911, il free della home


  By: GZ on Lunedì 02 Agosto 2004 12:15

Dovrebbero mettere lei dott Jose al ministero degli interni, così rassicura i mercati e non abbiamo questi sciocchi cedimenti degli indici al lunedì mattina. Ad ogni modo ci sono anche notizie positive nel mondo da non sottovalutare: ieri l'altro il ministro degli esteri della Somalia ha reagito con fermezza al ricatto dei terroristi che hanno rapito due autisti somali in Iraq. Ha detto che se non li mollano i somali a decapitarano degli irakeni a caso che si trovino in Somalia. Dopo che l'hanno criticato ha spiegato che non prenderà l'iniziativa il governo somalo, ma che lui incoraggia i somali a farlo di loro iniziativa


  By: DOTT JOSE on Sabato 31 Luglio 2004 13:19

tranqulli non succedera niente , questi sono solo dei burloni alla amici miei che fanno ste zingarate per poi ridersela sotto i baffi.. sanno che non possono dirottare nessun aereo..i passeggeri si rivolterebbero subito....


Altre storie sui ^" Test Runs" : il conto alla rovescia è iniziato - gz  

  By: GZ on Lunedì 26 Luglio 2004 04:33

Piano piano si stanno moltiplicando le storie sui ^" Test Runs" che degli elementi islamici stanno conducendo su dei voli interni americani#www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2004/07/25/wfly25.xml&sSheet=/news/2004/07/25/ixworld.html^ Oggi per la prima volta su Google News vedo che arrivano su parecchie pubblicazioni ^e ci sono altri casi#news.google.com/url?ntc=0M2C1&q=http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dws/news/city/collin/opinion/stories/072504dnccoresponse.eae1.html^ oltre quello che ho riportato qui (anche se, incredibilmente, i media importanti continuano a ignorare queste storie che stanno facendo il giro di internet) Questi "Test" consistono in gruppi di elementi di provenienza araba sui 20-30 anni che si presentano su un volo separatamente e poi sull'aereo si riconoscono, si raggruppano tutti e cominciano attività sospette, ad esempio alternarsi alla toilette a turno di continuo con borse piene, spostarsi all'interno dell'aereo tutti assieme, alzarsi in piedi e mettersi a parlare al cellulare al momento dell'atterraggio... In un caso che è stato riportato questa settimana un appartenente a questi gruppi aveva smontato parte della toilette vicina alla cabina di pilotaggio come se cercasse di arrivarci dall'esterno Se si legge la sensazione è che stiano conducendo dei "test" veri e propri, delle prove generali questa estate e dato che però finora non hanno fatto niente di violento o veramente illegale nessuno può arrestarli, anzi devono stare attenti per non essere denunciati per discriminazione Del resto il report finale della commissione sull' 11 settembre ha dimostrato ora che i terroristi del 2001 prima di attaccare si erano mossi su aerei di continuo in gruppo e in base al buon senso avrebbero dovuto essere considerati dei "sospetti" Ma come allora evidentemente le autorità hanno le mani legate perchè devono aspettare che succeda qualche cosa per intervenire e non possono concentrare i controlli su nessun "profilo tipico" del terrorista. Per cui continua la farsa dei controllori che devono scegliere sempre a caso di perquisire controllando bene una vecchia signorina o una ragazzina bionda e lasciando passare un medio orientale di vent'anni perchè le regole federali sono che ^non puoi perquisire nessun gruppo etnico in particolare dettaglio ma tutti in proporzioni e misura uguali#news.google.com/url?ntc=0M2C1&q=http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dws/news/city/collin/opinion/stories/072504dnccoresponse.eae1.html^ Comunque alla fine sommando i sintomi costituiti da questi "Test" e il fatto che Al Qaeda vuole influenzare l'elezione di novembre in USA colpendo appena prima, (come ha fatto con successo in spagna), sembra che il conto alla rovescia per i prossimi aerei-bomba sia iniziato


