FED, BCE e Banche Centrali

Re: FED, BCE e Banche Centrali  

  By: gianlini on Venerdì 08 Giugno 2018 10:38

Basta Pana!!

Hai rotto!!! sempre la stessa solfa!!! abbiamo capito, non c'è bisogno che ad ogni notizia tu sia qui a rompere i maroni!

Re: FED, BCE e Banche Centrali  

  By: pana on Venerdì 08 Giugno 2018 10:37

ma...ma...cosa fate???

vi indebitate i una valuta non vostra !!!
ma cosa fate??

cedete sovranita ??

ma cosa fate?? stampate pesos argentini ...perche ????

perche non stampanp???

Argentina, prestito di 50 miliardi dal Fondo monetario internazionale

Il presidente argentino, Mauricio Macri, può brindare al successo. Il pericolo, per il momento, è scampato. L’economia argentina ritorna a respirare dopo l’incubo del corallito. Il Fondo Monetario internazionale ha infatti concesso un prestito di 50 miliardi di dollari (35 miliardi di euro), il 10 per cento del P

Russian Forces Storm U.S. Military Base In Niger; Pentagon Confirms Big Move Of Putin's Men - YouTube

Re: FED, BCE e Banche Centrali  

  By: hobi50 on Giovedì 07 Giugno 2018 12:30

Un pessimo esempio di democrazia diretta : far esprimere i cittadini su un argomento molto tecnico.


"On June 10, Swiss voters are likely to reject a referendum proposal to strip private banks of the ability to create money. But even if it fails now, the idea of “sovereign money” (or “Vollgeld” in German) won’t die. It’s worth considering where the experiment could take place and in what form.

The basic idea of Vollgeld is to make sure money no longer comes in the form of debt — that is, a liability booked against an asset, as when a bank issues a loan. In the Swiss proposal, the central bank would control the money supply and become the keeper of all checking accounts, which would no longer pay interest. The Swiss National Bank would then distribute the money it creates to local government and directly to citizens. Typically, banks lend far more money than they keep in deposits. The new plan would have the same effect as requiring them to hold 100 percent reserves against loans: The risk of bank runs should theoretically be eliminated and the financial system should be rock-solid.

Mainstream economists have expressed strong objections to the proposal. They point out that the SNB (which itself opposes the proposal) is no more qualified to determine the necessary quantity of money in the economy than private banks are by using credit-decision criteria. Opponents argue that saddling the SNB with this responsibility carries risks, including political ones.


QuicktakeWhy Vollgeld Makes the Swiss Central Bank Nervous


But few Swiss voters will delve into these arguments, let alone more detailed macroeconomic ones. Rather, they’ll remember that their country isn't known for bruising bank crashes. During the recent global financial crisis, the only lender whose clients had to be bailed out by Swiss deposit insurance was the local subsidiary of the bankrupt Icelandic bank Kaupthing.

Even so, bankers aren’t popular anywhere, even in Switzerland, which helps explain the relatively high (though insufficient) level of support for the Vollgeld proposal.

Even if yet another exciting economic experiment is nipped in the bud by the conservative Swiss (a basic income proposal died two years ago), it doesn’t mean the sovereign money experiment wouldn’t work anywhere. A successful test would be most effective in a country that, unlike Switzerland, experienced a truly painful systemic banking crisis (there were 147 between 1970 and 2011, according to the International Monetary Fund). Iceland was once considered a promising candidate for a trial. In 2008, not much was left of the country’s banking system after all the major lenders went belly up, creating an opportunity for a different monetary system. In fact, the head of the parliament’s Economic Affairs Committee proposed moving to “sovereign money” in 2015 — but by then the momentum had been lost because the situation was no longer desperate.

In other words, only a country with a small economy that is in dire straits could justify the kind of beyond-the-mainstream rethinking of money that even respected establishment figures such as Financial Times’s Martin Wolf would like a chance to watch somewhere.


