By: GZ on Martedì 14 Agosto 2007 16:57
il Financial times e anche il Wall Street journal (un poco di meno, ma anche lui) sono tappezzati oggi di editoriali e commenti che dicono che questa volta la banca centrale non deve salvare gli hedge fund e gli speculatori abbassando i tassi e pompando liquidità come faceva Greenspan
il mercato si aspetta invece che Bernanke faccia proprio questo, secondo me i bonds possono prendere una legnata e il dollaro sale
...If central banks try to bail out Wall Street, it would lead to high inflation for years. The inflationary effect of loose monetary policy of the past was offset by the deflationary effect of globalisation. Now China and other developing countries are experiencing high and rising inflation. Loose money will go straight into inflation. The vicious cycle of the wage-price spiral of the 1970s has not occurred as both labour and capital still believe in the inflation-fighting credibility of the central banks. If they loosen up again to bail out Wall Street, this credibility may be squandered. The ensuing wage-price spiral could ruin the global economy for years to come.
What is occurring is an opportunity for central banks to restore their credibility. Markets have been taking more risk than they should because they believe that central banks will come to their aid during times of crisis, like now. The penchant of Alan Greenspan, former US Federal Reserve chairman, to flood the market with liquidity during financial instability is the genesis of this “central bank put”. As long as this expectation remains, financial bubbles will occur again and again. Now is the time to act. Let the crooks go bankrupt. Central banks should bury the Greenspan “put” for good.
Andy Xie is an independent economist in Shanghai