  By: Mr.Fog on Martedì 20 Luglio 2004 22:27

In piu',giusto per fare un poco di conversazione, direi di fare attenzione agli ultimi sviluppi della storia Iran/nucleare/Israele/Russia. Non mi pare che si possa credere che un paese con tanta disponibilita' di petrolio cerchi di sviluppare la tecnologia nucleare solo come fonte di energia alternativa. Infatti: Israel Ready to Strike Iran By Leslie Wetzel Talon News July 20, 2004 TEL AVIV, ISRAEL (Talon News) -- Israel has conducted military exercises for a preemptive strike against several of Iran's nuclear power facilities and is ready to attack if Russia supplies Iran with rods for enriching uranium, Israeli officials told reporters.


  By: Mr.Fog on Martedì 20 Luglio 2004 22:03

A questo punto se vogliono davvero danneggiarlo NON devono fare alcun attentato e potrebbe non essere rieletto, invece un attentato in USA farebbe volare il suo gradimento e sarebbe rieletto. --------------------Mark, Market talk -------------------------- Ammettendo che il popolo Americano di fronte ad un nuovo attentato si stringerebbe intorno ai propri simboli di liberta' e democrazia, siamo sicuri che i terroristi preferiscano Kerry a Bush? Queste sono affermazioni di Kerry riguardo alla guerra ed al terrorismo: «Non accuso George W. Bush di fare troppo nella guerra contro il terrorismo, penso al contrario che non faccia abbastanza» [27 febbraio 2004] «Una volta eletto, sostituirò l’isolazionismo di Bush con una nuova era di alleanze. Certamente, la guerra fredda è finita, ma i nuovi pericoli che ci attendono rendono più indispensabile che mai la presenza di alleati al nostro fianco» [3 dicembre 2003] «I nostri nemici non potranno mai dubitare della mia risolutezza a servirmi della forza, se risulterà necessario» [3 dicembre 2003] E ancora: L’impegno americano a difendere l’indipendenza e la sopravvivenza di Israele non dovrà mai vacillare» fonte:http://www.disinformazione.it/kerry2.htm


  By: GZ on Martedì 20 Luglio 2004 15:37

i voli interni in america sono decine di migliaia ogni giorno, c'è gente che prende 4 aerei al giorno, solo i voli internazionali hanno veri controlli, un volo interno USA sui cui vedessi salire, come nel caso descritto qui sotto, diversi elementi medio orientali lo salterei perchè i controlli non sono sufficienti


  By: Gozzer on Venerdì 16 Luglio 2004 18:43

Certo la storia e' molto dettagliata, noto anche la cosa che a bordo c'erano gia' molti agenti in borghese (non e' certo routine, specialmente proprio per la quantita' di voli) In ogni caso come altre volte dopo qualche settimana e cioe' dopo le investigazioni del caso, la cosa verra' resa pubblica e lo sapremo dai tg sicuramente, bisogna solo aspettare.... Pero' una cosa.... ma allora noi siamo molto piu' avanti!!! a me ed a altri un mese fa' in un volo interno qui in italia la valigia l'hanno passata nei raggi X persino all'arrivo!