The other problem with the Swiss proposal is that it risks obsolescence before it even gets off the ground. There are important similarities between Vollgeld and cryptocurrencies. As Beat Weber of the Austrian National Bank pointed out:

Projects like Bitcoin and Sovereign Money attract attention by suggesting that money is not safe unless it ceases to be a claim on an issuer. Instead, it should become a pure asset and be put under strict quantity control. Neglecting the inevitable dependence on others involved in holding money or any other non-consumable asset, the underlying idea is that commodity-like money would enable individual possession of money without dependence on an issuer which may suddenly become unable to make good on its promise.

The architects of the Swiss Vollgeld proposal recognize certain “points of contact” between crypto and their idea. Nevertheless, “a grand love affair between Vollgeld and Bitcoin is hardly possible,” according to one of the authors, the economist Reinhold Harringer. Perhaps, he suggested, the blockchain technology could be used to keep track of currency in the new system, but that’s pretty much it. Not even that opportunity is developed in the proposal, which would rely on the banking system to carry out transactions even as checking accounts would no longer be on their balance sheets.

Ideally, a Vollgeld proposal should have a technical section containing a tested mechanism for running the system. It would either exclude banks altogether or explain how they should function, and still make a profit, in the new environment. 

Daring to try crypto-based Vollgeld would require more than just getting rid of credit-based money. It might be worth developing and testing the technical side of such a system, perhaps in a small community. A noteworthy experiment is taking place in the Russian village of Kolionovo, where farmers and small businesses use a local cryptocurrency to pay one another. A successful test of the currency would make it ready to be tried in a crisis-hit nation to supplant a dysfunctional banking system.



Re: FED, BCE e Banche Centrali  

  By: gianlini on Giovedì 07 Giugno 2018 11:11

Pana, l'avevo pensato anche io

Ma attento!, che Torino è il centro delle messe nere e dei riti satanici, quindi forse la scelta di tale località non è casuale.....


Re: FED, BCE e Banche Centrali  

  By: pana on Giovedì 07 Giugno 2018 11:07

oh oh grande pericolo, il segretissimo gruppo Billderberg si riunisce a torino...

infatti e' cosi segreto che si sa: dove si riuniscono

quando si riuniscono

e chi sono i partecimpanti

per l italia i pericolsi cospiratori sono: lili gruber.john elkann,, il cardinale parolini, gli economista alesina e azzuccato e vittorio colao di vodafone

oh oh pericolo aiutooooooo

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 Last edited by: pana on Giovedì 07 Giugno 2018 11:08, edited 1 time in total.

Re: FED, BCE e Banche Centrali  

  By: pana on Mercoledì 06 Giugno 2018 10:31

sono nuovi posti di lavoro dsponibili ma non ancora assegnati

ma vedreai che ora rriva shera e ci dice che sono tutte notize false, fake balle..


Russian Forces Storm U.S. Military Base In Niger; Pentagon Confirms Big Move Of Putin's Men - YouTube

Re: FED, BCE e Banche Centrali  

  By: gianlini on Martedì 05 Giugno 2018 19:15

non ho capito cosa sono i job openings

le nuove posizioni lavorative aperte?


 Last edited by: gianlini on Martedì 05 Giugno 2018 19:15, edited 1 time in total.

Re: FED, BCE e Banche Centrali  

  By: Ganzo il Magnifico on Martedì 05 Giugno 2018 18:07

US Job Openings Hit Record High, Exceed Number Of Unemployed Workers

Slava Cocaïnii!

Re: FED, BCE e Banche Centrali  

  By: pana on Martedì 05 Giugno 2018 16:24

a..mamm come? possibile?

avro letto male? ma se i brasiliani hanno sovranita monetaria e valutaria perch esi fanno comprare da noi che siamo de.sovranizzati?

