Black out (Fusione Fredda, Andrea Rossi....)


  By: Nevanlinna on Giovedì 20 Agosto 2015 23:08

Materiale interessante, il diamante. A latere.


  By: Melchior! on Giovedì 20 Agosto 2015 23:04

^Pseudoskepticism Skeptopathy Cryptodenialism #^ Grazie Lmwillys! Eccellente sintesi! #F_START# size=1 color=black face=Helvetica #F_MID# #i# #b#True skeptics:#/b# Question everything and take nothing on faith, even from established institutions. Ask questions to try to understand new things and are open to learning about them. Apply critical examination and inquiry to all sides, including their own. Withhold judgment and do not jump to rash conclusions. Seek the truth and consider this their main goal. Think in terms of possibilities rather than in preserving fixed views. Fairly and objectively weigh evidence on all sides. Acknowledge valid convincing evidence rather than ignoring or denying it. Possess common sense and reason. Are able to adapt their paradigms to new evidence and update their hypothesis to fit the data. Understand the difference between the scientific process and the scientific establishment. Acknowledge that the scientific establishment is subject to politics, corruption, control, censorship and suppression and therefore must be critically examined and scrutinized, rather than taken on faith, especially in the light of contrary evidence to their claims. Will admit they are wrong when the evidence calls for it. #b#Pseudoskeptics:#/b# Do not ask questions to try to understand new things, but judge them by whether they fit into orthodoxy. Apply “critical thinking” only to that which opposes orthodoxy or materialism, but never to the status quo itself. Immediately judge as false and “debunk” anything that contradicts their paradigm. Are not interested in truth, evidence or facts, only in defending their views. Cannot think in terms of possibilities, but see their paradigms as fixed. Are willing to lie and deceive to discredit their opponents. Automatically dismiss and deny all data that contradicts their orthodoxy. Are judgmental and quick to draw conclusions about things they know little or nothing about. Scoff and ridicule what they oppose instead of using objective analysis and examination. When faced with evidence or facts they can’t refute, use semantics, word games, ad-hominems, straw men and denial to try to obfuscate the issue. Unable to adapt their paradigms to new evidence, and deny data which doesn’t fit into them. View the scientific establishment as a religion and authority to be taken on faith and never questioned or challenged. Do not understand the difference between the scientific process/methodology and the scientific establishment institution. Assume that the scientific establishment is objective and unbiased and free of politics, corruption, control, censorship and suppression for no other reason than blind faith in authority. Will never admit that they are wrong no matter what, regardless of evidence. #b#Skeptopaths:#/b# Have a tendency to deny, rather than doubt. Have double standards in the application of criticism. Make of judgments without full inquiry. Have a tendency to discredit, rather than investigate. Use ridicule or attacks in lieu of arguments. Label their proponents pejoratively. Present insufficient evidence or proof. Assume criticism requires no burden of proof. Make unsubstantiated counter-claims. Make counter-claims based on plausibility rather than empirical evidence. Suggest that unconvincing evidence is grounds for dismissing it. #/i# #F_END#


  By: robi2 on Giovedì 20 Agosto 2015 23:03

>Rossi si è studiato circa 1200 pubblicazioni scientifiche L'hai letto sul Topolino o sulla Settimana Enigmistica? Glu, Glu, Glu. Cor daffà che c'aveva a nun fa cascà la saponetta nella doccia, c'hai vojia a legge 1200 pubbliccazzioni!


  By: Lo_Spinoso on Giovedì 20 Agosto 2015 22:51

Sapevo una distanza inferiore, ma forse ricordavo male io. Dico, tra nucleo ed elettroni. E tra due nuclei? Di un diamante, per esempio. Quanto potrebbe essere "corta" dove fosse più "corta"? Facciamo che gossero solo 12 km (tra un pallone e l'altro) anziché > di 12 mila. Che sia questo il problema per cui persino le stelle non "fondono" in un istante più breve di qualche miliardo di anni? E lei, Lmwyllis, quando la pianterà di bersi qualsiasi fregnaccia?

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  By: lmwillys5S on Giovedì 20 Agosto 2015 21:25

carino l'articolo della giornalista investigativa ... quel maschiaccio calorimetricofallito di mary yugo, il Papp-denigratore stipendiato a tempo pieno gary wright watkins, ecc. ecc. metto un pezzetto della risposta ad un cacakazzo e ... dedico l'articolo ai nostri affezionati 'cimpo-scettici' 'LENR works because atomic nuclei are not sperical by a long shot, hence Coulomb forces are orders of magnitude lower in certain places. The emDrive works because it pushes against the "ether" inside of it, and the Ether flows though matter, so there is actual thrust, there is an actual push against something physical, namely against the Epola.' Rossi si è studiato circa 1200 pubblicazioni scientifiche cold fusion nell'anno in carcere .... mah ... io avrei preferito roba più leggera Alan è quasi pronto per il primo esperimento GS4


  By: LEN4-Eye on Mercoledì 19 Agosto 2015 16:40


  By: Nevanlinna on Mercoledì 19 Agosto 2015 16:24

Dielettrico è meglio.


  By: LEN4-Eye on Mercoledì 19 Agosto 2015 14:43


  By: ptorr on Mercoledì 19 Agosto 2015 09:48

Bene, non c'entra niente con le LENR, ma ritengo sia una notizia affascinante:


  By: Nevanlinna on Mercoledì 19 Agosto 2015 01:44

OH MY GOD! La concorrenza ... . Ma è roba vecchia e rimasticata. ""


  By: Lo_Spinoso on Mercoledì 19 Agosto 2015 00:45

Ma anche la fondamentale spiegazione dell'influenza di Giove in opposizione con Urano avrebbe il suo fascino...

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  By: Nevanlinna on Mercoledì 19 Agosto 2015 00:33

E' attesa per ottobre la fondamentale spiegazione LENR di Jean-François Geneste. Mettetevi le cinture e aspettattevi qualcosa di simile all'allegato.


  By: Lo_Spinoso on Mercoledì 19 Agosto 2015 00:16

Se c'è "una guerra nell'INFN", nessuno scettico se n'è accorto, neppure quelli che all'INFN lavorano. Sembra molto l'uscita di un fuffaro. Oppure ci sono almeno due fusionisti all'INFN e si stanno accappigliando tra loro (magari pure in privato).

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  By: Nevanlinna on Martedì 18 Agosto 2015 23:04

Scherzano, o sono degli idioti. ""


  By: ptorr on Martedì 18 Agosto 2015 22:48

Pare che nessuno alla Airbus conosca questo Geneste...