  By: GZ on Venerdì 16 Luglio 2004 14:07

Nessun media ha riportato finora questa storia anche se si tratta di un resoconto dettagliato di un esperienza vissuta da una scrittrice molto rispettata che successivamente ha contatto giornali come il washington post e il LA times e che ha diversi testimoni. Solo il giornale per cui direttamente scrive alla fine ha accettato di pubblicarlo dopo averlo esaminato per due settimane per trovare riscontri. (I giornali aamericani importanti hanno un dipartimento "verifica dei fatti" in cui lavorano dozzine di persone che hanno il compito, prima di pubblicare un articolo, di controllare le circostanze citate andando a parlare con testimoni che corroborino quello che dice l'autore) L'episodio è avvenuto il 29 giugno. Il 30 giugno era la data del passaggio di poteri in Iraq per la quale si temevano attentati e che all'ultimo momento era stata anticipata al 28 giugno. Per cui era il giorno dopo questo annuncio a sorpresa, poche ore dopo che era stato insediato a sorpresa il nuovo governo irakeno. Sono ignorante sul fatto se buttando qualche cosa nella toilette di un aereo questo rimanga sull'aereo o venga disperso nell'atmosfera. Al di là di questo dettaglio il punto è che sui voli interni americani le cose funzionano come ha descritto, essendo migliaia ogni giorno con milioni di persone in transito in aereporti di tutti i generi a differenza di quelli internazionali (che sono cinquanta volte meno di numero) non ci sono veri controlli. L'unica speranza sarebbe se ci si concentrassse sugli elementi potenzialmente sospetti. Ma le regole americane attuali sono che se più di due passeggeri appartententi a un "profilo" (ad es "Giovane Arabo Maschio") vengono controllati la linea aerea viene multata o denunciata. Due compagnie sono state già messe sotto inchiesta e hanno pagato multe di milioni di dollari perchè nel 2001 avevano controllato in particolare dei passeggeri mediorientali. Per cui ora i regolamenti sono che i controlli vanno distribuiti a caso su tutti i passeggeri per non discriminare a sfavore di nessun gruppo e se controlli un passeggero maschio arabo poi non puoi controllarne anche altri sullo stesso volo, ma devi controllare una donna europea o un uomo di mezza età bianco o messicano ecc... per evitare una denuncia da parte del Dipartimento di Giustizia. E' una politica suicida, ma il clima culturale è quello e tutti si adeguano Mettendo assieme questi elementi è abbastanza evidente cosa succederà, prima o poi un volo INTERNO americano verrà fatto saltare (dirottarlo ora è più difficile perchè i piloti non aprono più la porta dell'abitacolo, ma forse lo scopo di assemblare un ordigno sull'aereo è quello di far saltare l'ingresso della cabina...).


  By: Gozzer on Venerdì 16 Luglio 2004 12:23

Zibordi pero' converra' anche lei che questa storia e' molto a rischio di essere una bufala, primo per la questione che non si sa' niente dell'eventuale arresto di queste persone, una volta atterrato penso che tutti i passeggeri si sarebbero accorti dell'arresto, per prendere 12 persone che escono dal fingher non credo si possa essere molto discreti secondo per la storia stessa.... ok smembrare una bomba in 12 pezzi puo' rendere difficile il riconoscimento ai raggi x della sicurezza prima di imbarcarsi ma 12 persone di aspetto islamico hanno una percentuale altissima che almeno uno venga perquisito e se solo uno viene beccato tutto il progetto fallisce no? e credo che proprio negli USA i controlli dei bagagli a mano e delle persone sospette (mediorientali) sia minuzioso


  By: Mr.Fog on Venerdì 16 Luglio 2004 10:58

Si legge piuttosto spesso di possibili attentati e di cosa potrebbe accadere ai mercati nella malaugurata ipotesi che questi pazzi riescano nel loro intento. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Based on so-called "credible" reports, Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge has warned that Osama is now "planning to disrupt the November elections". A large scale attack on American soil is said to be planned by Al Qaeda during the presidential election campaign: "... Credible reporting indicates that Al Qaeda is moving forward with its plans to carry out a large-scale attack in the United States in an effort to disrupt our democratic process... This is sobering information about those who wish to do us harm... But every day we strengthen the security of our nation." (Quoted in AP, 8 July 2004) "Possible targets" include the Democratic National Convention in July and the Republican Convention in New York in August. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Ma non ci siamo mai chiesti cosa potrebbe accadere se anche senza attentati ma solo a causa delle minacce l'amministrazione americana decidesse di innalzare l'allarme a ROSSO................. A code red alert, according to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) , would create conditions for the ("temporary" we are told) suspension of the normal functions of civilian government, implying the cancellation or postponement of federal and State elections.