Enel conquista il 73,4% di Eletropaulo. Ma può salire ancora entro il 4 lugli


Enel conquista il 73,4 per cento capitale della società brasiliana di distribuzione Eletropaulo. L'adesione all'offerta pubblica di acquisto è avven

Russian Forces Storm U.S. Military Base In Niger; Pentagon Confirms Big Move Of Putin's Men - YouTube

Re: FED, BCE e Banche Centrali  

  By: hobi50 on Lunedì 04 Giugno 2018 16:23

Questa volta W.Munchau del F.T è supelativo


 It is unfortunate that so many Europeans treat European integration as an act of faith. The Brexit debate pits Europhile true believers against sceptical atheists, which is why we are talking about the two equally absurd propositions: a second referendum and a hard Brexit.Italians treat the question of their euro membership in a similar way. You either belong to this camp, or that. If you are, like me, somewhere in the middle, people feel confused. I believe it is reasonable for a struggling country such as Italy to remain in the eurozone for as long as there is the faintest hope that the relationship is sustainable. It was the unconditional pro-Europeanism of Italy’s past leaders that gave rise to the current nationalist backlash. Previous governments accepted European legislation that was profoundly against Italian interests. There was the rule to count Italy’s contributions to the European Stability Mechanism, the bloc’s rescue umbrella, as relevant in the calculation of the maximum-allowed deficit. Then the acceptance of a bank resolution law that would leave thousands of Italian savers unprotected. And worst of all, the agreement in 2012 to accept the fiscal compact, which effectively requires Italy to run balanced budgets. If former prime ministers had been more ruthless, the anti-European backlash would be milder.I find it equally silly for the Five Star Movement and the League to have raised the issue of an all-out confrontation with the EU in the way they did. The idea of asking the European Central Bank to write off Italian debt purchased as part of the quantitative easing programme was mad. The notion appeared in a first draft of the coalition agreement and was later dropped. It is absurd on many levels. For starters, most of the Italian debt is held by the Bank of Italy, not the ECB. If they want to take on the eurozone, they have to smarten up. My first piece of advice to them is to drop the unilateralism and take a transactional view — setting out conditions that would allow Italy to remain and prosper in the eurozone.As a first priority, Giuseppe Conte, Italy’s prime minister, should stake a strong position at this month’s European Council in the debate on eurozone governance. Angela Merkel has rejected virtually every substantive part of the reforms proposed by Emmanuel Macron. Mr Conte should consider supporting the French president to impress on the German chancellor the exorbitant costs of a German “no”. Pedro Sánchez, the Socialist party leader who was sworn in on Saturday as Spain’s prime minister, might help strengthen such an alliance. Italy: a timeline of turmoil  Mr Conte should make the point that an unreformed eurozone has little chance of survival. Until now, the best argument for Italy to remain in the euro is to hope that the eurozone will eventually be reformed. If we know for certain that is not going to happen, the argument shifts. It is not Italian politics that kills the euro, but a lack of reforms in the eurozone and Germany’s massive current account surplus.The best way to confront the eurozone policy is from within. Italy could use its weight in the upcoming appointments of the EU’s most important jobs: the presidents of the European Commission, the European Council and the ECB. There are deals and trade-offs to be made. Do not talk about a unilateral exit until all else has failed.Secondly, the Keynesian fiscal boost outlined by Italy’s coalition government is well intended but too large. They should tone it down and accompany a mildly expansionary fiscal policy with some targeted structural reforms, to the banking sector, the judicial system and public administration. Thirdly, there is nothing wrong with a genuine plan B, a list of measures to roll out if a crisis makes continued eurozone membership unsustainable. I would be surprised if the previous government did not have such a plan deep in a drawer. But plan A should be resisted: creating a situation that would inexorably lead to eurozone exit. It was suspicions of such a plan that persuaded Sergio Mattarella, the Italian president, to veto Paolo Savona as finance minister.And finally, do not even think about asking the electorate to cast a vote on Italy’s euro membership. This would be self-defeating for any politician who dares ask the questions. Eurozone exit is an accident to be prepared for, not an outcome to seek. I doubt an Italian government would survive it. As for the rest of us, we should stop treating this new government as some unexpected shock. The populist government is the logical consequence of 20 years of economic mismanagement by Italy’s centre-left and centre-right parties. That is what caused the mess.If you are really pro-euro, my advice is to stop treating the euro as an article of faith but fight for its sustainability. That fight cannot be won in Italy alone. It requires big policy shifts in Brussels too.munchau@eurointelligence.com

