By: GZ on Martedì 24 Luglio 2007 00:34
Morgan Stanley Europa nota oggi che le società europee in media costano ora 20 volte gli utili, (non gli indici che sono pesati per cui Eni da sola bilancia altre 90 società...) e questo è il valore medio più alto mai verificatosi (nel 2000 la maggioranza delle società europee medie e piccole costava DI MENO, ma la cosa era oscurata dai media-telecom-tech... Tiscali, Ericsson, Tim, Infineon, Espresso... che costavano 70 o 100 volte gli utili)
Inoltre nota che negli ultimi 20 anni l'indice europeo MSCi Europe che contiene tutte le società europee ha avuto tre correzioni di almeno il 30%, per la precisione un -58% (2001-2002), un -30% (1998) e un -34% (1987), per cui se tornasse indietro di un -15% ad esempio non sarebbe niente di speciale, ma dopo cinque anni in cui non succede si fa fatica ad immaginarlo
...If history is any guide, this could point to a global stock market slide as soon as August. Morgan Stanley's model suggests a 14pc fall, or 2,000 points off the Dow.
"This is not the first time that equity markets take their time to react to bad news," said the bank's chief Europe strategist, Teun Draaisma. "The fundamentals have deteriorated. Equities have reached all-time highs despite higher rates, wider spreads, higher oil, Chinese tightening, and a stronger euro.
"There is a widespread belief in continuation of good global growth without inflation. While we are not expecting a recession for another two to three years, we believe chances are high that this belief will be seriously tested soon."
Mr Draaisma added that ever clearer signs of "stagflation" would soon start weighing on confidence.
The current pattern looks similar to the relentless rise in spreads from February to September 2000 when the stock markets finally tipped over. Mr Draaisma said the iTraxx Crossover index measuring risk appetite for high-yield bonds touched bottom at around 170 in February. It has since jumped to 320 - mostly this month - implying at 150 basis point rise in the cost of raising capital.
Morgan Stanley said the trigger for a stock market fall could be a sudden unwinding of yen "carry trade" from Japan, a major source of global liquidity. The Bank of Japan in expected to raise rates a quarter point to 0.75pc in August.
The worst stock market falls have been -58.4pc after the dotcom bust, -34.3pc in October 1987 and -30.8pc in a two-month shake-out after Russia defaulted in 1998, as measured on the MSCI Europe index.
Morgan Stanley said its "value indicator" shows that the median stock in Europe is now selling at a record high price-to-earnings ratio of near 20. This measure includes smaller and mid-size companies.
The price/earnings ratios on big blue-chip companies are much lower, hence the widespread belief that stocks are "cheap".
Mr Draaisma's study found that worst performing stocks at times of widening spreads are financial and industrial groups. Among the worst losers in previous bouts have been Man Group (-39pc), Swedbank (-38pc) and Barclays (-35pc).
The best defensive stocks have been consumer staples such as Carrefour (+41pc), Unilever (+41pc) and Nestle (+39pc).