  By: gianlini on Venerdì 16 Luglio 2004 10:40

Certo che sono forti 'sti musulmani capisco immolarsi in 19 per far fuori 4 aerei e due grattaciali ma in 12 per confezionare una bombetta per un solo aereo..... proprio non sanno cosa farsene di sta vita....(e allora perchè non gliela togliamo preventivamente??)

Una storia incredibile apparsa ieri su un attentato fallito il 29 giugno su un volo in america - gz  

  By: GZ on Venerdì 16 Luglio 2004 02:20

Questa e' una storia incredibile apparsa ieri su uno dei periodici del wall street journal e che ho trovato citata in almeno tre siti che scorro alla sera e sta facendo il giro dell'america. E' di interesse pratico per chi viaggiasse in aereo negli Stati Uniti (come capita spesso purtroppo a me) e di interesse generale perche' anticipa il tipo di evento traumatico che occorre aspettarsi nel prossimo futuro. Il racconto e' lungo, ma scritto molto bene e riporta l'esperienza di un viaggo da costa a costa in america dell'autrice con la famiglia in cui in sostanza si e' ritrovata testimone di un tentativo di un gruppo islamico di assemblare una bomba sull'aereo portandone i pezzi ciascuno. L'autrice si e' trovata su un aereo in volo per 4 ore, volo Northwest Airlines #327 da Detroit a Los Angeles il 29 giugno in cui erano saliti una dozzina di personaggi di aspetto mediorientale che si erano seduti in punti diversi dell'aereo, ma che una volta decollati si erano spostati nella stessa sezione dell'aere e parlavano tra loro come se fossero d'accordo, muovendosi continuamente sull'aereo e alternandosi alla toelette con delle borse piene e uscendone con la borse semi vuote (in aggiunta apparentemente uno aveva una gamba con un arto artificiale). Il comportamento del gruppo di arabi su questo aereo aveva progressivamente terrorizzato tutti i passeggeri perche' in pratica per due ore avevano occupato la toelette e vi si incontravano di continuo portandosi appresso diverse borse ogni volta: l'autrice e il marito avevano a un certo punto contattato gli assistenti di volo che a loro volta avevano risposto sussurrando che i piloti avevano avvertito la base e che c'erano dei poliziotti in borghese nascosti sull'aereo che erano pronti a intervenire. Ad un certo punto di questo andirivieni e di una serie di manovre degli assistenti di volo, l'autrice stessa essendo seduta vicina a questi personaggi ha notato un gesto di diniego (una specie di "no")rivolto da uno degli arabi verso quello che sembrava il loro capo e da quel momento si era calmato la situazione e alla fine il volo era atterrato. Ad attenderli c'erano pero' decine di agenti in borghese. Nonostante l'evidente paura di tutti i passeggeri e personale di volo e l'intervento della polizia non sono apparse notizie di arresti o niente altro a riguardo sulla stampa finora e questo pezzo del WSJ di cui l'autrice e' collaboratrice e' il primo che solleva il caso. Nel corpo del pezzo sono riportate oltre ai dettagli aghiaccianti della storia altre notizie apparse di recente riguardo al fatto che ci sono indizi che i terroristi sembrano cercare i mezzi per assemblare bombe all'interno dell'aereo portandone in modo separato dei componenti semplici ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Terror in the Skies, Again? By Annie Jacobsen On June 29, 2004, at 12:28 p.m., I flew on Northwest Airlines flight #327 from Detroit to Los Angeles with my husband and our young son. Also on our flight were 14 Middle Eastern men between the ages of approximately 20 and 50 years old. What I experienced during that flight has caused me to question whether the United States of America can realistically uphold the civil liberties of every individual, even non-citizens, and protect its citizens from terrorist threats. On that Tuesday, our journey began uneventfully. Starting out that morning in Providence, Rhode Island, we went through security screening, flew to Detroit, and passed the time waiting for our connecting flight to Los Angeles by shopping at the airport stores and eating lunch at an airport diner. With no second security check required in Detroit we headed to our gate and waited for the pre-boarding announcement. Standing near us, also waiting to pre-board, was a group of six Middle Eastern men. They were carrying blue passports with Arabic writing. Two men wore tracksuits with Arabic writing across the back. Two carried musical instrument cases - thin, flat, 18" long. One wore a yellow T-shirt and held a McDonald's bag. And the sixth man had a bad leg -- he wore an orthopedic shoe and limped. When the pre-boarding announcement was made, we handed our