la Fiera dei Milionari a Mosca - gz
By: GZ on Domenica 25 Novembre 2007 22:36
Questa settimana ^a Mosca c'è la Fiera dei Milionari#moscow millionaire fair^, una cosa che non fanno neanche a New York, la più grande esibizione di lusso del mondo, vai a vedere il sito.
Allo stesso tempo la vita media degli uomini è 59 anni in Russia oggi più bassa di 4 anni di quando c'era Brezhnev, solo in alcune regioni dell'africa muiono di più
Con 130 milioni di abitanti in Russia hanno 30 mila omicidi l'anno, in Italia con 58 milioni di abitanti ne abbiamo 1.700. Hanno più incidenti stradali di qualunque paese altro industrializzato benchè abbiano meno auto, più Aids di qualunque altro paese eccetto il sudafrica e alcuni paesi africani, 10 volte più incidenti aerei della media OCSE, tre aborti per ogni nascita....
...Because of the low birthrate and the high mortality rate, Russia is losing an average of 700,000 people per year. In 2006, the mortality rate was 15.2 deaths per 1,000 people, and the birthrate was just 10.4 births per 1,000 people. While the birthrate is low compared to other industrial states, the death rate, particularly among working-age males, is astonishing. Life expectancy for Russian males is only 59 years, five years below what it was 40 years ago and 13 years lower than the life expectancy of Russian women--one of the largest gaps in the world.[8] The current solution of stimulating births by paying over $4,000 per baby may create a hereditary welfare problem where there now is none and encourage growth among both Russia's Muslim population and its urban and rural poor.
The incidence of cardiovascular disease and cancer in the Russian population is among the highest in the world and accounts for the surge in Russian mortality rates. External (preventable) causes, such as accidents, account for 15 percent of deaths.[9] Even with fewer cars per capita than other industrial states, the number of deaths in traffic-related accidents per 100,000 people is higher in Russia than in other industrialized countries. Homicide deaths reached 30,000 in 2006, equaling the number of deaths from accidental alcohol poisoning, but even more died from suicide.[10] Heavy alcoholism also helps to explain the high rates of heart disease. Many Russian men seem to choose lifestyles with ^dire health consequences......#^