Re: FED, BCE e Banche Centrali  

  By: pana on Lunedì 04 Giugno 2018 12:34

si si prima l italia, prima gli italiani, poi quando si tratta din imboscare i soldini

preferiscono lussemburgo, lugano.etc..etc..

dovremmo aspettarci altri casi belsito?

altre cartelle "the family" come ai tempi di bossi^???

qui non e' il signor pana chelo chiede, ma il popolo italiano che vuole esercitara la sua SOVRANITA INFORMATIVA

vogliono sapere,

strano che le iene sono andati a rompere per la colf della findazata di fico e invece per i conti offhsore tutti muti tutti insilnezio


Esclusivo: alla Lega sovranista di Matteo Salvini piace offshore

Da Bergamo al Lussemburgo, via Lugano. Lungo questa direttrice si dipanano gli affari dei cassieri del partito scelti dal segretario neo ministro degli Interni. L'inchiesta su L'Espresso in edicola domenica 3

ci dica ci dica

aspettiamo risposte e non ASSORDANTI SILENZI


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 Last edited by: pana on Lunedì 04 Giugno 2018 12:35, edited 1 time in total.

Re: FED, BCE e Banche Centrali  

  By: hobi50 on Giovedì 31 Maggio 2018 09:36

Anche sul FT ogni tanto si leggono castronerie sulla politica monetaria.


 "One tool for the ECB would be its ability to buy bonds in unlimited quantities under what is known as its Outright Monetary Transactions programme, to stem a run on deposits".


Una fuga dai depositi non viene combattuta con l'OMT.

In questo caso l'effetto è la perdita di  base monetaria( e per inciso l'aumento dei saldi debitori Target2 ).

Per combattere la situazione di scarsa base monetaria e banche non attive sull 'interbancario ,la soluzione sono le operazioni di rifinanziamento tipo LTRO 1 e LTRO 2.

Ma quelle sono state operazioni Europee non ripetibili ora in quanto ci sarebbe un surplus di base monetaria dappertutto e non in Italia.

A parte ciò fa specie che ,ad altissimo livello,ci siano questi errori concettuali.


Re: FED, BCE e Banche Centrali  

  By: muschio on Mercoledì 21 Marzo 2018 22:36

Lo vedi, Anti?

Hai votato PDS! Poi ti sei parzialmente ravveduto...e così è con la questione monetaria....all'inizio tu non ci capisci mau un casso!

Adesso, però, posso capire che la moneta è una materia ostica........ma votare PDS figliolo benedetto! Ma eri proprio rincitrullito all'epoca!

Re: FED, BCE e Banche Centrali  

  By: antitrader on Mercoledì 21 Marzo 2018 13:50


ma quale PD? Digerii a mala pena la bolognina, poi basta, dopo il PDS solo Di Pietro e poi Grillo.

Pero' se rifanno il PCI lo voto ancora, sempre Comunista sono! (e la cialtroneria proprio non la sopporto).



Re: FED, BCE e Banche Centrali  

  By: shera on Mercoledì 21 Marzo 2018 11:35

Infatti il debito pubblico non rende i politici corrotti onesti, sai cosa gliene frega???

sono i pasti gratis di chi ha capitali enormi e non sa come investirli

strana contraddizione... perchè per fare soldi avresti dovuto creare valore....

ovvero una persona onesta che si è arricchita sa sempre come investire

infatti non parliamo di individui ma di istituzioni, direi che il cerchio è chiuso

Il 5 maggio 2023 ho chiesto all'AI il miglior titolo da comprare a Piazza Affari: Banca Profilo, oggi scende dello 0,46% a 0.2180 Euro
Lo sbarco sulla Luna, la più grande truffa della storia del mondo, dopo il Covid.