tickets to the Northwest Airlines agent, and walked down the jetway with the group of men directly behind us. My four-year-old son was determined to wheel his carry-on bag himself, so I turned to the men behind me and said, "You go ahead, this could be awhile." "No, you go ahead," one of the men replied. He smiled pleasantly and extended his arm for me to pass. He was young, maybe late 20's and had a goatee. I thanked him and we boarded the plan. Once on the plane, we took our seats in coach (seats 17A, 17B and 17C). The man with the yellow shirt and the McDonald's bag sat across the aisle from us (in seat 17E). The pleasant man with the goatee sat a few rows back and across the aisle from us (in seat 21E). The rest of the men were seated throughout the plane, and several made their way to the back. As we sat waiting for the plane to finish boarding, we noticed another large group of Middle Eastern men boarding. The first man wore a dark suit and sunglasses. He sat in first class in seat 1A, the seat second-closet to the cockpit door. The other seven men walked into the coach cabin. As "aware" Americans, my husband and I exchanged glances, and then continued to get comfortable. I noticed some of the other passengers paying attention to the situation as well. As boarding continued, we watched as, one by one, most of the Middle Eastern men made eye contact with each other. They continued to look at each other and nod, as if they were all in agreement about something. I could tell that my husband was beginning to feel "anxious." The take-off was uneventful. But once we were in the air and the seatbelt sign was turned off, the unusual activity began. The man in the yellow T-shirt got out of his seat and went to the lavatory at the front of coach -- taking his full McDonald's bag with him. When he came out of the lavatory he still had the McDonald's bag, but it was now almost empty. He walked down the aisle to the back of the plane, still holding the bag. When he passed two of the men sitting mid-cabin, he gave a thumbs-up sign. When he returned to his seat, he no longer had the McDonald's bag. Then another man from the group stood up and took something from his carry-on in the overhead bin. It was about a foot long and was rolled in cloth. He headed toward the back of the cabin with the object. Five minutes later, several more of the Middle Eastern men began using the forward lavatory consecutively. In the back, several of the men stood up and used the back lavatory consecutively as well. For the next hour, the men congregated in groups of two and three at the back of the plane for varying periods of time. Meanwhile, in the first class cabin, just a foot or so from the cockpit door, the man with the dark suit - still wearing sunglasses - was also standing. Not one of the flight crew members suggested that any of these men take their seats. Watching all of this, my husband was now beyond "anxious." I decided to try to reassure my husband (and maybe myself) by walking to the back bathroom. I knew the goateed-man I had exchanged friendly words with as we boarded the plane was seated only a few rows back, so I thought I would say hello to the man to get some reassurance that everything was fine. As I stood up and turned around, I glanced in his direction and we made eye contact. I threw out my friendliest "remember-me-we-had-a-nice-exchange-just-a-short-time-ago" smile. The man did not smile back. His face did not move. In fact, the cold, defiant look he gave me sent shivers down my spine. When I returned to my seat I was unable to assure my husband that all was well. My husband immediately walked to the first class section to talk with the flight attendant. "I might be overreacting, but I've been watching some really suspicious things..." Before he could finish his statement, the flight attendant pulled him into the galley. In a quiet voice she explained that they were all concerned about what was going on. The captain was aware. The flight attendants were passing notes to each other. She said that there were people on board "higher up than you and me watching the men." My husband returned to his seat and relayed this information to me. He was feeling slightly better. I was feeling much worse. We were now two hours into a four-in-a-half hour flight. Approximately 10 minutes later, that same flight attendant came by with the drinks cart. She leaned over and quietly told my husband there were federal air marshals sitting all around us. She asked him not to tell anyone and explained that she could be in trouble for giving out that information. She then