Re: God bless America ¶
By: XTOL on Lunedì 05 Agosto 2019 21:18
dai, chissà che il partito non le tolga lo stipendio da troll!
By: Bullfin on Lunedì 05 Agosto 2019 21:11
:) dai ti do una mano :)....
FULTRA 10 MARZO 2020: Qui sotto la fotocopia dal vero "cialtrone medio italico" : Antitrader. Fatene una copia del pensiero per i posteri e quando tra 50 anni vorranno capire perchè l' talia sia finita miseramente
By: Bullfin on Lunedì 05 Agosto 2019 20:35
Xtol...c'è qualche problema??
FULTRA 10 MARZO 2020: Qui sotto la fotocopia dal vero "cialtrone medio italico" : Antitrader. Fatene una copia del pensiero per i posteri e quando tra 50 anni vorranno capire perchè l' talia sia finita miseramente
By: gianlini on Domenica 21 Luglio 2019 20:38
Interessante questo Margolis
by Eric Margolis | 5 Comments | Add a Comment
July 13, 2019
Turkey has just called Donald Trump’s bluff by going ahead with the purchase of Russian S-400 anti-aircraft missiles. The outrage in Washington is volcanic. Trump is vowing to rain fire and brimstone sanctions down on the disobedient Turks.
The S-400 is Russia’s premier anti-air missile. It is believed highly effective against all forms of aircraft – including stealth planes – cruise missiles, medium range ballistic missiles, drones, and some other types of missiles. It offers the choice of a self-directing version with its own radar seeker, or a less expensive, ‘semi-active’ version that is guided by its launch-battery radar.
What makes this AA missile (SS-21 in NATO terminology) particularly deadly is its remarkable 400 km range. The S-400 is said by Russia to be able to unmask stealth aircraft. I’ve been told by Soviet security officials as far back as 1990 that their radars could detect US stealth aircraft.
The missile’s remarkable range and detection capability puts at risk some of the key elements of US war fighting capability, notably the E-3 AWACS airborne radar aircraft, US electronic warfare aircraft, tankers and, of course, fighters like the new stealth F-35, improved F-15’s, F-22’s and B-1, B-2 and venerable B-52 heavy bombers used to carry long-ranged cruise missiles.
The Russian AA system can ‘shoot and scoot’ – firing and then quickly moving. Even more important, the S-400 system costs about half the price of its leading competitor, the US Patriot PAC-2 system. The S-400 may also be more reliable and accurate. The Great White Father in Washington is not happy.
The Trump administration brought heavy pressure on Turkey not to buy the S-400, threatening to cancel Turkey’s order for 100 of the new, stealthy F-35’s. Few thought the Turks would defy the US on this issue, but they failed to understand the depths of Turkey’s anger at the US.
Most Turks believe that the US engineered the failed 2016 coup against the democratic government in Ankara working through a shadowy religious organization run by the spiritual-political leader, Fethullah Gulen, who lives in exile in the United States. Turkey’s elected president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, had been too independent-minded for Washington, clashing over US policy to Syria and the Gulf. He had also incurred the wrath of America’s Israel lobby for demanding justice for the Palestinians.
Turkey is now under economic attack by Washington. President Trump is threatening sanctions (read economic warfare) against Turkey, an old, loyal US ally. During the Korean War, Turkish troops saved American soldiers from Chinese encirclement. But Turks are mostly Muslim, and Muslims are hated by Trump and his allies.
S-400 missiles are now arriving in Turkey. What will Trump do? Cancel sale to Turkey of the F-35 and other military equipment or spare parts. Threaten to oust Turkey from NATO. Get Israel and Greece to menace Turkey.
Turkey can live without the F-35. It’s too expensive and may be more vulnerable than advertised. The Turks can get similar, less expensive warplanes from Russia. India and China are both buying the S-400. Even the Saudis may join them though Moscow is delaying the sale. S-400’s are also stationed in Syria with Russian forces and are slated to go to sea in a naval version.
If the US reacts with even more anger, Turkey could threaten to withdraw from NATO and kick the US out of its highly strategic air base in southeast Turkey at Incirlik. It’s worth recalling that Turkey provided NATO’s second largest army after the US. Someone has to remind the deeply unknowing Trump that NATO without Turkey will be declawed. Equally important, that a Turkey unconstrained by NATO membership, will seek sources of oil which it lacks and desperately needs, and new alliances.
Only a century ago, Iraq’s rich oil fields used to be part of the Ottoman Empire until taken away by the British and French imperial powers. The days of a subservient, tame Turkey may be ending.
By: pana on Venerdì 19 Luglio 2019 11:24
ma come? il trampone doveva chiuderele basi militari estere ed invece li manda in arabia saudita'???
(ma non era lui che in campagna elettorale diceva che l11 settembre lo han fatto i sauditi?)
il principino bin salman teme un colpo di stato...e chiama aiuti
By: antitrader on Venerdì 19 Luglio 2019 09:56
spiegale a tua sorella (se ne hai) le tue fregnacce. Te lo ripeto, non e' roba per te. ti mancano perfino i basics,
ma se fai lo scolaretto disciplinato, qualcosa si puo' ancora fare.
Ti sei lasciato risucchiare come un pollastrello in mezzo ai somari che "stampa&magna", "svaluta&esporta",
"e allora il Giappone?", valli a vedere i numeri dei Giappone.
Ciao ragazzo! (un po' cosi').
By: antitrader on Venerdì 19 Luglio 2019 09:02
l'unica cosa positiva del trumpanaro era che non faceva le guerre, adesso manda i soldati in quel ces di paese
che e' l'arabia saudita (noto stato di "diritto") a difendere quei cazzari negri di bianco vestiti col turbante in testa.
Adesso siamo al completo. Cosi' voto' il popolo (munnezza).
Usa: esercito torna in Arabia Saudita per contrastrare minaccia Iran |
MILANO (MF-DJ)--Il Pentagono invierà centinaia di truppe in Arabia Saudita per contrastare potenziali minacce provenienti dall'Iran e dai suoi alleati, hanno detto gli ufficiali statunitensi. La mossa segna il ritorno dell'esercito degli Stati Uniti nel Regno dopo il ritiro del 2003. Le forze americane saranno di nuovo assegnate alla base aerea di Prince Sultan, che era stata chiusa all'esercito americano dalla caduta di Baghdad in seguito all'invasione americana dell'Iraq, hanno detto funzionari ed esperti. |
By: pana on Lunedì 15 Luglio 2019 06:47
scoperti su facebook vergognosi gruppi dei border police usa, pieni zeppi di commenti razzisti e sesssisti
bleah da vomutare
il kuklux klan che ritorna
Facebook keeps saying it’s getting better at filtering out racist, sexist, and other hateful content. But if it’s struggling to do so with public posts, the company may have an even harder time with private posts behind tightly closed doors. Case in point: the multiple secret Facebook groups of US Customs and Border Protection agents that reportedly share that type of content.
In case you missed it, earlier this month, A.C. Thompson at ProPublica revealed the existence of a secret Facebook group including current and former CBP officials called “I’m 10-15,” a reference to the Border Patrol’s code for “aliens in custody.” The group, created in 2016 and with some 9,500 members, posted sexist and racist memes, including jokes about migrant deaths and doctored pictures of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY). CNN subsequently reported over the July Fourth weekend that there is a second secret CBP group, “The Real CBP Nation,” with similarly offensive content.
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