depletion) - Rev. 16:8-9
  11. Antichrist’s followers are blinded (photophthalmia) - Rev. 16:10

World War 3 in Bible Prophecy - Christian Evidence

Serena Bortone legge il testo di Antonio Scurati a "Che Sarà" - YouTube

Re: God bless America  

  By: XTOL on Lunedì 18 Ottobre 2021 09:09

Re: God bless America  

  By: pana on Lunedì 18 Ottobre 2021 07:43

o mama...questa se la legga resilienza

gli viene uno s-c-cioopone- 


in germania negozi vietati ai non vaccinati

Vaccine über alles: Stores in Germany's Hesse now can ban all unvaccinated customers (eturbonews.com)

Supermarkets in Hesse, Germany have been granted permission to deny the unvaccinated the right to buy food and other essentials.


Serena Bortone legge il testo di Antonio Scurati a "Che Sarà" - YouTube

Re: God bless America  

  By: XTOL on Venerdì 15 Ottobre 2021 09:35

presuntuoso cretino, ti bevi la storiella che gli italiani sono una razza superiore?


Re: God bless America  

  By: antitrader on Venerdì 15 Ottobre 2021 09:28

In Lombardia la vaccinazione e' all'80%.

Dove stanno tutti sti morti? (al netto di quei tre quattro al giorno che muoiono di covid).

Te le bevi proprio tutte eh? Stupido webbete !


Re: God bless America  

  By: XTOL on Venerdì 15 Ottobre 2021 09:02

COVID-19 vaccines result in far more deaths in just 10 months than all other vaccines combined for the last 30 years

Data from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) shows that the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines had been associated to the deaths of 16,310 people since December last year. Prior to that, there had only been 6,214 people who died from all vaccines approved by the Food and Drug Administration  .

There have also been more permanent disabilities, life-threatening reactions and hospitalizations from COVID-19 vaccines compared to all other mandated jabs in the past 30 years. The database has also recorded 2,102 fetal deaths following the inoculation of the COVID-19 shots in pregnant women.

Yet, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) continues to tell American people and pregnant women that it is safe to get a COVID-19 vaccine.

Record number of people suffering from adverse effects

The CDC admits that there are risks of thrombosis and heart diseases from the COVID-19 vaccines, especially among younger males. However, they brush aside these known side effects as “rare” and continue to push people to get the shots despite the risks.

The VAERS database is open to the public to fact-check their claims. As of October 1, there had been 12,553 cases of thrombosis recorded through VAERS, resulting in 589 death, 869 permanent disabilities and 2,543 life-threatening events for people who took COVID-19 shots in the first 10 months of rollout. Using the same data for all the vaccines in the past 30 years, there have been 487 cases of thrombosis resulting in 18 deaths, 65 permanent disabilities and 110 life-threatening events.

Since the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccines, there had been 26 times more cases of blood clots and 33 times more deaths from blood clots than cases and deaths due to blood clots following all other types of vaccinations in the past 30 years.

Senior citizens over the age of 65 comprise 76 percent of the recorded deaths following the COVID-19 vaccination, which translates to 12,396 deaths. Before the COVID-19 vaccination, there had only been 1,068 people over the age of 65 who died from any of the previous types of vaccines in the past 30 years.

Older adults are among the hardest hit by the coronavirus pandemic. People 65 years and older represent nearly 80 percent of all COVID-19 deaths as of September 29. At the same time, these older adults are among the first to receive the vaccine and have the highest vaccination rates among all age groups, with 83.3 percent fully vaccinated.

Despite these numbers, the CDC and the FDA still approved the booster dose for this age group.

COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations rise among vaccinated

In Pennsylvania, COVID-19 infections and hospitalizations . Officials say that the majority of people in the area are vaccinated, but it is likely that the protection has already waned.

The Department of Health data on so-called breakthrough infections shows that between September 5 and October 4, about a quarter of infections and nearly 5,000 hospital admissions across the state were among vaccinated individuals. As more people get vaccinated, there are also more vaccinated people who contract the virus and eventually wind up in the hospital.

The situation in Pennsylvania mirrors the national impact of the virus. COVID-19 cases accounted for 14 percent of U.S. hospitalizations and 16 percent of deaths in June and July – about twice the percentage compared to earlier in the year.

 Last edited by: XTOL on Venerdì 15 Ottobre 2021 09:05, edited 1 time in total.

Re: God bless America  

  By: XTOL on Venerdì 15 Ottobre 2021 09:00

Un po’ di numeri dagli USA
(Segnalazioni spontanee)

I vaccini anti-covid hanno ricevuto in 10 mesi molte più segnalazioni di decessi rispetto alla somma di tutti gli altri vaccini insieme negli ultimi 30 anni.

Ci sono anche più di duemila segnalazioni di morti in utero.

Re: God bless America  

  By: XTOL on Giovedì 14 Ottobre 2021 23:14

Re: God bless America  

  By: XTOL on Giovedì 14 Ottobre 2021 23:00

e come lo deve chiamare, presuntuoso cretino?

"le gioie della inoinculata"?

Re: God bless America  

  By: antitrader on Giovedì 14 Ottobre 2021 21:24


ma te che vedi gomplotti, servizi segreti, infiltrazioni e false flag anche quando vai  a cagare, com'e'

che poi ti fidi de primo pisquano che ti racconta che il vaccino ti accoppa?


Re: God bless America  

  By: antitrader on Giovedì 14 Ottobre 2021 21:13

Xstolto, visto che ormai sei approdato a uno stato di demenza irreversibile e definitiva,

posso solo affidarti ai congiunti.

Ma insomma ? Un cazzaro qualsiasi fa ll sito "eventi avversi" e tu lo pigli sul serio ?

Cosa vuoi che ci scriva du "eventi avversi"? Un cumulo di puttanate !

Ma rob de matt !