continued serving drinks. About 20 minutes later the same flight attendant returned. Leaning over and whispering, she asked my husband to write a description of the yellow-shirted man sitting across from us. She explained it would look too suspicious if she wrote the information. She asked my husband to slip the note to her when he was done. After seeing 14 Middle Eastern men board separately (six together, eight individually) and then act as a group, watching their unusual glances, observing their bizarre bathroom activities, watching them congregate in small groups, knowing that the flight attendants and the pilots were seriously concerned, and now knowing that federal air marshals were on board, I was officially terrified.. Before I'm labeled a racial profiler or -- worse yet -- a racist, let me add this. A month ago I traveled to India to research a magazine article I was writing. My husband and I flew on a jumbo jet carrying more than 300 Hindu and Muslim men and women on board. We traveled throughout the country and stayed in a Muslim village 10 miles outside Pakistan. I never once felt fearful. I never once felt unsafe. I never once had the feeling that anyone wanted to hurt me. This time was different. Finally, the captain announced that the plane was cleared for landing. It had been four hours since we left Detroit. The fasten seat belt light came on and I could see downtown Los Angeles. The flight attendants made one final sweep of the cabin and strapped themselves in for landing. I began to relax. Home was in sight. Suddenly, seven of the men stood up -- in unison -- and walked to the front and back lavatories. One by one, they went into the two lavatories, each spending about four minutes inside. Right in front of us, two men stood up against the emergency exit door, waiting for the lavatory to become available. The men spoke in Arabic among themselves and to the man in the yellow shirt sitting nearby. One of the men took his camera into the lavatory. Another took his cell phone. Again, no one approached the men. Not one of the flight attendants asked them to sit down. I watched as the man in the yellow shirt, still in his seat, reached inside his shirt and pulled out a small red book. He read a few pages, then put the book back inside his shirt. He pulled the book out again, read a page or two more, and put it back. He continued to do this several more times. I looked around to see if any other passengers were watching. I immediately spotted a distraught couple seated two rows back. The woman was crying into the man's shoulder. He was holding her hand. I heard him say to her, "You've got to calm down." Behind them sat the once pleasant-smiling, goatee-wearing man. I grabbed my son, I held my husband's hand and, despite the fact that I am not a particularly religious person, I prayed. The last man came out of the bathroom, and as he passed the man in the yellow shirt he ran his forefinger across his neck and mouthed the word "No." The plane landed. My husband and I gathered our bags and quickly, very quickly, walked up the jetway. As we exited the jetway and entered the airport, we saw many, many men in dark suits. A few yards further out into the terminal, LAPD agents ran past us, heading for the gate. I have since learned that the representatives of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD), the Federal Air Marshals (FAM), and the Transportation Security Association (TSA) met our plane as it landed. Several men -- who I presume were the federal air marshals on board -- hurried off the plane and directed the 14 men over to the side. Knowing what we knew, and seeing what we'd seen, my husband and I decided to talk to the authorities. For several hours my husband and I were interrogated by the FBI. We gave sworn statement after sworn statement. We wrote down every detail of our account. The interrogators seemed especially interested in the McDonald's bag, so we repeated in detail what we knew about the McDonald's bag. A law enforcement official stood near us, holding 14 Syrian passports in his hand. We answered more questions. And finally we went home. Home Sweet Home The next day, I began searching online for news about the incident. There was nothing. I asked a friend who is a local news correspondent if there were any arrests at LAX that day. There weren't. I called Northwest Airlines' customer service. They said write a letter. I wrote a letter, then followed up with a call to their public relations department. They said they were aware of the situation (sorry that happened!) but legally they have 30 days to reply. I shared my story with a few colleagues. One mentioned she'd been on a flight with a group of foreign men who were acting strangely -- they turned out to be diamond traders. Another had heard a story on National Public Radio (NPR) shortly after 9/11 about a group of Arab musicians who were having a hard time traveling on airplanes throughout the U.S. and couldn't get seats together. I took note of these two stories and continued my research. Here are excerpts from an article written by Jason Burke, Chief Reporter, and published in The Observer (a British newspaper based in London) on February 8, 2004: Terrorist bid to build bombs in mid-flight: Intelligence reveals dry runs of new threat to blow up airliners "Islamic militants have conducted dry runs of a devastating new style of bombing on aircraft flying to Europe, intelligence sources believe. The tactics, which aim to evade aviation security systems by placing only components of explosive devices on passenger jets, allowing militants to assemble them in the air, have been tried out on planes flying between the Middle East, North Africa and Western Europe, security sources say. ...The... Transportation Security Administration issued an urgent memo detailing new threats to aviation and warning that terrorists in teams of five might be planning suicide missions to hijack commercial airliners, possibly using common items...such as cameras, modified as weapons. ...Components of IEDs [improvised explosive devices]can be smuggled on to an aircraft, concealed in either clothing or personal carry-on items... and assembled on board. In many cases of suspicious passenger activity, incidents have taken place in the aircraft's forward lavatory." So here's my question: Since the FBI issued a warning to the airline industry to be wary of groups of five men on a plane who might be trying to build bombs in the bathroom, shouldn't a group of 14 Middle Eastern men be screened before boarding a flight? Apparently not. Due to our rules against discrimination, it can't be done. During the 9/11 hearings last April, 9/11 Commissioner John Lehman stated that "...it was the policy (before 9/11) and I believe remains the policy today to fine airlines if they have more than two young Arab males in secondary questioning because that's discriminatory." So even if Northwest Airlines searched two of the men on board my Northwest flight, they couldn't search the other 12 because they would have already filled a government-imposed quota. I continued my research by reading an article entitled Arab Hijackers Now Eligible For Pre-Boarding from Ann Coulter (www.anncoulter.com): "On September 21, as the remains of thousands of Americans lay smoldering at Ground Zero, [Secretary of Transportation Norman] Mineta fired off a letter to all U.S. airlines forbidding them from implementing the one security measure that could have prevented 9/11: subjecting Middle Eastern passengers to an added degree of pre-flight scrutiny. He sternly reminded the airlines that it was illegal to discriminate against passengers based on their race, color, national or ethnic origin or religion." Coulter also writes that a few months later, at Mr. Mineta's behest, the Department of Transportation (DOT) filed complaints against United Airlines and American Airlines (who, combined, had lost 8 pilots, 25 flight attendants and 213 passengers on 9/11 - not counting the 19 Arab hijackers). In November 2003, United Airlines settled their case with the DOT for $1.5 million. In March 2004, American Airlines settled their case with the DOT for $1.5 million. The DOT also charged Continental Airlines with discriminating against passengers who appeared to be Arab, Middle Eastern or Muslim. Continental Airlines settled their complaint with the DOT in April of 2004 for $.5 million. From what I witnessed, Northwest Airlines doesn't have to worry about Norman Mineta filing a complaint against them for discriminatory, secondary screening of Arab men. No one checked the passports of the Syrian men. No one inspected the contents of the two instrument cases or the McDonald's bag. And no one checked the limping man's orthopedic shoe. In fact, according to the TSA regulations, passengers wearing an orthopedic shoe won't be asked to take it off. As their site states, "Advise the screener if you're wearing orthopedic shoes...screeners should not be asking you to remove your orthopedic shoes at any time during the screening process. " (Click here to read the TSA website policy on orthopedic shoes and other medical devices.) I placed a call to the TSA and talked to Joe Dove, a Customer Service Supervisor. I told him how we'd eaten with metal utensils moments in an airport diner before boarding the flight and how no one checked our luggage or the instrument cases being carried by the Middle Eastern men. Dove's response was, "Restaurants in secured areas -- that's an ongoing problem. We get that complaint often. TSA gets that complaint all the time and they haven't worked that out with the FAA. They're aware of it. You've got a good question. There may not be a reasonable answer at this time, I'm not going to BS you." At the Detroit airport no one checked our IDs. No one checked the folds in my newspaper or the content's of my son's backpack. No one asked us what we'd done during our layover, if we bought anything, or if anyone gave us anything while we were in the airport. We were asked all of these questions (and many others ) three weeks earlier when we'd traveled in Europe -- where passengers with airport layovers are rigorously questioned and screened before boarding any and every flight. In Detroit no one checked who we were or what we carried on board a 757 jet liner bound for American's largest metropolis. Two days after my experience on Northwest Airlines flight #327 came this notice from SBS TV, The World News, July 1, 2004: "The U.S. Transportation and Security Administration has issued a new directive which demands pilots make a pre-flight announcement banning passengers from congregating in aisles and outside the plane's toilets. The directive also orders flight attendants to check the toilets every two hours for suspicious packages." Through a series of events, The Washington Post heard about my story. I talked briefly about my experience with a representative from the newspaper. Within a few hours I received a call from Dave Adams, the Federal Air Marshal Services (FAM) Head of Public Affairs. Adams told me what he knew: There were 14 Syrians on NWA flight #327. They were questioned at length by FAM, the FBI and the TSA upon landing in Los Angeles. The 14 Syrians had been hired as musicians to play at a casino in the desert. Adams said they were "scrubbed." None had arrest records (in America, I presume), none showed up on the FBI's "no fly" list or the FBI's Most Wanted Terrorists List. The men checked out and they were let go. According to Adams, the 14 men traveled on Northwest Airlines flight #327 using one-way tickets. Two days later they were scheduled to fly back on jetBlue from Long Beach, California to New York -- also using one-way tickets. I asked Adams why, based on the FBI's credible information that terrorists may try to assemble bombs on planes, the air marshals or the flight attendants didn't do anything about the bizarre behavior and frequent trips to the lavatory. "Our FAM agents have to have an event to arrest somebody. Our agents aren't going to deploy until there is an actual event," Adams explained. He said he could not speak for the policies of Northwest Airlines. So the question is... Do I think these men were musicians? I'll let you decide. But I wonder, if 19 terrorists can learn to fly airplanes into buildings, couldn't 14 terrorists learn to play instruments? To receive any follow-up articles about Annie's experience, go to www.WomensWallStreet.com and register to become a member. You will receive an e-mail notifying you of any subsequent articles on this subject. 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  By: Moderatore on Venerdì 21 Novembre 2003 23:12



  By: dardarg on Lunedì 16 Settembre 2002 11:40

ma chi sei lanci? togli la maschera tu sei un mito, una leggenda vivente un talento straordinario con la tua ironia riesci a far dimenticare i danari persi come nessuno sei il campanile del forum propongo uno spazio a pagamento sul sito dedicato esclusivamente a te se fossi un editore ti offrirei la luna strong buy lanci


  By: Novartis on Domenica 15 Settembre 2002 20:55

PESO SPECIFICO DEL BERLUSCA: Nel servizio televisivo sul Berlusca a Camp David si nota che l'ospite è inavvertitamente arrivato senza cravatta. Il presidente americano per rispetto ha tolto la sua e, si nota di sfuggita, l'ha fatta togliere alle sue guardie del corpo. Credo che a Prodi D'alema o Dini li avrebbero obbligati ad annodarsi un calzino al collo della camicia. Detto questo sempre dal TG arriva la notizia che i servizi di sua maestà hanno scoperto che i bracci destri di Bin Ladin, (Bracci destri? ma Bin Ladin non era ferito al sinistro?) sono irakeni. E pronte le bombe. Vuoi vedere che saddam riesce a piazzare un'atomica prima che riescona afargli la pelle? Saluti Giovanni